Not the Only One

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Y/n and Eddie had been together for just over two years. And for Y/n they had been the best two years of her life. He was a great, caring person who never failed to make her laugh and smile. Or used to. It was only lately that things didn't really feel the same anymore. Maybe it was because she was always busy in her studies. She didn't get much time to properly spend with Eddie. It saddened her but hopefully things would calm down after this semester.

She often pushed him away because she was always stressed and just wanted to finish. And maybe that's what made all of this her fault. What exactly was her fault? Eddie cheating on her.

What did she expect. Everyone needed love and attention from their partner in order to be happy and satisfied in the relationship. And Y/n failed to do that over the past few months. So he went off, trying to get what she couldn't give to him from other woman. That's what she told herself everyday since she found out. 

It was actually a funny story. One of the girls that he had been seeing him at the same time had found her and told her what was going on. Her name was Sarah and she too had realised he already was in a 'loving' relationship. Ever since then, Y/n had blamed herself, saying that if she cared more, he wouldn't be cheating. She was mad at both herself and him. There was no way to  change the past so she just wanted to give him another chance to mend their relationship. She knew that she shouldn't forgive him, but she loved him no matter what. Regardless, and wanted him to stay in her life. Shame on her for being so weak.

In attempts to fix everything, Y/n was trying to hangout with him as often as possible. She was also working up the courage to confront him, but there would be no point in trying. He would only lie to her. 

They were in his trailer, eating some leftover pizza after he practiced a few of his songs for her, while he was already on to his second slice, Y/n had barely taken any bites on her first. She had lost her appetite. She felt sick to the stomach thinking about everything. This was the day she would confront him. She didn't really know what she was hoping for. There was no good outcome to the conversation, yet she still hoped for the best. 

Flopping her pizza around, she dropped it back on the plate. Eddie had noticed something was wrong and asked her if she was ok.

"Just thinking." She answered vaguely. Finishing the slice he had, he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. She then looked up into his eyes, taking a deep breath in. "I know I'm always busy and that makes everything hard, but you would always be honest with me right?"

He nodded his head, getting worried because of her sudden change in mood. There was no way she suspected anything, so he didn't know what she would talk to him about. But he still felt a wave of guilt wash over him. 

"Look I won't be mad, because it's probably my fault in the first place, but you'd tell me if you did something." She began, fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously. "Like if there was another girl, even if it was a mistake, and like I said, it won-"

"Are you crazy?!" He managed to say, looking at her as if she was insane. "I would if I did, but I never would!" 

Yup, she was right. He denied everything. Did he really think she was that stupid, that she wouldn't find out? Why couldn't he just come clean and tell her the truth. The lying just made everything ten times worse than it already was. 

"I love you and only you, I'd never do that to you." He lied, rubbing his eyes. "You're perfect in every way, even if you're alway busy."

Y/n just remained silent, removing his arms from her waist so she could take a step back. She looked down to the floor, trying to hide the tears that were filling up in her eyes. Eddie gently grabbed her chin, making her look back up at him. He would think that complimenting her would bring a smile to her gorgeous face. But instead she began to cry. 

Even through her blurred vision, she still studied his face, for any sign of guilt or remorse. Any sign of hope for this relationship, but there wasn't any.

Her heart was breaking even more every second. She loved him so much, with all her heart and right now it seemed like he didn't care. How could he be so reckless and stupid to do this to her.

"Why are you crying sweetheart?" He tried to reach for her hand but she moved it further back so he couldn't grab it. He frowned, not knowing what to do. The last thing he wanted was to tell her. He was much too ashamed and afraid to, so he kept on acting like he didn't know. Who knows maybe she was upset about something else. "Please tell me what's wrong?"

"God! I know everything, I'm not dumb!" 

"What." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. Right now she couldn't deal with all this. He had ruined his chance of being forgiven. 

"I know I'm not the only one."

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