It is sunny out but still raining. Maybe a rainbow will appear?

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Sunny was sitting in his house. It was dead silent but when wasn't it? It has been awfully lonely since the accident four years ago.

Sunny missed everything from back then. He missed the piano notes he could hear coming through the floorboard cracks as his sister played a happy tune bringing life into the silent home when his father and mother weren't home.

Sadly, she wasn't here anymore to play those keys.

It has been five days since he was in the hospital. His mother canceled the move after some very long convincing from him and his friends about how leaving this place would hurt him emotionally.

He could never leave here, not after everything he felt, heard, seen, and has been a part of while in this small town.

Kel has been recently visiting him, making sure that Sunny wasn't alone that often. Hero had only two days left in Faraway before he had to go back to college, and Aubery had been out hanging with her friends, he didn't see her that much but she did stop by once to hand him some food.

To his surprise, she was the first one to forgive him after he told the truth behind Mari's death. She said that it would be hypocritical to blame him fully for her death when she almost killed Basil only a few days ago by shoving him in the water.

The only one he could tell hasn't fully forgiven him yet was Hero. He doesn't blame them, after all, he was one of the closest to Mari. They had been dating for a month and were the perfect couple.

Finally, there was Basil, his best friend and "partner in crime". He hasn't seen Basil since they were both in the hospital but he plans on changing that. After all, this week feels like it has been lasting forever, might as well go out and do something.

So Sunny got up and went downstairs. He and his mother have been slowly unpacking everything again so the ground was a mess. Covered in boxes left and right and furniture pieces on the floor.

Sunny ignored the mess and stepped outside into the evening sun, beginning his walk through town. The walk wasn't long, Basil only lived two minutes away, one minute if he felt like running.

He made it to Basil's house, the outside covered in gardening materials and small plants scattered about. After all these years, Basil still liked to plant flowers as a hobby. It was nice to know at least one thing didn't change.

Sunny knocked on the front door and patiently waited for a response. After a few seconds, he could hear feet on the other side of the door running around like they weren't expecting a visitor. It only took a few seconds after that for the door to open.

Basil revealed himself and Sunny gave him a simple wave hello.

The boy looked the same as ever but still covered in some bandages from the hospital. The black wound around his eye hasn't fully disappeared yet but was beginning to, so that was good at least.

"O-oh! Sunny! It's you! Um, y-you can come in." Basil invited him.

Sunny stepped inside to see the house looked the same as always. The empty picnic basket Mari gave him sat near the doorway that leads to a hallway. The kitchen was clean and the living room still had blankets out from the sleepover.

"I-I wasn't expecting you to visit. At all. Ever." Basil nervously stumbled over his words.

"Why wouldn't I come over?" Sunny asked.

"..." Basil stayed silent before shaking his head, "N-Never mind that! Would you like anything to eat? Polly went out shopping but we still have some food."

"Uh, sure?" Sunny went over to the dining room table and sat down. Basil followed shortly behind holding two plates of tofu, not Sunny's favorite but he can manage.

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