Halfway There pt2

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Y/n woke up cold and alone in her bed once again. It was the same every morning for the past couple months since they left Hawkins. Eddie had already left a couple hours ago for work which was at the docks about twenty minutes away from their apartment. Now she had to get ready for her shift at the diner down the road. 

Rubbing her tired eyes, she slowly sat up, stretching her arms. She then pulled the sheets aside, lifting her legs over to the side of the bed. Eventually she stood up, walking over to the bathroom to brush her teeth. There was no time for breakfast, she'd just eat when her lunch break came around. 

Afterwards she fixed her hair and went over to the closet to find her work outfit. Pulling the hanger it was on out, she held it up sighing. The work outfit was just a way for the boss to carry out his perverted ways. The skirts were super short and the shirts stopped short of the skirt so part of their belly was showing. Not very work safety but he didn't care. As long as he got to stare at teenage girls with their asses sticking out he couldn't care less. It was disgusting but she couldn't say anything. Getting jobs around here weren't the easiest.

Once Y/n changed, she threw a jacket on and rushed out the bedroom, grabbing her purse before leaving the apartment. Luckily it wasn't far away since Eddie took the car every morning which meant she had to walk. She wasn't complaining though, had to get in that exercise everyday. 

When she reached the diner, it was already busy with lots of customers walking in and out. Navigating through the crowd, she made it to the front counter, walking over to the door that led to the back where she'd clock in. Then she slid her jacket off and put an apron on instead walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Y/n!" 

"Good morning Amy." While working at the diner she had made quite a few friends. Amy being one of her closest. They had gone out for drinks lots of times after work getting pretty close. It was great that she was making friends. Meant she was one step closer at making this place her home. "I won't be able to hangout tonight, Eddie had some plans for us."

"Oooh, well I don't wanna get in the way of any plans between you lovebirds." She teased, pointing at her with a cheeky smirk plastered on her face. "No, but like you two are just perfect starting a fresh life together!"

"I guess so." Y/n replied chuckling at her. Amy had always been obsessed with the fact that they had ran away from their home, living together far away from everything that was keeping them apart and holding them back. She said it was like the kind of love that you only see on tv and read in books, and that they were lucky to have each other since love like theirs was hard to find. And she was probably right.

"Well, best get to work." Y/n said, saluting before walking out to take peoples orders. The first person she went over to was one of their loyal customers. He was an elderly man who would order the usual coffee and chocolate croissant. "Morning Harvey, how's your day been so far?"

"Not too bad, what about you?"

"Very uneventful, the usual chocolate croissant and coffee?" 

"You know me too well." He joked, the smile on his face widening. Y/n nodded her head writing it down before heading back to the counter. While his coffee was made she quickly took another couples order. After, she gave Harvey's coffee and croissant to him which then he thanked her.


"Lunch breaks over Y/n, my turn!" Jessie yelled, removing her apron as she walked out the back door, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket. Finishing her sandwich, Y/n got up heading back into the kitchen. Immediately she was bombarded with plates to hand to people. Once she gave them to the customers, she brought back the dirty dishes almost bumping into someone on the way.

"Watch where you're going." Great, the last person she wanted to see. It was her boss the creepy, old man who obviously had a thing for young adult girls like her. She hated when he was around, she could never feel comfortable. Even with others around it still didn't help. He was just gross and disgusting. 

"Sorry." She apologised, rolling her eyes which he happened to see.

"And watch that attitude if you wanna keep your job." 

She nodded, walking over to the sink, dropping all the plates into it. He came up behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb as he looked over her. She could feel his hot breath that stank of alcohol. 

"I wanna hear you say sorry without the attitude darling."

"Sorry." She fought the urge to slap his hand away since it would only get her into more trouble. He snickered, moving his hand down her arm before walking. God she hated him and his punchable face. This wasn't the first time he had touched her like that and it wouldn't be the last. She hadn't told Eddie yet knowing he'd probably do something stupid and they couldn't afford that. 


Eddie had gotten home a little bit later than usual so he was exhausted. He dropped his bag by the door slipping his shoes off before looking for Y/n. When he entered their bedroom the bathroom door was closed and he heard the sound of water running. He knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"Come in!"Opening the door he walked in closing it behind him so the room would remain warm. Y/n was lying in the bathtub, bubbles covering her. She seemed so relaxed it brought a smile to his face. "I missed you."

"Not as much as I missed you." He added, walking over to the tub.


"Mind if I join you sweetheart? I've been needing to refresh." 

"Not at all." She sat up, moving back against the end so there was room for him. He then quickly stripped, carefully climbing in. They sat opposite ends facing each other. He admired her face for a few seconds till he realised something was up.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, leaning in closer to cup her cheeks.

"You know my boss, the creepy one?" He nodded nervous at what she was going to say. "He um, he's always really touchy and stuff with us girls and I-"

"I'm gonna kill him if he touched you." Eddie cut in, clenching his jaw. The thought of another man putting his hands on her infuriated him. 

"No! Promise me you won't do anything ok? I'll be fine and I really need this job for us." She begged him, holding onto his hand to calm him down. He wanted nothing more than to put that man in his place but Y/n was right. They needed the money.

"As long as he doesn't hurt you I promise."

"Thank you." She felt so much better after telling him. "Can I lay on you?"

Eddie helped her turn around so her back was facing him. She then leaned on him, the back of her head resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, repeatedly kissing her temple. 

They remained silent, enjoying one another's company. It's all they had these days. Especially when things were tough, but as long as they had each other it didn't matter if they made it or not. Love had gotten them this far, this close to their dreams. Not they were really halfway there.

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