Seeing Things

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"Here." Eddie instructed, moving Y/n's fingers so they were in the right position. "Now strum."

She followed his instructions, her smile growing even wider when it sounded good. There was no doubt some of her favourite moments were when he taught her how to play his guitar. He was doing something he was passionate about and passing it on to her.

"You're a natural sweetheart."

"I'm not sure if you're talking about me or your guitar." Y/n joked before strumming some of the other chords he had taught her earlier. He slapped his hand to his chest as if he was offended, carefully taking the instrument from her hand. "But I could totally be a rockstar like you."

"I think that's enough for today, I wanna spend time with just my second favourite girl." Eddie immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up so she couldn't escape him. He then walked over to his bed, throwing her onto the mattress, causing her to let out a squeal. A second later, he flopped down beside her, pulling her in close to him. "I'm just messing with you, you're my favourite by a little bit."

"Is that so."

"Mhm." He hummed in response, digging his head into the crook of her neck. "I love you."


"That was a great show!" Jeff cheered, giving everyone a high five as he walked past. "Anyone up for some drinks at the bar later?"

Everyone accepted his offer and went off back to their own dressing rooms to change into more comfier and less sweaty clothes. Expect Y/n who seemed to have zoned out for a bit.

"Hey, Eddie would be proud." Gareth said, grabbing onto Y/n's shoulder while giving her a heartfelt smile. He knew how difficult all of this was for her. To be playing in Eddie's band, or what was Eddie's band, after everything happened.

The whole Hawkins thing that happened a few years ago really got in the way of his dreams. He never got to be the rockstar that he always dreamt off and that really broke Y/n's heart. Of course she loved music and the thrill of being in a band but part of it was for Eddie. So that not all of him died that day in the Upside Down.

"Thanks Gareth, that means a lot." She pulled him in for a hug, walking over to her own dressing room. "I'll join you guys soon." 

He waved Y/n goodbye before leaving her alone. When she entered her, she gently placed her guitar onto the table, sitting down at the mirror afterwards. For a minute or two, she sat there staring at her reflection. Her face covered with makeup and her hair all done up. She was really living the dream, it wasn't exactly hers in the first place but here she was and she couldn't do anything about that. 

Grabbing the chain that was around her neck, she lifted it up admiring the guitar pic that once belonged to Eddie. Dustin first gave it to Wayne but then Wayne decided it would be best if she wore it. It was a constant reminder of what his nephew wanted to do and thought that it would help her get through. And it did.

As she was removing some of her makeup the lights began to flicker causing her to jump a little. She continued on with what she was doing when it stopped not worrying too much about it. That was until the lights completely turned off. 

Dropping everything that was in her hands, she got up onto her feet and navigated her way towards the wall. While she was feeling the area around her for the switch she tried to remain as calm as possible. It was probably just a power shortage or something. Right as she found the light switch, the light flickered on again. She  then turned back around but immediately froze when she looked in the mirror.

What should've been a reflection of her was actually a reflection of someone else. That someone else being Eddie. Her Eddie that had been dead for years, the one that died in her arms. Except he was all beat up with cuts covering his body. His clothes all ripped up and his hair a complete mess. She had to have been seeing things.

"Eddie?" Taking a step closer to the mirror she brought her hand up in front of her and as she expected, he didn't copy her. Instead he suddenly disappeared confusing her even more. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest, how high was she?

When Y/n thought it was over, she felt a hand grab onto her shoulder causing her to spin around. There he was, the exact same person she saw in the mirror. She didn't know whether she could even call him Eddie at this point. 

"This is all your fault." He finally said, taking a step closer to her when she stepped back. "It should've been you!"

"What, what are you talking about!?" Y/n questioned, bumping into the table behind her. 

"You let me die and now you get to live all this." His eyes were pure black, she couldn't even recognise them. One thing was for sure, this wasn't her Eddie. "You should've died."

All of this was too much for her to handle. Even if it wasn't real, it seemed like it was and seeing him stand right in front of her brought all of the pain back. Especially when he looked like he had  walked through hell and back. 

The lights started to flicker again uncontrollably and the table she had backed up onto began to shake. Everything felt so real and she wanted it to stop. Or if it was some sort of nightmare she wanted to wake up. 

"Y/n! Y/n!" Someone yelled, barging through the door across the room. 

Then everything stopped, the flickering of the lights, the shaking of the table and Eddie had disappeared. All that was left was Y/n who had fallen onto the ground, her arms now wrapped around her as tears ran down her face. 

"I-I saw him Gareth! I saw Eddie!"

"Hey, hey, Y/n you're ok there's nothing there." He whispered, crouching down beside her whilst rubbing her back in hopes it would calm her down. 

"He was there! I swear he was there!" 

"Y/n, are you high?" He hesitantly asked, afraid of what her answer would be. That was probably why she was having a breakdown, it wasn't the first time but he hoped it would be the last. He knew it helped her cope to an extent but it only made her feel worse after and it wasn't healthy.

"Why won't you believe me Gareth!"

"I do Y/n, I do believe you saw him!" 

"I just want all of this to end." She cried, dropping her head into her hands. There was no doubt  she wanted to continue Eddie's dream but it was so hard. The guilt washed over her every time she would pick up a guitar or every time she would walk onto a stage, knowing that this was supposed to be his life.

Eddie was right, it should've been her. Not him, he didn't deserve to die and she should've done something to save him.

"I know you think it's your fault Y/n, but it's not." He tried to convince her to ignore the voice in her head telling her otherwise. "He's gone Y/n, you're just seeing things."

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