Meeting the Parents

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"Don't stress over it, they're gonna love you." Y/n reassured Eddie has he paced nervously back and forth through the kitchen. He had been like this for the past two hours when he heard that her parents wanted to properly meet him. 

They had only heard stories about him, and they made him sound like a real charmer. So the only problem was him having to try and live up to their expectations. He loved when Y/n talked of him so highly, but not to the point he didn't know how exactly highly she talked about him or how to act.

What if he just disappointed them, and in the process disappointed Y/n. That's the last thing he wanted to do, mess up everything. It would be so much easier if he just didn't go to have dinner with them, and risk the chance of ruining their relationship. Of course this was all just him overthinking, or at least that's what Y/n said.

"How do you know that?"

"Because, who wouldn't?" She grabbed ahold of his shoulders finally putting a stop to his pacing. 

"Everyone back in high school." 

"Well lucky for you, it isn't high school anymore." Y/n joked, pulling him in for a quick kiss on the cheek which obviously wasn't enough for him. He gently grabbed her wrist and connected their lips once more until she finally pulled away for air. "I'm serious Eddie, plus I don't know how they didn't love you."

"And why's that?" He teased, leaning down so their faces were once again millimetres apart. The close proximity between them made her weak in the knees. If Eddie wasn't holding onto her she probably wouldn't be standing. They had been together for over a year, yet he still managed to make her speechless with a simple touch.

"I'm tired and we've got a long day tomorrow." Y/n managed to say, dropping her gaze down to the floor. Then when she least expected it, he wrapped his arms around her waist and flung her over his shoulder. "Hey, hey, put me down!"

"As you wish, princess." He gave her no warning before dropping her down onto the comfortable bed causing her to let out a squeal. "You didn't say how."

Y/n just groaned in response, rolling over onto her stomach so she could hide her face in the pillows to try and block out the light. Luckily for her, the lights were soon turned off and the empty spot beside her was now occupied by Eddie. She turned onto her side to see him already looking at her with a loving smile on his face. They lay there for a couple of minutes, just admiring one another. Moments like this were beautiful and perfect.

"You know, no matter what they think of you, I'll still love you." She whispered, shuffling closer to him so she could rest her head on his chest and be put to sleep by sound of his heartbeat. "If that makes you feel any better."

"Never as much as I love you sweetheart."


The door swung open revealing Y/n's mom who was more than thrilled to see them both. First she pulled her daughter in for a long hug, then she spotted Eddie standing awkwardly behind them. 

"I've been waiting to finally meet you!" She didn't waste any time bringing him in for a hug as well. Y/n gave him a thumbs up to let him know it was going to be fine and maybe she was right. "Come on, I'm just getting dinner started."

He followed behind, entering the kitchen to see Y/n whispering something to her dad. Most probably something about trying not to scare the living daylight out of Eddie. Hopefully that was the case, he wanted things to go as smoothly as possible.

While the food was being cooked, Y/n, her dad and Eddie were sat outside on the porch with some beers. They had been catching up with each other and talking about anything that came to mind. 

The two guys had been getting along exceptionally well, which made Y/n feel so much better. At points she was even excluded from the conversations because they were too busy rambling on about things they liked. At least they weren't at each other's throats, that's all she could ask for.

"I'm gonna go check up on the food." Y/n said, glancing at the two who just nodded at her. "Try not to kill each other."

"Are the two boys getting along?" Her mom asked with her back still turned to Y/n.

"Pretty well actually." She answered, leaning against the countertop as she watched her mom put the food onto the kitchen table. "I'll go get them."

It took a few tries to get them to come back inside since they were deeply engaged in a conversation about music. Both of them did have very similar taste in music, maybe even the exact same so there was no surprise. 

"Eddie here tells me he's in a band and plays the guitar." Her dad spoke, taking another sip of his drink.

"Yeah I am in my free time, I'd like to hopefully get somewhere with it in the future." He explained, looking at Y/n who was sat next to him. 

"Well I've gotta hear you play sometime."

"That would be great." Eddie cheered before digging into the food. Everything was going much better than he had expected and that made him feel relieved. Not many people liked him back in high school, and especially not peoples parents. 

"Dad, tell him how you were once in a band too." Y/n added knowing it would spark another bond between the two. 

"Ahh, that was so many years ago, I can barely remember." He joked before beginning to talk all about it. Y/n's mom just rolled her eyes playfully as she had heard most of the stories before, some of them even included her as they were high school sweethearts.

The entire night had been a success, so when it was already getting really late, Y/n was struggling to drag Eddie away from her parents. They loved him so much, it even seemed they loved him more than her. 

"Thank's so much Mrs and Mr Y/L/N, it was such a pleasure to meet you." He hugged them both one last time before carrying the stuff back to the car, leaving Y/n alone with her parents.

"I like him." Her dad said, grinning at the thought of his daughter being with a great guy like him. That's all he ever wanted, for her to be happy with someone who treated her right. That's all a dad ever wanted. "Make sure he treats you right."

"He does, he really does." After saying goodbye, she joined Eddie in the car and they went back home to celebrate how well it went.

"See, there was no need to worry about anything." Y/n said, sneaking up behind Eddie who had just come out of the bathroom. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. "They loved you."

"I'm glad, it'll make spending the rest of my life with you much easier." 

"You're so cheesy." 

"Yeah, but you love it." She hummed in response as he turned around and placed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Yes, I do."

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