Stood Up

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Brushing her hair out properly, she tied it up. Y/n had already changed into her nicest outfit. All dolled up, she grabbed her keys and left her apartment. Getting into her car she drove off to a cafe not for away where she was going for a date. Pretty much, she ran into this guy at the grocery store, and they then planned to have lunch today. Y/n wasn't really one to go on many dates with people she just met, but he seemed really nice and he was a decent looking man. In fact, she wasn't really one to go on dates at all. She had broken up with her long term boyfriend not long ago, so trying to move on was her plan. Putting herself out there again, maybe it was just the thing she needed.

Parking her car, she got out and locked it before walking into the cafe. She then took a seat at one of the booths near the back by the window. A bit later, a waitress came up to her with some water and a cup.

"Would you like to order anything?" She asked politely.

"Not yet thanks, I'm waiting for someone." The waitress nodded, walking off to another customer a few booths away from Y/n. She nervously tapped the glass cup as she waited for him. It was probably just traffic or he had to run an errand. Hopefully he'd be here soon. She hadn't had anything to eat so she was pretty hungry. Forty minutes later and he still hadn't shown. He'd stood her up, what a jerk. This is what she got for putting herself back out there.

Taking a muffin to go, she hurriedly left the cafe, heading back home where she'd take a taxi to the nearest bar. Even though she didn't really know the guy, it still hurt. Knowing that someone didn't actually want to go out with you. She finished her muffin before she got home and got a taxi once she did. When she got there, there were quite a few people drinking. She sat down at the front bar, waiting for someone to be free. A minute later, a young man about her age came over to her. His messy, long, almost black hair, tied up. His sleeves of his black outfit, rolled up, revealing his tattoos. She had to admit, he was very attractive.

"What can I get for ya sweetheart?" He asked charmingly, resting his hands on the table.

"Just a glass of your strongest drink." He nodded, turning around to the glasses behind him. Y/n got distracted by a couple behind her. They looked so cosy and happy, it angered her. Why couldn't she have that. The bartender had noticed, clearing his throat to grab her attention.

"Here you go." She thanked him before he walked off to an older man a few seats down. Downing her whole drink in one go, she set it back down on the counter. "Woah, easy there." He joked, as he walked back over to her.

"Another!" She demanded, pushing the cup towards him. Once again, he went to go grab her a drink, and once again, she pretty much drank it in one go like it was water.

"How drunk do you plan on getting?"

"Drunk enough to forget." Y/n answered vaguely, now he was curious.

"Forget what, if you don't mind saying." He was intrigued to know why this beautiful lady was alone, trying to get so drunk. Leaning against the counter, he listened to her, relying on the other bartender to get people their drinks.

"I got stood up."

He had brainstormed all the reasons she could possibly be here right now, but being stood up was not one of them.

"You're lying! There's no way you'd get stood up!"

"That's what I'm saying." She agreed, giving the glass to him for a refill. At first he refused, but he ended up doing it since that was his job. Every now and then, he'd check up on her, making sure she didn't get into any trouble since she was already pretty drunk. A couple hours later and she was still sitting in the same spot, tapping her glass. 

"We're closing soon sweetheart." The man stated, walking over to her with a cloth slung over his shoulder. She just nodded her head. "How you getting home?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she took another sip of her drink. Well that was helpful, wasn't it? He couldn't just leave her be and hope for the best. After he closed up he'd take her home safely. Hopefully she'd be able to tell him where she lives, otherwise that would be a struggle. Once he wiped up all the tables and cleaned any messes he began to close up the place. 

"Alright, it's time to go, I'll take you home." At first she was reluctant to leave, but eventually he convinced her and they both went out the building, allowing him to lock it up behind them. She then followed him to his car parked just outside. "You're going to have to tell me where you live." Luckily for him, she answered him as they got into the van. He then drove off to the hotel she stayed at. When he arrived at their destination, they both got out and he walked into the building with her. She was struggling to walk properly without tripping over her own feet so he had to help her up the stairs otherwise she'd fall. On one of the steps she did trip but luckily he caught her just in time. Once they made it to her floor, he guided her to her room.

"Here we are sweetheart."

"Thank you." She thanked him, fumbling with the keys to unlock the door. When she succeeded, she waved goodbye and went inside, locking the door behind her. He was such a gentleman. She continued to think about him till she fell asleep.


It was a week later since their first run in, Eddie had just finished serving a man around his age and accidentally spilled some whiskey on his shirt. So when he heard the sound of a stool moving, he walked over to them, still looking down at his shirt as he wiped it with a cloth. "What can I get for you today?"

"Just a margarita please." He recognised that voice so he looked up immediately to be met with a familiar face. "Hey it's you again-"


"Y/n, lovely name. Did you get stood up again?" He teased, as he made her margarita. She slapped her chest, pretending to be offended by what he said. 

"No I didn't get stood up, can't I just want a drink?" He shook his head while chuckling, carefully sliding her the margarita she ordered. He knew there was more too it, he'd never actually saw her around before. It wasn't that he hadn't notice her, a woman like her would be impossible to miss. 

"Wow, you got stood up for the second time."

"I did not get stood up for the last time." She snapped, grabbing her drink from him. He gave her a disbelieving look, he wasn't convinced. "Maybe, I just wanted to see you again." 

"There we go!" He cheered, pointing at her with a victorious smile spreading on his face. "I knew it, now was that so difficult." She looked down, attempting to hide her blush that was washing over her cheeks. Of course she wanted to see him again, who wouldn't. He then turned to look at the other bartender and waved his hand at her. 

"I'm taking my break now." Afterwards he threw his cloth on the counter and ran over to the side where Y/n was sitting. "I'm Eddie by the way." He put his hand out for her to shake it. They then talked for a while, but this time she wasn't that drunk. So everything he said wasn't going in one and ear and out the other. Later on she sadly had to leave even though neither of them wanted the day to be over. 

"Will I be expecting you again next Friday?" He questioned, a glimpse of hope in his eyes that this was going to be more then a couple drinks on his break. 

Her heart began to race, of course she would. "Well yeah, if I get stood up again."

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