A dream

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He followed her silently, the girls back to him the entire time. He had seen her face before, but only for short amounts of time. They were now deep in the woods, the birds chirping lovely melodies, while little animals scurried through the bushes. Not once did he question her intentions, she was an angel. At least that's what he thought.

Eventually they made it to the edge of the forest, an amazing view in front of them. The sun was setting leaving the sky full of pinks and oranges. She stood still on a rock that overlooked a peaceful town. Her light blue dress swaying by her side.

"We made it," she cheerfully spoke, spinning around to face him. Her long, loose hair blowing in the wind, and a beaming smile planted on her face. He couldn't help but stare into her hypnotising eyes. Sadly the beautiful moment was ruined when her smile vanished and a panicked look washed over her. The last thing he heard was muffled yelling in the distance before springing up in his bed with a cold sweat. Rubbing at his droopy eyes, Eddie swung his legs over on the side of the bed to get up.

"Great another dream." He grabbed a t shirt out of the draw, lifting it over his head and pulling it down. Then he searched for a cigarette, tip toeing outside, lighting it with his lighter that was in his sweatpants. For a while, he stayed there, thinking over the dream and if he'd ever seen her before. After a bit he retreated back to his bed since school was tomorrow.


"I'm telling you man! She's perfect!" Eddie claimed, while Mike, Gareth and the others sat silently, listening to the bickering between him and Dustin. Every time he had a dream about her, the whole club would hear about it. When he got a closer look, the first thing he'd say to them the next day was what he saw. Always asking if any of them had ever seen her before.

"How do you know she even exists?" Dustin added.

"Do you know the thing about dreams?" Eddie questioned, staring straight at the kid then the rest of them. "If someone's in your dream... then you've seen them in real life before!" Most of them knew not to argue with him, just listen and nod their head, expect Dustin. 

"I've seen her before, I know it. Just can't remember where or when."

It was two nights later after his previous discussion with the club about the mysterious girl. After a while of tossing and turning in his bed, Eddie finally fell asleep. 

Him and the girl took a seat by a table at the back of a small cafe. A waiter approached them not long after, taking their orders. While they were waiting, it was fairly quiet. The girl constantly looking out the window beside them, looking rather unsettled, but he didn't ask why. When the water was set down on the table, she tapped the glass cup. 

"I thought it was over." She suddenly spoke, lifting her head to look at him.

"What, are you talking about?"

"Do you remember me?" He shook his head, confused at her random question. Was he supposed to? Did he really know her or was it just his mind playing games. How could he ever forget such a girl like her. "You need to remember me Eddie, he's coming." How did she know his name? And who was coming? The tense moment was interrupted when their breakfast was brought to them, causing her to go silent. When the waiter left again, she continued.

"If I had known he'd be back again, I wouldn't have done what I did a while ago." The more she said, the less he knew. "I'm coming to find you Eddie, but for now, be careful."

Once again, he told his friends what happened, but they didn't believe him saying his brain was messing with him. Although that didn't stop him, he always looked out for her. Things didn't stop there though, it only got worse. Him getting accused for murdering Chrissy Cunningham, more teenagers dying. Finding out his dear friend Dustin had gone through worse, that there was something much bigger going on. Was this what the girl meant? This Vecna guy that was just supposed to be a DND character. At least this meant she was real right? Even through everything that happened for the next week, she was always at the back of his mind. 

It was only then, when he was on the verge of death after taking on a bunch of demobats, that his wish came true.

"Where is he? where is he!" Someone called, running up to the limping boy. That's when she saw him lying on the ground. "Eddie! Eddie!" Rushing over to him, she kneeled down. He turned to look at the person and was shocked to be met by a familiar face. 

"It's, it's you!" He happily said, coughing up blood after. "Am I dead?"

"Shh, Eddie you're gonna be ok." She cried, holding onto his cheeks. "Just stay with me, ok?" Then everything went black for him. Then the blackness turned into a facility with rooms all down the hallway, numbers written on them. The giggles of little children in the distance. Memories came rushing back to him, were these his memories? His previous dreams, weren't as happy as they seemed, in reality it was them running away from this terrible place. After a while it ended, his eyes fluttering open. 

"He's awake." Someone whispered. The whispers and beeping of a monitor was the only sounds he heard. Sitting up, he scanned the plain room, a hospital maybe? 

"What, happened?" 

"Your stupid ass is what!" Dustin answered, sighing in relief as he got up to hug is friend. "You could've died, but lucky for Y/n here who saved you." She got up from the seat, walking over to his side, grabbing his hand. 


"Hey." Dustin decided it would be smart to leave the two alone for a little bit. When Eddie was sleeping she had explained to him a bit about their past. Guess Eddie was right the whole time, they had known each other before. 

"I think I remember you now." He joked, relaxing at Y/n's touch. His face then saddened as he looked ahead. "Why did I forget? I would never want to forget you."

"It wasn't your choice, but it should've been." She answered, pulling the chair over so she could sit down. Her eyes became teary and it took a while for her to start talking again. Eventually she was able to explain everything. How she thought it would be best if he had forgotten the past and all the trauma, that he would be safer if he knew nothing. She never wanted to use her powers on him, but she did and felt terrible about it everyday afterwards. Years without him knowing she existed was cruel and she didn't know which was more cruel. Not remembering his past and who she was, or remembering it all and knowing the one person who was there the whole time didn't remember you. 

"I'm so sorry Eddie."

"Hey, it's ok, you're here now." He assured her, interlocking their fingers. Patting beside him with his free hand, he moved over allowing her to lay next to him. She carefully rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm just glad it wasn't a dream."

I know he's probably not actually number 10 but this was just for a one shot as most one shots are. 🤪

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