Staying pt 2

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After Eddie decided to show up out of the blue, he had been sleeping in the guest room next to Y/n's room. It had been about a week and he was still here which made Caleb over the moon with happiness. The two boys had been hanging out non stop, always making cubby houses and listening to music. Every single night all three of them would sit in the living room watching movies and eating popcorn. It was honestly the best, but Y/n had to be careful. There was even a couple times where they ended up subconsciously holding hands. It just made everything awkward since Y/n was trying to avoid those kind of things. 

Plus, she was trying not to get used to all of it. What were the chances he was even going to be here for much longer. She wouldn't be surprised if he left right after the bring your dad to school day. And as much as she tried to shove any feelings away, it wasn't working as she hoped. He was like a boomerang. No matter how far it went or how long it took, it always came back. Even when you try to get rid of it. That's what Eddie and her feelings were like. No matter how hard she tried, she loved him and that was never going to change. It broke her heart, because they were never going to work out. The past ten years had proved that. They just weren't made for each other, but nevertheless they tried.

"Alright kid, you ready for school?" 

"Yup!" Caleb answered excitedly, running into the kitchen to give Y/n a big hug before heading to the front door. "Let's go!" 

"Have fun and stay out of trouble." Y/n said, waving goodbye to them before they left to the car. Once they both got in, Eddie started it and drove off, turning the music down a bit so they could chat. 

"James is gonna be so mad when he finds out my dads cooler than his!" Caleb laughed, turning to look at his father. "He thinks I don't have a dad."

"Well I may not always be here, but I am definitely still your dad." 

"Why aren't you always here? Mommy misses you." He asked, his smile vanishing. Eddie took a deep breath, swallowing the lump in his throat. Why wasn't he always there? They were his family and he was letting them down by always leaving. What if Caleb grew up one day and despised him. That was the last thing he wanted. "When you left last time, she cried all the time, sometimes she still does, but she says it's just about work." 

Eddie didn't know what to say or how to explain it to him. He didn't even realise how much he hurt Y/n every time he left. It was probably shitty that he didn't but now he did and he was going to make it right. 

"I'm sorry Caleb, I really am." He glanced over at the boy who was already looking at him. "But you know what, I'm gonna stay this time and stick around." 

"Really! Do you mean that? Please, please do!" He cheered, moving around in his seat full of joy. "Does that mean you and mommy will get back together?"

"Woah, one step at a time!" Seeing Caleb smiling so brightly was the best, if only he could do the same for Y/n. But right now he had to focus on his son. They arrived at the school so he found a parking spot then went to his classroom. Everyone was chatting for a while till the teacher called them inside. 

"Hey, you're Caleb's dad right?" Ms Travis asked, causing Eddie to nod, fiddling with the ring on his finger. "Oh cool, just wondering since I only see Y/n dropping him off." 

"Well I couldn't miss today." She chuckled at him, walking over to the front of the classroom afterwards. They all took their seats as she began to talk to them about what they would be doing. Firstly they would be talking about what their dads did and then there would be other activities. When it was Caleb's turn he hopped up and ran to the front. Eddie followed behind, standing beside him awkwardly. Of course he wanted to be there for his son, but he wasn't use to these kind of things. It was weird, what was he supposed to do? Did he need to do something or was he just overthinking.

"This is my dad, he's a rockstar and he's the best and really funny!" Eddie couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness. "He makes the best cubby houses, but I miss him a lot when he's not around."

Eddie's smile turned into a frown, he looked around to see all the dads hugging their kids. They all seemed so happy. He wanted to be that for Caleb so he had made the right decision to stay. He wasn't going to leave again, not this time. All he had to was tell Y/n and hopefully she would give him another chance. 

"Excuse me. Why does your dad look like a girl?" 

"James! That's not very nice, you can't say that!" The teacher scolded him, apologising to Eddie after. They then continued on with with another girl and her dad, trying to move on from the commotion. Eddie actually enjoyed himself, getting to spend more with his son. Hopefully it would put him on a good note for when he talked to Y/n later that night. 


Leaving Caleb's room after tucking him in, Y/n walked over to Eddie's room to say night. She knocked on the door, waiting for him to let her in. A few seconds later, the door swung open, revealing a shirtless Eddie. She couldn't help but stare until she realised she was and quickly turned away. 

"Sorry, I was just about to put it on." He fumbled with his shirt, pulling it over his head and down so it was properly on. "You can look now." 

"Caleb told me all about today, it was a blast apparently." Y/n said, leaning against the door frame. "What about you? Did you enjoy it?" 

"Well other than this chubby kid saying I looked like a girl, it was great." 

"Let me guess, James? That kid is brutal and ruthless." Eddie nodded his head, that was the kid. He had only been around him for a day and already hated him. Wonder how Caleb felt. "Well thank you Eddie, it meant a lot to Caleb and to me, anyways don't want to bother you anymore. Goodnight." She spun around to leave but was held back by Eddie gently grabbing her wrist. 

"Wait, Y/n."


"Look, I know I do this every time and I know you're probably sick of this." He began, stopping in between to take a deep breath in. "But I've really missed you and I can't stand what's happening right now, I miss holding you, kissing you, and I-"

"Well you should've thought about that in the first place, or the past five times you came back and left." She interrupted him, removing his grip from her wrist trying her best to remain calm. "I have a job here, I have a child, our son Caleb, I can't keep chasing a dream that's always running. It gets tiring, so I just don't think it's going to work Eddie." 

The second she stopped talking he pulled her in for a kiss, catching her off guard. She gave up on trying to push him away. After more then a year of being alone without him there wasn't a single fibre in her body telling her to pull away. Even if he was going to leave, she couldn't stop herself. Eddie had won, so here they were. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in closer to deepen the kiss. After a while he pulled away for air, resting his forehead on hers.

"I know I've hurt you so many times Y/n, and there's no excuse for that." He said, breaking the comfortable silence, looking into her eyes. "But you and Caleb are the most important things in my life and I'm stupid for taking so long to realise that."

"Damn right you are!" Y/n added, tears filling up her eyes as she laughed causing her to look down to hide them. 

"This isn't just an empty promise like every other time." He lifted his one hand up, placing it on her chin to make her look at him. Then he placed it on her cheek wiping some of the tears away with his thumb. "I mean it, this time I'm staying."

Here is part 2 🥰

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