The Other Woman Pt2

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*She kept watching as he gently grabbed her hand, giving it a kiss before walking her to the door. Y/n wanted nothing more then to drop down onto her knees and cry. She had liked him so much for so long and when she finally thought it could become more she was proven wrong.

Why was she even trying, all she'd ever be was the other woman.*

So this was how it felt to be stood up, to be forgotten. How was she so stupid to think they would ever be more than friends. He was obviously wrapped around Chrissy's fingers like everyone else. Why did he have to be? Why couldn't he be the one who wasn't. 

They continued to chat by her door before she gave him a kiss on the cheek which caught him by surprise. Afterwards she said goodbye and walked inside leaving the boy in a nervous mess and Y/n in anger. She wanted nothing more than to storm up to him and slap him on the face. So instead of remembering the kiss on his cheek he'll remember the red mark that was left upon being slapped. It's what he deserved after hurting her like that.

It sucked, because she really liked him and she really thought he was different. She had wasted over seven years crushing on just another jerk at her school. 

When he went to his van he spotted her watching from across the road, causing her to jolt her head the opposite way to ensure he didn't recognise who it was. He soon brushed it off, thinking it was just stranger going out for a stroll. 

She then began walking back towards her house, hands in her pocket and tears in her eyes. The second Y/n got home, she ran upstairs past her parents so they wouldn't notice that she was upset. Right now she wanted to be alone, away from everyone else. 

Once she was in her room alone after her shower, she climbed into bed, cuddling into a pillow. The tears began to spill again, thinking back to when she saw him climb out his van with Chrissy. 

What was so good about her? She didn't even try whereas Y/n tried her hardest to look her best, and act the way he'd like. Yet he only ever noticed her as a friend. Chrissy barely payed any attention to Eddie, only when they did deals or when they were alone. But at school it was like she didn't know he existed. If that's what he wanted to be treated like then maybe he wasn't worth it anyway. 


It was the next day, Y/n had barely gotten any sleep so she had bags under her eyes. Today was the first day she showed up without make up or thoroughly picked outfits in forever. There was no point in attempting to impress him anymore if it wouldn't work. He'd be too busy gawking at Chrissy to even glance at her. 

Not like she wanted him to after yesterday. She was too embarrassed and pissed off to even look his direction or breath his air. Her plan was just to avoid him until they forgot about it. And if he never forgot then she would avoid him for the rest of their lives. Not like he would care anyways. 

"Good morning sweetheart." Speaking of the devil, he just had to talk to her first thing. When she didn't answer him, he immediately grew worried. "Is everything alright?"

"I don't know Eddie, you tell me." She snapped, grabbing her books before slamming her locker shut and walking off the opposite direction.

He stayed by the locker, puzzled at her sudden saltiness towards him. Usually her face would light up when he approached her and she would always go out of her way to talk to him. Now she was walking off when he tried to talk to her. It didn't make sense.


It had been a few weeks since she had been 'stood up' by Eddie. At first it was hard to ignore him since he would always ask her what's wrong but eventually he gave up knowing that there was no point. 

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