Let's head to the lake.

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“See? There he is! Told ya not to worry!” Kel grinned.

Sunny wore a confused look on his face as his eyes landed on Aubrey.

“Weren’t expecting me, were ya? That’s understandable.” Aubrey sighed.

“I wasn’t expecting you either...did you come here to hang out with us?” Kel asked.

“...Sorta...be glad I even showed up. I had to text Kim I wasn’t available to hang out today…I want to talk to both of you.” Aubrey explained.

“Oh! D-Do you wanna go to our old hangout spot?” Kel recommended.

“...Why not.” Aubrey sighed again.

“Sweet! C’mon Sunny! Let’s go!” Kel grabbed Sunny’s hand yet again and off the group went.


Basil looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He was all dressed and ready to help Hero later. He tried to muster the best smile he could muster onto his face but it looked strain.

How does Polly fall for this. It isn’t convincing. Everything he does isn’t convincing. He is an awful human being.

He shook his head aggressively, trying to shake the thoughts out of his head. He looked back at himself in the mirror. His eyes gave away that he was tired. Oh well, maybe he can convince Hero he had a simple bad dream-


W-Was that red line always across his neck?

He looked at it closer and his eyes widened in shock.

It was a rope burn mark.

His neck hurts.

Everything hurts.

The mark burnt his skin. It hurts. It hurts so bad. His neck is bleeding, the wound growing deeper. He can’t breathe. Everything is going black and it feels like his body is melting. He is dying. Or is he already dead? Someone, anyone, please help-!

He blinked.

There were no marks on his throat. No blood pouring down. Just him and the tears in his eyes.

...He hates looking at mirrors.

Maybe a trip to the old hangout spot will clear his mind.


The group was about to enter the park before Aubrey saw her gang hanging out in it.

“Shit. I can’t have them see me, they’ll probably butt in.” Aubrey groaned.

“Hmm, I am tall. Just stand behind me and no one will notice!” Kel suggested.

“...Fine but if I get seen I blame you,” Aubrey muttered.

Kel grinned as Aubrey stood closely behind him, forcing him to walk kind of sideways. Luckily, no one in the Hooligang appeared to have noticed.

They were able to make their way to the trees and bushes before passing through them. Their pants and shirts being caught on branches and bushes on the way through.

“We really need to trim this path…” Aubrey muttered.

“Eh, we could do it later, besides, we are now hanging out! So what do you guys want to do?” Kel asked excitedly.

Sunny shrugged as Aubrey looked around before saying, “I want to talk about last night.”

“Last night?” Kel asked as Sunny wore a face of confusion.

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