Hawkins Killer pt 2

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The second the bell went Y/n rushed out of class to her locker, grabbing her things. Then she rushed past everyone till she got out the school. Heading to her car, she pulled out her keys to unlock it. 

"Hey." Y/n jumped a bit and gasped when she heard the voice. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you sweetheart." 

"Oh Eddie, hi." She took a deep breath in, stopping beside her car. He smiled at her, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"So where you off to in a rush." 

"The library."  

"Mind if I join you?" Y/n did not ever think of him as someone who would ever be seen alive in one. But she wasn't going to say no. He was her crush and she'd take any chance to be alone with him. Even if they were technically studying the whole time. 

"The more the merrier." He smiled at her causing her to blush. Wow his smile was amazing. And the fact he was smiling at her made it so much better. "Well, meet you there? Presuming you actually know the way there?"

"Haha, very funny Y/n." He replied sarcastically. Of course he knew the way there, well he would remember it, hopefully. He'd just follow her car there, easy. She wouldn't notice a thing. "Alright see you there."

He threw his hands up awkwardly in the air, doing finger guns before shoving them back into his pocket. God that was strange. Why did he do that? She waved bye before heading to her own car, leaving first off the the library. Eddie followed behind like planned so he wouldn't get lost and make a fool of himself. 

Once they arrived, Eddie caught up to her. Running a bit ahead, he opened the front door, stepping aside as he gestured for her to enter.

"What a gentleman." Y/n joked causing him to snicker. She went over to the front desk, saying hi to the librarian who asked what they were looking for. "Your true crime section please, the previous Hawkins murdering in particular."

"Down behind row 23, here's the keys."

"Thanks." She handed Y/n the keys before they walked off. Checking all the rows, she found the door near the back. Unlocking it, she slowly opened the door, causing it to creak. She then flicked on the light, revealing a set of stairs leading down. 

"Perfect place to kill someone." Eddie joked, ending the tension. Although it wasn't really the time, considering two people had already been murdered in very isolated, spooky places like this. "Ladies first."

Y/n scoffed, how sweet of him. Maybe he was trying to get her to go first so he could whip out a knife and stab her right in the back. Then she'd fall down the stairs, he'd lock the door and leave. It was smart, no one would find her. She'd be skeletons by the time someone went down there and he'd be long gone. But that was just stupid. Of course he wouldn't do that.

Taking a deep breath in, she glanced at Eddie who seemed a bit nervous as well. None of them wanted to go down there first. But before she could change her mind, she took her first step down which he then followed her. 

When they reached the bottom, there were a few more isles and a table in the centre. If you forgot the fact a killer was on the loose and that this place wasn't all about murderers, it would actually be a nice place to study and hangout. Or get smothered to death.

"So what are we looking for?"

"The previous killings in 1979, I just feel like they're connected." Eddie nodded his head, there was no arguing with her. She was way smarter than him and was most likely right. "You said there was apparently a symbol for a cult carved or something right?"


"If we find the case, maybe there will be pictures of it." Y/n explained, walking over to the first aisle. She slowly went through all the letters of the alphabet. It would take forever to go through every single shelf and row. What could they have possibly named the case. That would break the whole process down and make it a hundred times faster. Maybe it was named after Hawkins the town. It would make sense. It was probably one of the most brutal and scariest crimes of this town since the 1800's. Rushing over to H, she searched through the books and files, until she landed on something.

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