I Just Want You to Know Who I am

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'Yet another teenager was sadly found murdered on the shores of Lovers Lake. The lead suspect of the case Eddie Munson, is still on the run. Therefore we advise that everyone remain inside their homes after 7pm as well as locking all windows and doors.'

Y/n couldn't take it anymore, reaching for the remote she quickly changed the channel. She couldn't keep listening to that bullshit. There was no way he could have actually killed those kids right? Everything they were saying on tv was lies just to finally get some attention. Painting Eddie the bad guy without fully knowing he was the actual murderer. 

Yes it may have been in his trailer when he was alone, but that was too easy if he was the killer. It would be too obvious and Eddie wasn't that stupid. Nevertheless, she didn't know what was really going on because he'd been missing since the allegations. 

"Hey, sweetheart, they'll find him." Her mom said, rubbing Y/n's knee to comfort her. "Now I'm not saying he did it but we don't know that ok."

"Your mother is right, if you see him you let us know immediately." Both her parents were worried for her. They too didn't know what to believe, but their main priority was to protect Y/n. If Eddie would be anywhere it would be with her. So they were surprised he hadn't made an appearance near their home yet, although that didn't mean he wouldn't. "And don't go anywhere alone."

He got up from the couch, heading back into the kitchen with his cup to rinse it out. Y/n was left in the living room with her mother. They sat there for a few minutes in silence. It was difficult to talk about things that didn't relate to the case. That's all that people were thinking about. 

"I'm sorry Y/n, I know how much you cared about him." Pulling her in for a hug, she rubbed her back before heading into the kitchen as well. After collecting her thoughts, Y/n walked past the kitchen saying goodnight to her parents who were whispering about something. Why was all this happening here, to them. It was so unfair, all the victims were just teenagers and this town had already been going through enough. 

She went to go have a quick shower before locking herself in her bedroom. Sitting down, she scanned her room. On her bedside table was Eddie's necklace that held his guitar pick. He had left it there by accident the last time they hung out which was a few days ago. The morning before Chrissy was found dead in his trailer. 

God she missed him. If he was truly innocent, that meant he was all alone somewhere, probably terrified and Y/n could do nothing to help him. And if he wasn't innocent, then honestly she had no idea what she'd do. Hopefully he wasn't. No one wanted the person they loved to turn out to be a serial killer. 

Putting his necklace around her neck, she turned off the lights and put the blankets over herself. Maybe she'd wake up to Eddie downstairs talking to her mom while waiting for her to get ready. Then she'd realise it was a nightmare all along. 


It was around midnight, Y/n was awoken by the sound of something being knocked. Quickly, she sat up, taking a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dark. That's when she swore there was a figure in the corner of her room. Without wasting another second, she leaned over to her beside table, flicking on the lamp. Glancing back to the corner she discovered her brain wasn't making it up, that in fact she wasn't alone. 


He had his finger on his lips, wanting her to stay calm and quiet. The last thing he wanted was someone else waking up to find him in her room. Then he would get caught and go to jail for something he didn't do. Slowly, he approached her, halting immediately when she shuffled back against the headboard. She didn't actually think he was the murderer right? 

"What are you doing here so late?" She asked, trying her best to stay calm. If there were any chances of him being dangerous, she didn't want him to think she was a threat otherwise he might hurt her. 

"You think I did it don't you?" He answered her question with a question, a frown on his face. It broke his heart, the thought of her fearing him, hating him like everyone else. Backing up against the wall, he threw his head in his hands. Now he had no idea what to do. Y/n was the only person that could break his heart if she thought he was a monster. Everyone else, he couldn't care less."I didn't do it, I didn't kill them." 

His voice was filled with pain, it hurt her to see him like this. Maybe it was just her feelings for him taking over her emotions, but he couldn't have done it. Plus he had his chance to hurt her and yet he hadn't. 

"Eddie." She whispered, causing him to look up at her. He remained against the wall, not wanting to scare her in anyway. Pulling over the blankets, she lifted her legs over to the side of the bed, walking over to him. The entire time he didn't move, only his eyes followed her. All he wanted was to hold her but he didn't know if that was a good idea. Gently, she placed her hand on his cheek, rubbing circles with her thumb. "I believe you." 

She gave him a loving smile, letting him know she meant it. When he thought it was alright, he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waste to pull her in for a hug. He nuzzled into her chest, breathing in her scent. Finally after these terrifying past few days he felt safe, safe in her arms. 

"I missed you Y/n." He cried, hugging her tighter, scared to let go. "I didn't know where else to go."

He smelt of salt water and his hair was still a bit wet at the ends, but that didn't bother her. He was here with her and that's all that mattered. They would figure everything else out tomorrow when the time came. Right now Eddie needed her. 

"Jason and them found me and chased me, then, then Patrick got killed and I'm so scared Y/n, I'm so scared."

"Hey, hey it's ok, you're here now." She tried her best to comfort him, cupping his cheeks before kissing him softly on the forehead. Afterwards she brought him over to her bed, taking his jacket off. "I'll be right back." 

She left him alone in the room, grabbing a cloth from the bathroom rinsing it under the sink. Then she returned, locking the door behind her. Eddie fiddled with one of his rings as she sat down in front of him. Carefully, she wiped his dirty face so he'd feel somewhat refreshed. His gaze travelled to her eyes, there was not a single glimpse of fear or judgement. How did he become so lucky, that even in times like this when he couldn't go home he had somewhere, or more someone. 

"There, do you feel any better." She asked, grabbing his hand. He hummed in response, interlocking their fingers while staring at his necklace she wore. It really sucked, because he'd have to leave again. And sooner or later he would get caught, and this would all be over. But he just wanted didn't want to miss her tonight, he wanted her to know. That even if everyone else didn't understand and thought he was a crazy psychopath, she wouldn't. That she'd know he wasn't, that was enough for him.

"Thank you." He said, resting his forehead against hers. "When everything's made to be broken,

I just want you to know who I am."

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