Adore Her

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Eddie got out of his van, locking it before walking towards the video store. He was searching for some good movies to watch tonight. Looking through the large glass window outside, his eyes landed on someone packing things away on a shelf. There was no mistaking who it was. Y/n Y/l/n. She was wearing the staff uniform which explained it since he'd never seen her here before. 

The first time he had seen her was when he was in sixth grade. She was in fifth at the time, so the whole of middle and high school, she'd been a year younger. Unfortunately, that meant he never got to properly talk to her. He only got to adore her from across the hallway which felt like a million miles away. Everyday he'd wait by his locker for her to walk past with her books held tight by her chest. He even pretended they were married a couple times. He was twelve, could you blame him? Obviously not in a creepy way of course, if that was possible. They were only a year apart. It's just the different grades made it difficult to properly hangout and talk at school. Now that high school was over for the both of them, it made everything so much easier. 

Y/n also lived near him so they'd walk similar ways. That meant he got to see her everyday. Over time she'd only gotten more beautiful. At the same time his love for her also grew. Maybe this would be the chance to talk to her, if she even knew who he was, since he wasn't popular at all. Other then being peoples dealers, no one knew who he was. Well it was worth a shot, right?

Taking a deep breath, he made sure his clothes weren't crinkled and looked into the glass to ensure his hair wasn't too messy. Once he was satisfied, he walked to the door and went inside. Shit! He forgot something. His breath. Digging through his pocket, he pulled out a mint, shoving it into his mouth. Luckily he packed some today. Remembering why he was here in the first place, he dawdled through the aisles. Every now and then, he peered over the shelf's, his eyes following her every movement.

Eventually he ended up in the fantasy section picking up some random movies as well as some horrors. Because you know what he was going to do? He was going to ask her out. Hopefully, if he had the balls. That was only if she recognised and remembered him. Otherwise he'd just make a fool of himself.

After working up enough courage, he was going to pay for the movies then talk to her. Although his plans didn't workout when he crashed into someone, causing them to drop everything they were carrying. 

"I'm so, so sorry!" She apologised, crouching down to pick everything up. He crouched down too, helping her.

"No I'm sorry, it was my fault sweetheart." He replied, handing her the rest of the CD's. The second he looked up into her eyes, his heart began to race. God did she have mesmerising eyes. He completely forgot that he was less than a meter away from her. This was the first time he ever properly interacted with her and he had no idea what to do.

"Hey, you're Eddie right?" How did she know his name. He couldn't get any words out of his mouth so he resorted to nodding his head. "I remember you played your guitar at the talent show, plus I always see you around, cause we're neighbours." 

"Sorry, I'm rambling aren't I." She said, clearly embarrassed as her cheeks instantly turned red. The truth was, she too had a crush on him over all these years. Ever since he played the guitar at the talent show, she found him intriguing. But him being in an older grade, she always thought she'd never stand a chance. 

"No, don't be sorry, it's cute."

Her cheeks grew even more red from the blushing. She was too afraid to say anything in case it would only come out as gibberish, embarrassing herself more than she already had. She couldn't help but get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. After studying every feature of his face, she realised that she was staring, quickly taking the things from his hand, getting up. He copied her, rubbing the back of his neck. Don't pussy out, don't pussy out, he kept telling himself as he took a couple deep breaths in. She knew who he was, that was already a good start. Now all he had to do was ask her if she wanted to watch a movie sometime. Wasn't that difficult was it? 

"So how have you been?" Eddie asked, trying to make conversation. Surely he could've done better then that. 

"Not too bad, just got this job to make myself some extra money." She answered, walking down the aisles, putting them into their rightful place as he followed behind. "What about you? Do you still play the guitar?"

"Uh, yeah I do, still in my band. We play at the hideout, you should come see us." 

"Yeah that would be cool, I think I will." She said happily, turning to look at him which brought a smile to his face. Could she get even more perfect, being interested in his playing and passion. This was going good though, all he needed to do now. Was, ask her out. Why was he so nervous anyways. Screw it! He was doing this, right now, there was no stopping him. Taking one last deep breath in, he began to say what he had been waiting to say for so long.

"Hey, I know this might be really soon, but uh, would you maybe like to see a movie sometime?" Wow it felt good to get that off his chest finally. Now she just needed to answer. 

It took her a second to process what he had just said which only made him more nervous what if she said no? And he had wasted all these years on someone who obviously wasn't into him. He'd look like such a creep too. 

"Uh, yeah I'd love to!" She finally managed to say, hoping she didn't sound too desperate. Eddie could finally breath again, feeling relieved. "Probably not tonight since I've got plans with Robin and Steve, but definitely tomorrow if you're free?" 

"Yeah, that's great, perfect, um see you then."

"Oi, quit flirting, you finally got to talk to your boyfriend so get back to work now!" Steve yelled from the counter, winking at her. She just brushed it away and smiled at Eddie before waving to him since she had to go get some more things out of the storage. He waved back before she left. Did that really just happen, he finally talked to her and now they were going on a date. After all these years, he finally got to do more then just adore her.

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