Teenage Dirtbag

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"There's no point man." Jacob sighed, staring at his friend who was busy gazing at a girl. "She'll never notice you." Even though it was probably true, he couldn't help but want her. They both sat on the middle row of chairs inside the hall, while the rest of the class participated in PE. He was mesmerised as the girl continued to play volleyball. At the moment she was in the back row, serving the ball, giving him a good view whenever she crouched down.

"Eddie! You're staring, she definitely wouldn't want a pervert."

"Shut up!" He snapped, throwing his hands up by Jacob's face in anger." "Just you wait and see." Then he turned his head back around in time for a ball to fly straight at him. Whacking him right in the face, it gave Eddie a massive shock. Some of the other boys doubled over laughing, but not her. She looked concerned, it must've been painful. After scolding them, she jogged over to him, in hopes he was ok. He held his head in his hands, barely being able to feel his nose.

"Are you alright?" She worriedly asked, tapping him on the shoulder.

"I'm fine!" He hissed, shaking her hand off. Apologising, she picked up the volleyball and ran back down to the game to keep playing.

"Good job Eddie. You scared her off."


He miserably ate his lunch, thinking over what had happened earlier. Did he mess up his one chance to actually talk to her. Not that it mattered anyway, she had a boyfriend and nobody wanted to mess with him. Rumour had it he carried a gun around.

Then there he was, Patrick. Otherwise known as her boyfriend. It was difficult not to recognise him with his dirty blonde hair and smug smile. He was walking past with a couple other boys from the basketball team. Eddie glared at the back of his head. Eddie was no one to them, except for a freak when they remembered that he actually existed.

"Remember when that freak got smacked right in the head!" A girl not far behind him whispered loudly, giggling afterwards. The next voice he heard was easily recognisable and brought a smile to his face.

"Hey! You shouldn't be so mean!" She replied, elbowing her friend.

"You're way too soft Y/n."

That was her, Y/n. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on, and even though she had a dick of a boyfriend, Y/n was an angel. He wasn't the only one who though that either. Immediately, Eddie's smile vanished when the mention of prom escaped her lips. As she passed his table towards Patrick, Eddie overheard her saying he had asked her. Well of course he did, but part of him hoped that she wouldn't go.

Eddie never liked those kinds of events, he preferred late night drives and metal concerts. Everything would be perfect if him and Y/n ditched Prom, just the two of them, but it would never happen. Prom was most peoples dream and probably hers too, she wouldn't miss it to hangout with him. Therefore it would never happen and the only thing he could do was, dream. 

A couple weeks later

It was Prom night, everybody was dancing and having the night of their lives. Well except for Y/n, she was over by the punch table, eating and drinking away. This was nothing like how she dreamt it to be. It was supposed to be romantic, unforgettable, spectacular but right now it was the complete opposite. She was alone, stuffing herself with food since Patrick was no where in sight. They were dancing together for around ten minutes and she thought that tonight was going to be amazing until he needed a bathroom break and never returned. A real Patrick move really. At the beginning of the relationship she really liked him, but over time they became toxic and called it quits many times, always getting back together in the end. It was mostly because she was scared to be alone, even if it meant being with the wrong person.

After waiting a little longer, there was still no sign of him. What a douche. Grabbing a couple more snacks off the table, she lifted her dress before exiting the hall. It was much more quiet in the hallways, she could finally hear herself think. Walking around for a while, she eventually ended up just outside the school entrance. There was still a while till prom was over so she decided to take a seat on the steps. Patrick would have to come out later, he had to drop her off at home anyways. If he remembered.

The sound of a box dropping on the ground startled her. Looking over her shoulder, she was met by familiar, brown eyes. He quickly picked up the things he dropped and packed them back into the box before walking over to her. She smiled and waved at him, holding onto her arms again as it was getting cold. Gently placing the box down, he took a seat beside her, playing with his rings nervously. He was sitting right next to the girl he had been crushing on for so long and she was alone on prom night. It had to be fake right? Or some sort of joke. How could she possibly be alone, she looked stunning. Any guy would be lucky to spend a whole night with her. 

Gaining enough courage, he finally spoke to her, like properly spoke to her. "What, what are you doing out here, missing out on prom?"

"I could ask you the same thing Eddie Munson." She knew his name?

"Well I asked first, didn't I sweetheart." He teased, turning to look at her when her sweet laugh filled his ears. "Seriously though, why are you out here without your boyfriend?"

"I, um lost him a while ago, what about you?"

"Just had a DnD game. It's uh a game whe-" he was then cut off by Y/n.

"I know what DnD is." Jesus Christ, could she get anymore perfect, he thought. What was next? She loved metal too? They kept talking, getting to know each other, like how she loved going to the arcade, or how she always wanted to learn the electric guitar. He checked his watch, realising what time it was and he had to get going. Otherwise he was going to be late.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He cursed, launching up and grabbing the box. He was about to say bye but stopped in his tracks. "Uh...this is probably crazy, but um do you like Metallica by any chance?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?"

Holding the box in his one arm, Eddie searched through the back pocket of his jeans, smiling at her triumphantly when he found what he was looking for. Pulling his hand out, he waved two tickets to Metallica's concert tonight around. Her jaw dropped, watching him, he was acting like a kid that had just got their favourite toy and it was adorable.

"Ok, ok Eddie. No need to make me jealous."

"Come with me." He asked, but it didn't sound like a question, more like demand that she really wanted to accept. Y/n explained that she couldn't, Patrick had to drop her off at home otherwise her parents would get worried.

"I'll drop you off after, and make sure you get home safe, I promise, but if you don't want too it's fine." He ranted on, causing her to giggle. How had she not noticed him before now. He was nothing like Patrick, in a good way. It was refreshing, and she liked it. 

"Sure." He tilted his head in confusion because of her sudden talking. "Let's go!" She got up excitedly, then they both walked over to his car. The only problem was her dress, it was beautiful but it wasn't suit for a metal concert.

"Don't worry, I gotta make a stop at my trailer. I should have something for you to wear." After he put away the things for DnD, he made his way over to car door, opening it and helping her in. Once he got in himself, he stared at his hands silently for a second, thinking to himself. She asked him if something was wrong. "Thee, Y/n Y/l/n is in my car, the one I've had a crush on since forever. I just said that out loud? Didn't I?" She nodded her head, trying not to laugh at his nervousness. 

"I mean I'm just a freak, a teenage dirtbag that barely anyone notices."

"We're not that different you know." She added, turning his head to face her. "Let's just say I'm a bit of a teenage dirtbag myself." 

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