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The bells on the door suddenly began to ring, signalling that yet another person had arrived at the diner. As reflexes, Eddie looked up from the burger he was eating to see who it was. Dustin did the same before returning his attention to his plate of food before him. It was a girl around Eddie's age, one that they both didn't recognise. 

"Have you ever seen her before?" Eddie asked, leaning over the table to Dustin who was sitting across from him. The boy just shook his head, glancing at her once more. 

She took a seat by the front counter, scanning the diner and all the decorations and posters around. When she looked behind her she caught a curly head boy with an Iron Maiden shirt already staring at her. She gave him a tight lipped smile before turning back around. Soon after one of the workers approached her, asking what she wanted.

"Just a chocolate milkshake, please." There was a board in front of her with the menu and daily specials.

"Won't be long."

The girl Y/n immediately took a sip of her drink, saying thanks afterwards. She wanted to savour the taste since it would probably be the last nicest thing she got. Her money was tight and she had to use it wisely till she got a job here. The drink was like a small reward celebrating surviving another day while barely making it through.

Almost a year ago she ran away from her home. She couldn't take it anymore. Her parents had her life all planned out for her, even who she'd eventually marry so they could maintain their reputation. It wasn't what she wanted but they didn't care. So one night she packed some necessities and money to last for a little while before leaving for good. 

It wasn't easy, sleeping in her car or if she was lucky enough, an old mouldy motel room. But she didn't regret it, not a single thing. She may have been hanging on by a thread all the time but she was free. And that was worth it. 

"I see you're hiring." Y/n said, grabbing the attention of the older worker who walked over. They were most likely the owner of the cute diner. 

"Yeah, we are actually." The old man replied, leaning on the counter with a smile on his face. "You interested? We're kinda desperate."

"Oh really, I mean yeah that would be great." Right now more than anything she needed money. And she just got a great opportunity to make some. 

"Alrighty! Could you start tomorrow?" 

Y/n nodded her head, a grin plastered on her face. Maybe this town wouldn't be so bad compared to other places she'd been to. After their conversation she continued to drink her milkshake, catching the boy behind her glancing her way whenever she'd turn around. Then once she was done, she left the money on the counter before heading back to her car. She would probably drive around town and see what this place had to offer. 


It was her first day on the job, she was wearing one of the spare work uniforms that John the owner forgot about. He had also made her a quick name tag for her to wear till he got a proper one.

John made a deal that at the end of the day she would get any food that was left over since she agreed to closing up most days. It was great considering her living condition. She couldn't afford a place to stay let alone food to eat. 

Around lunch time the same dark, curly haired boy from yesterday showed up, taking a seat at the same booth. He had many different tattoos on his arms as well as rings on his fingers and was quite a good looking guy if she was going to honest. 

"Good afternoon, what can I get for you today?" Y/n asked, a bright smile covering her face. 

"Uh just a medium hot chips and coke please."

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