Our Secret

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"Hey freak!" Someone yelled behind him, the sound of the their footsteps getting louder. Eddie tried to ignore them, speeding up his pace down the hallway hoping to find Y/n. He was afraid that if opened his mouth, he'd say something to piss Jason off and he really didn't want any trouble now. All he wanted to do was find his beautiful, amazing girlfriend so they could go to her house before going out. "Where you off to huh?"

Eventually Jason caught up to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, pulling him in closer as they continued to walk. His other hand ruffled Eddie's hair. He wanted nothing more than to punch him right now. Nobody touched his hair, especially someone he hated. But then he remembered why he was in such a rush. He couldn't spare another second without Y/n in his arms even though he saw her at lunch. 

"Going to see that pretty girlfriend of yours?" Jason said, smirking at him. He knew that the perfect way to get a reaction out of Eddie was mentioning her. "She is quite the piece, let her know that I'm free tonight if she gets sick of your dragons and dungeons roleplaying and wants a real man."

"No need, I already heard everything." Y/n cut in, walking beside them as she was following behind before. Jason's cheeks went red with embarrassment, he didn't actually want her to hear what he said. "Now if you'd get your hands off my boyfriend it would be appreciated."

He obliged, taking a step away from Eddie. All three of them were now standing in the middle of the empty hallway. Y/n sarcastically smiled at Jason, cupping Eddie's cheeks before pulling him into a long passionate kiss. Jason watched awkwardly not knowing what to do or say, it had caught him off guard. Finally after a minute he hurried off, leaving them alone. Y/n pulled away, satisfied that it worked.

"Jesus Christ that was hot." Eddie remarked, running his hands through his hair.

"Did he hurt you or anything?" She asked completely ignoring what he had said previously.


"Good, next time I'll kill him." Eddie laughed nervously, he knew she was exaggerating but she said it so seriously. He still couldn't get over the fact that she was so hot when angry. It made him want her even more, if that was possible. God he was in love with her. 

After their run in with Jason, they reached his car and drove off to her house. Y/n got out first, heading to the door while Eddie got out. He walked to the other side, leaning against the van.

"So we still on for pizza?"

"Oh shoot!" Y/n yelled, immediately spinning around to face him, slapping her face. "I completely forgot, I have to study tonight, for an important exam tomorrow."

Eddie frowned, but he wasn't going to argue with her. He saw what happened earlier and he didn't want that happening to him. She copied his facial expressions, strolling over to him with her arms wide open. He grabbed her by the waist pulling her against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck staring into his eyes. 

"I'm sorry." She apologised again, hitting him with the puppy eyes he could never be mad at. He lifted his one hand, placing it at the back of her neck before leaning in for a kiss. She rested her hand on his chest, using it as an advantage to push him away. If she didn't stop now she wouldn't want to say goodbye yet, therefore she wouldn't be able to study. "I really need to go."

"I love you." 

"I love you too Eddie, see you tomorrow." She yelled back, entering her house and leaving him there. He sighed at how easily she got him missing her, wanting her touch. She was such a tease sometimes it drove him nuts.


It had been a couple hours since they parted ways and he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to see her and it was slowly eating him from the inside. Surely she would have done studying by now, even if she hadn't, he'd just sit there in silence while she finished, admiring her. Then they could cuddle, they didn't need to go out, he just wanted to see her again.

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