Sweetheart's Castle pt1

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Get up.


I said get up.


...You are trying to be clever, aren’t you?

“Tired...please...rest...” He muttered.

Oh? So now you decide to talk back to me?

“...I am tired...please a little rest...” He grabbed his shoulders and began to shake, “Please…”

You are confusing, one moment you agree with me that you deserve this hell, and the next you want to stop? No wonder why they all hate you…

The voice was right. This is why he was hated by them...Then he remembered a voice. One he knows well.

“Also about what you said before, about how we used to be friends…”

He felt a hand placed on to his shoulder supportively, though there was no one there.

“We are still friends!”

He felt tears pool in the corner of his eyes, remembering Kel’s words to him.

Those supportive words. The words that we're able to give him a slight joy. Ones that might have lessened his pain, even if it was just a bit.

Oh no. Not you thinking he was serious.

“What do you mean?” He asked the voice. It suddenly felt cold on his back, as if someone was wrapping themselves around him in a hug. The hug felt off though. Unsafe.

That was clearly just an act of pity! He only said that because he knew if he didn’t you would have cried like a little bitch!

“N-No, he meant it. I know Kel! He would-”

You haven’t spoken in four years! The years change people! Or don’t you think Aubrey is enough proof of that!?

“K-Kel isn’t like Aubrey, he wouldn’t have-” He stuttered.

Don’t give me that. Once again he only took pity because he sees you as a shard of his past that had barely changed. He likes you because you don’t change. He likes you because you're broken, miserable, human that he can play hero with.

“SHUT UP!” He grabbed the sketchbook and threw it. It looped around the room however and ended up hitting him from behind.

You're pathetic. Just the way they like you. A broken human for them to put back together and shatter again.

“P-please stop…” Tears fell from his eyes as he felt his chest tighten. Sobs ranged out in the empty room.

The cold on his back felt suffocating. Like the one hugging him turned it into a way to crush his organs.

...Useless trash. I will let you have the break you wanted so badly. Enjoy it.

He collapsed on the floor, tears still coming from his eyes. If he focused enough he could feel a light breeze through his hair, as if someone was stroking it gently.

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“Stay strong, Basil.”


Sweethearts castle was huge, to say the least. Hero knows for sure this place is going to be way bigger than the Junkyard they explored last time.

“So where do we even begin?” Aubrey asked the group.

Omori simply shrugged in response.

“Ah, why don’t we just pick a hallway and explore!” Kel suggested.

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