Fights with the Hooligans.

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Kel decided not to focus on Aubrey right now, Basil was more important.

“Hey, Basil! It has been a while since we all have talked. How have you been?” Kel began.

“Um, I have been well…” Basil trailed off, nervously rubbing his arm. He turned to Sunny and his eyes widened, “O-oh! Hey Sunny, it has, um, been a while...” Basil nervously stuttered.

“So, you wanna hang out with me and Sunny today?” Kel invited.

“As much as I want to, I should probably head home. My grandma hasn’t been doing so well and um-” Basil began to explain.

“Nah, dude! Don’t worry about it! Sucks your grandma isn’t doing well...want us to walk you home?” Kel offered, so at least he and Sunny can spend some time together with him.

“Y-yeah sure.” Basil accepted.

“Sweet! Let’s get going!” Kel grabbed both Sunny and Basil’s hand and proceeded to drag them around the block. It was going smoothly until a Wormhole from last night’s dream appeared on the sidewalk, grabbing the attention of all three teens.

“What the-” Basil whispered under his breath.

The group blinked and it was gone.

“Heh, I must still be a bit tired. Thought I saw something.” Kel nervously chuckled.

“...Did you mean the floating worm in a black hole? Cause I saw it as well…” Basil felt like he shouldn’t have said that.

Sunny’s eyes widened for a second as he looked at his friends. This didn’t go unnoticed by Kel or Basil, “Y-you both saw it too?” Kel muttered.

All three of them stood in silence for a moment, sweat suddenly appearing on their heads. Kel realized that maybe they could use a distraction, no way that was real...right?

“M-maybe we just saw something from the heat! That would explain it!” Kel decided to come up with a random excuse, “After all it is a hot day out!”

“It isn’t even that hot-” “YEP IT WAS THE HEAT, THANKS FOR AGREEING BASIL. LETS KEEP GOING TO YOUR HOUSE LALALA.” Basil was cut off by Kel as he continued to drag them to Basil’s house, completely trying to avoid any conversation about the wormhole.

Finally, after avoiding a conversation about Wormholes thanks to Kel shouting over Basil, they make it to Basil’s house!

“We finally arrived!” Kel grinned, still trying to shake the shivers off his back.

“Uh, thanks for walking me home…” Basil mumbled, somehow still hearable.

“No problem-o! If ya need something just grab me and I will help!” Kel reassured the boy, “Catch ya later!”

They were only a few steps away from Basil’s house before Basil yelled, “WAIT! PLEASE DON’T GO!”

Sunny and Kel have never turned around so quickly in their lives.

“A-ah! I mean, I um, I am sorry but I have a favor to ask…” Basil began.

“Anything dude!” Kel reassured. It must be serious if Basil is shouting.

“Well, something very important was taken from was from when we were friends....” Basil continued, “Remember how I used to take photos of everyone?”

“Of course I remember! Those photo’s meant everything to you!” Kel already had a feeling of where this was heading.

“Ah, right. Well you see, Aubrey took my photo album and-” “AUBREY STOLE THE ALBUM!?” Kel could feel the rage bubbling under his skin. He knew Aubrey was rude lately and hanging out with a bad crowd but for her to steal Basil’s photo album? Needless to say, he was pissed.

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