Life Would Suck

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Y/n sat on her chair, waiting for Eddie to get back. Her patience was slowly fading and if he didn't get back soon she'd probably snap. He was over an hour late and they were supposed to go out for dinner thirty minutes ago. Yet he still hadn't got home. Lately he had been late, canceling any plans Y/n had attempted to organise. His excuse was always that he was practicing with his band for their important upcoming event. Of course she believed him and trusted him, but she really missed him. He was her boyfriend after all. Hopefully things would calm down after his performance.

Sighing, she looked up at the clock again, just as the door unlocked. Eddie walked in with his guitar slung over his shoulder. He greeted her with a quick kiss when she got up before walking off towards their bedroom. Did he forget?

He walked back to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a beer. Y/n walked up to the counter, waiting for him to say something. When she hadn't gotten the reaction she had hoped for, she cleared her throat. Then had he only realised she was dressed a bit more fancier than usual. 

"Shit! We were supposed to have dinner weren't we?" She answered his question by nodding. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, really I am." She'd always gotten his meaningless apologies. Why couldn't he prove he was sorry by not doing the same thing over and over again. Otherwise she just got sick of it, always the same thing. When would it change?

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow I promise!"

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Y/n argued, spinning around and walking to their room. He decided to give her some space so she wouldn't murder him. After her shower he'd properly talk to her and comfort her. Eddie felt terrible for blowing off their plans but he really was busy with his band. He wanted to play a song for her but it was taking longer than he had hoped. Therefore he barely had time to spend with her. 


Finally Y/n finished her shower, walking out feeling more refreshed and relaxed. She went back to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. Eddie then wrapped his arms around her waist, from behind, whispering that he was sorry.

"Well then why does it keep happening?" Y/n replied harshly, pushing him off her so she could leave. He was surprised by her sudden behaviour, usually she'd remain in his arms, forgiving him. But this time, she didn't. He ran after her, calling her name. "This always happens Eddie!"

"I know, I know it does!"

"Then why do you keep doing it?" She cried, throwing her hands up in the air. 

"Because it's important, the gig is important." His answer was the truth, it was important for him. And he really hoped it would be for her too. 

"What, so I'm not?"

"You know that's not what I meant." That was it, he couldn't take it anymore, he was already stressed. "But you wouldn't be able to understand that because, god! You are so fucking clingy and selfish you only care about yourself!"

Immediately, he knew he shouldn't have said that. He didn't mean it, she wasn't clingy. She had every right to be angry but he was just upset. Everything that was coming out of his mouth didn't mean anything. All his emotions were bottled up inside him and this time he couldn't stop them from exploding, taking it out on her.

Y/n didn't say anything, she just stood there in front of him, silent. She was shocked he'd ever say something like that to her face. It felt like her heart shattered into millions of pieces. Did he really think that about her. She always tried not to be clingy or selfish. Always putting him first, understanding that music was his passion and that he loved it. So she loved it too. But sometimes it was difficult. Not having him around a lot of the time was tiring. It was lonely. But it looked like she was the only one who felt that way. Right now she didn't want to talk to him or look at him. He'd crossed the line.

"Get out!" 

"What." He expected her to ignore him for the rest of the night, yell insults at him or make him sleep on the couch. But telling him to leave was not something he expected at all. He really didn't want too either although she seemed serious about it. 

"I said, get out!" 

Not wanting to make matters worse, he hesitantly agreed, walking over to the coffee table to pick his keys up. Then he walked over to the door, slamming it behind him. The second he left, Y/n ran to the bedroom again, shutting the door before sliding down it. Now that he was gone she could cry all she wanted. No longer having to hide the sadness drowning her from the inside. 

For the next few hours she couldn't do anything but cry. She just sat there by the door letting her emotions take over her. Eventually she had no tears left to cry. Her eyes were completely dry and her cheeks were tear stained. Well at least she could think clearly, or mostly clearly. Was he really wrong? Maybe she was clingy, and selfish but didn't that mean she cared about him? Whatever, she didn't care anymore, she wanted to be with him. They didn't get much time together so anytime that they did get, shouldn't have been wasted. 

Slowly she helped herself up, opening the door and walking to the front door. She had no idea where he would be, but that wasn't going to stop her. The only thing she needed to do was find him and sort things out. Maybe she was stupid for trying to pick a fight because she knew she was nothing without him.

Grabbing her car keys, she unlocked the door,  swinging it open, almost running into someone getting up from the floor. It was Eddie, who also had tear stained cheeks and messy hair. 

"I'm sorry, I had no where else to go." He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The last thing he wanted was for her to yell at him again. It was either sleeping in his car or sitting by the front door, hoping she'd change her mind and let him back in. "Look Y/n, I'm really sorry I didn't mean anything I said sweetheart, and I understand if y-"

He was cut off when Y/n engulfed him in a hug that they both really needed that night. It took him by surprise for a couple seconds but then he hugged her back, digging his head into the crook of her neck. She began to rub his back when he started sobbing. God it pained her to see him this way, but at least it proved he did care about her. 

"I know it's not an excuse, but I was planning on playing a song for you, that's why I've been so busy." He didn't need to explain himself to her or apologise. He was here now and that was all that mattered. Even when he pushed her limits or missed dates, she couldn't leave him or let him go. Because if she was going to be honest. Her life would suck without him.

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