Me Or him pt 2

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*"So who is it Y/n? Me or him?"*

"Don't make me choose, please Brandon." She was afraid everything would be ruined if she had to choose. She had already created enough drama in the group, she didn't want to completely break it up. Although there was no doubt things would be different from now on. "I've had enough of choosing."

"Bullshit!" Brandon yelled, struggling up to his feet. He began to approach Y/n but Eddie immediately stepped towards him, his fists clenched. Another step and he would actually kill Brandon. 

"Watch it." Eddie spat, pointing his fingers at him. After his previous outbursts of anger, he wasn't taking any chances. His words could turn into violence at any second and Eddie couldn't risk Y/n getting hurt anymore. 

"Why you so hesitant to choose Y/n, is it cause you'll choose him?" Brandon snickered, wiping away some blood dripping out his nose. He went quiet, rubbing his forehead in frustration. Who was he kidding, of course she wouldn't choose him. It was never, it never would be. It was always Y/n and Eddie and this is what he got for trying to get in the way of that. "Just say it goddamn, just say you choose him!"

"I, choose him." She whispered, looking down at the ground. All of this could've been prevented if she didn't play Brandon's stupid game. If she trusted Eddie more. He was her boyfriend in the first place, was he not? "I'm sorry."

"You know, fuck you both!" He stormed away towards his car, getting in then driving off. They were both left alone in silence, Y/n contemplating on what to say. She didn't want to make anything worse. 


"I don't understand, why go through all this trouble if you picked me." He said quietly before walking off to his own car. Not letting her say another word he left. Now it was just her, standing alone by her door. What had she done? She ruined everything. Eddie and Brandon's friendship and her relationship with them. She cared about them both so much but she was foolish. What if Eddie never forgave her and she had to deal with him hating her for the rest of their lives. 

For a few minutes after he left, she stood still outside, trying to process everything that had happened. That's when her eyes started to tear up again. Heading back inside, she shut the door behind her, sliding against it till she was sitting on the ground. More than anything she wanted to talk to Eddie and sort things out. Not knowing how he felt was eating her from the inside out. 


 It was the next day, Y/n had barely gotten any sleep the previous night. She had bags under her eyes and tear stained cheeks. But that wasn't going to stop her from going over to Eddie's trailer. After she got changed into a new set of clothes she grabbed her car keys and left. There was no point in putting on makeup. She was most likely going to cry it off later. Plus she really needed to explain everything to Eddie. Maybe he'd forgive her then.

The drive there wasn't that long so she parked by his trailer, getting out. She dragged her feet up to the front. Hesitantly knocking on his door, she took a step back as she waited for an answer. Not long after she heard the sound of footsteps from the other side. Then the door opened revealing Wayne.

"Good morning Wayne." She said, pretending that she didn't look a mess.

"You look like you haven't got any sleep."

"Probably because I haven't." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, looking over his shoulder. "Is Eddie here by any chance?"

Wayne nodded his head, turning around before yelling his name. He then waved goodbye since he had to go out for work. Once he left, Eddie came around the corner while rubbing his eyes. He looked just as miserable as her it broke her heart. She deserved to be in pain, but he didn't. He had done nothing wrong. He had been nothing but loving and kind to her and she betrayed him. When he realised it was her he immediately reached for the door, shutting it in her face. She deserved that. 

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