Gonna Wind Up Dead

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Eddie'S POV

"I'll get you some water and tissues, wait here." Y/n said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting up to go to the kitchen. The last week he'd been having nose bleeds, headaches and terrible nightmares that felt so real. It was always the same one. As a young child he got bullied, sometimes he still did but no where near as bad. When he was around twelve years old, his bullies followed him home and jumped him near a lake or pond. Knowing Eddie, of course he said something to offend them. Next thing he knew, he was dragged down to the water, his head repeatedly dunked down. Sometimes he could remember like it was just yesterday. The burning feeling in his throat and nose, the salty taste that lingered in his mouth for days after. If it wasn't for his uncle, he may not have been here today, sitting in his room waiting for the most amazing girl to get back.

It had been quite a while and she still hadn't returned. Plus it was awfully quiet so he decided to check up on her. Entering the kitchen, no one was there but the front door was open. His jaw dropped the second he stepped outside and his heart began to race. This wasn't possible, how was the lake right by his trailer

End of his POV

"Sorry I took so long, I was searching for the musketeer bar for you." She apologised, holding the bar up victoriously while walking back into his room. When she entered he had his back turned to her, facing his guitar, "Eddie I told you to lay down." There was no answer which concerned her. Rushing over to him, she tapped his shoulder and stood in front of him. Everything in her hands dropped to the floor, including the glass cup that was now shattered everywhere. His eyes were rolled up to the back of his head, this couldn't have been a joke. He'd never do this to her.

"Eddie wake up, please Eddie, wake up!" She cried, tears spilling down her face, shaking his shoulders violently. Suddenly his body began to float, causing Y/n to stumble back in terror. Slowly his bones started to snap which was it for her. Grabbing his car keys on the way out she sprinted out the trailer and hurried to his van, oblivious of the girl watching with curiosity across the road.

A Day Later

"I didn't know what to do so, I-I ran and left him there." She struggled to tell them, her voice cracking. Hesitantly, she looked over to Dustin who was now hugging Steve with tears in his eyes. "I'm so so sorry Dustin, I'm so sorry." She looked back down at the ground, nothing  could stop the aching pain in her heart and nothing could fill the emptiness she felt. 

"Y/n." Dustin said, walking over to her. He engulfed her in a hug, crying into her shoulder.


Everybody was crammed into the caravan, were they really prepared for battle? Not all of them would survive, that much was certain. Maybe none of them would, they'd all have to wait and see. Dustin and Y/n's job was to get the bats attention and distract them for a couple minutes whilst the others carried out their job. After that they would then retreat back to the normal world and wait for everyone else. It was risky, but one worth taking, for Eddie. Y/n was doing all this for him, to avenge the man she loved. He was taken too soon and unfairly. Firstly they dropped Max, Lucas and Erica off at Henry's old house where Vecna would be. There, Max would keep him busy for the rest of the plan. 

Dustin and Y/n would have to set up defences around Eddie's trailer and then blast some music, preferably one of Eddie's favourite songs. They were going for Master of Puppets which was quite new and a song Eddie loved. This would leave Vecna vulnerable for Robin, Steve and Nancy to kill that bitch.

"Alright I'm gonna go over the plan once more." Nancy stated, but Y/n was too deep in her thoughts to pay attention. She already knew it though so she'd be fine. All that was running through her mind was Eddie, how much she missed him. Who knows after this maybe she'd see him again, sooner than she thought. "Nobody moves onto the next phase till everyone has done theirs, you understand?" Everybody hummed in agreement, getting up and moving out of the caravan. Hurrying inside his trailer, the memories washed over her, and Dustin noticed. She stopped for a second, her head beginning to spin. They all halted, checking up on her but she just brushed it off telling them to get back to the plan. 

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