Me or Him?

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"You know Y/n has this thing during horror movies." Brandon started, smirking at her who was sitting on his lap. "When a scary part is coming up, she like grabs your thigh and squeezes the life outta it."

"You're not supposed to tell anyone that!" She cried in embarrassment, playfully slapping his shoulder. Immediately after he pecked her on the lips, resting his head on her shoulder.

Eddie watched in disgust, attempting to hide his eye roll. His jaw was clenched in anger, seeing them flirt endlessly. Hearing them sweet talk made him want to cut his ears off so it would just stop. God he just wanted them to shut up for one second. No one cared about what they did behind doors. He definitely didn't. 

Plus, he already knew that she did that. Why? Because once he was the one she was doing it to. He was the one who used to watch movies with her. The one who was used to it and put up with her thigh squeezing when she was terrified. He was the one who would be kissing her, holding her but not anymore. She broke up with him a few months ago. Apparently he was supposed to believe that it had nothing to do with the fact she was now dating one of his best friends. 

He wanted to hate her for it but he couldn't get over the fact he missed her to death. Never did he ever think he'd miss her painful squeeze. He missed a lot of things about her and now he had to witness his best friend and ex girlfriend all lovey dovey, happy together. It was bullshit, what they did to him. 

Well obviously Brandon made sure Eddie was fine with it but that didn't make it any different. He shouldn't have asked in the first place, it was a shitty thing to do. To want to date his best friends ex, not long after they broke up. Of course he lied when he said he was fine with it. He didn't know what else to say to his best friend. If he said no it probably only would've caused more problems and he didn't want that. So he'd just have to put up with their crap. What were the chances they'd last that long anyways? 

"I'm gonna get some more snacks." Y/n said, breaking his train of thoughts. Brandon's hands were currently rubbing her inner thigh and Eddie could tell she felt uncomfortable in front of everyone. "Anyone want anymore to drink?"

A couple people nodded and Gareth asked for some water so she used it as an excuse to get up and leave. Grabbing everyone's cups, she left towards the kitchen, putting them down before holding onto the countertop. 

Yes, she saw Eddie's death stares towards Brandon. She felt awful for him, she never meant to hurt him this much. Just enough to show he cared, and it was obvious he did.

 When they broke up she was in a fragile state and when Brandon confessed his feelings she didn't know any better than to find a way to move on, to hurt Eddie. And she thought it was working fine, and that she started truly liking him, but sometimes she didn't really know. When Eddie talked to her she'd still get those same butterflies in her stomach like when they were together, even before they were.  

"You good?" Someone said, giving her a fright at first.

"Yeah." She gave Eddie a tight lipped smile before refilling the bowl with more chips. 

"How's you and Brandon?" He asked, leaning against the counter. He knew exactly what he was doing and right now she wasn't in a mood to play any games. Getting some more beers she balanced them but nearly dropped a bottle. "Let me help with that."

They both walked into the living room holding everything, Brandon eyeing them. After she handed everyone their things he pulled her back onto his lap but to his surprise she got off sitting on the couch beside him. Eddie looked down at the ground, smirking slightly to himself although Brandon managed to see it. 

"Like I was saying, yeah so my dog ate one of my drumsticks!" Gareth complained, hoping to diffuse the tension between his friends. Him and Jeff both didn't know how much longer they could take of this war over her. They both were secretly rooting for Eddie. Him and Y/n were better together, mostly because Eddie was much happier with her. Now he was more bitter, especially towards Brandon. Wonder why.

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