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It was just another usual old day, working along side none other than Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. Not that she minded, they always had something interesting to talk about, and over the past few months, grew quite close to Y/n. While she was handling a customer the other two were on talking about girls, yes Y/n knew about Robin and supported her with no doubt. Robin's ranting on about Vickie had scared off her previous customer, but at least it was making this boring day interesting.

"And I'm doing it right now, aren't I?" 

"Don't sweat it Robin, you just got a lot to say, nothing wrong with it." Y/n assured her, picking up some orders and moving back over to the counter. They kept on going on about combining or whatever before Robin walked over with some movies and turned the TV on. 

'We're in the Forest Hills trailer park in East Roane County. We don't have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name...although we're told they are currently in the process of notifying the family.'

All three of them stood there shocked and speechless. This wasn't the first time something like this occurred, but it was always heartbreaking when it did. Y/n had been told all the crazy stories about what Robin and Steve had been through, and honestly she wasn't surprised by it. It was Hawkins after all. A bit later on, Dustin and one of his friends came rushing into the shop, talking over Steve who had asked them about the news.

"How many phones do you have?"

"Two why?"

"Don't forget Kieth's!" Y/n added, grabbing and placing them on the counter as Dustin threw his bag, sliding over. Steve wasn't too happy at him inviting himself over but the kid was determined and you couldn't stop him. The others just hunched over the computer as he talked about setting up some base of operations.

"Eddie's friends phone numbers!" Y/n's heart stopped at the mention of Eddie's name. She hadn't heard it in so long. Now, she was even more interested in what was going on than before. 

"Wait Eddie, as in Eddie Munson?"

"Yeah him, do you know him?" Dustin questioned as he continued to type away.

"You can say that." Know him? She more then knew him, Eddie was in fact her ex. They were high school sweethearts and Y/n was in love with him. Things were going good until the end of senior year where she graduated and he didn't. It went south from there and long story short they ended things. Two years, two years since they had talked last. Sometimes she wish it hadn't ended like that but that was all the past, and you can't change the past. Eventually Max began to explain why they came here and what was going on.

"So um, pretty sure Eddie's going to be wanted for the suspicion of murdering a student, Chrissy, Chrissy Cunningham." Everyone went silent, there was no way. Y/n couldn't believe it, she had known him well and he wouldn't do something like this. Surely two years wasn't enough for him to become a serial killer, right? 

"But, but he-didn't... actually do it right?" Y/n asked her voice cracking. Dustin stopped what he was doing, turning to her.

"No, no of course he didn't, but we need to find him." She sighed in relief, backing up against the counter for stability while the others called people in hopes of finding him. After a few minutes she started to help Steve with other customers as he miserably failed at flirting with another girl. That's when Steve suggested telling the police, deep down angering Y/n. 

"You don't think he's guilty do you?" She brought up wanting his honest answer.

"Whoa, I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, you know, don't think we can rule it out." He explained, trying to calm her and Dustin down who seemed to be quite offended. She had known Dustin for a while because of Steve but had no idea that he was obviously close friends with Eddie. 

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