I Need You

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"How are you Y/n?"

"Fine." She answered, washing up the last of the dishes. The question had caught her off guard but she tried to act as unbothered as possible. Of course she was ok? What kind of question was that. She had never been better. She felt more free than ever before and life was going great. No need for any man in her life.

"You sure? You've been washing that plate for a while now."  Y/n immediately stopped the tap, putting the plate down. Then she turned to face her friend who looked very unconvinced. Y/n was Ava's best friend so she'd know exactly when she wasn't ok. And this was one of those times. But another thing Ava also knew was how stubborn she was. Therefore she would only deny it.

"Like I said, I'm fine." She answered, walking over to the counter, joining her on one of the stools. 

"That's what they all say." 

"Yeah, but I mean it." No matter what Y/n said, Ava still didn't believe anything. Yes, she wished it was true, but it wasn't. 

Ava sighed in frustration, dramatically frowning at Y/n. She had a lot of sympathy for her. Breakups were never easy, Ava knew that from experience. She had been in plenty of relationships to know that. The only difference was that they were never as serious as Y/n and her ex. They were actually really serious before ending things. He even proposed to her, but obviously she said no. Y/n said it wasn't working out, but Ava knew it was because she was scared. Getting married was a pretty scary thought when you were only twenty-two. Hence why things ended. It was a shame, really.

"It's ok to not be ok."

"I'm the one who ended things, why wouldn't I?" She tried to convince Ava, but more she was trying to convince herself. If she did, then maybe it would be true. "I think you should leave now, I've gotta do some work."

Ava took a deep breath in, nodding before getting up. She gave her a hug, walking over to the door as Y/n followed. After she left, Y/n attempted to do some work but failed. She couldn't get her mind off of the conversation earlier. Maybe Ava wasn't all that wrong. It did get lonely at times. When you were so used to all that loving, all the hugs and kisses. Now she had none of that. Just herself, in this quiet old apartment.


"Give me another round." 

The bartender nodded, pouring another drink, sliding it towards her. Y/n picked it up, tipping them before walking off. What better way to spend a Friday night then getting wasted. It was the perfect way to forget about her life for a change. Forget about him. 

The past couple months in all honesty had been complete shit without him. There was no more waking up in his warm embrace and feeling his comforting touch. God, now that she really thought about it, she missed him so much.

Why did she say no in the first place. She loved him, did she not? What was she so afraid of that made her break his heart. That made her make the biggest mistake of her life. He was the best thing in her life, and she threw it all away because she was what. Scared? Now she was here, drinking her feelings away knowing tomorrow would be just as miserable. 

Without thinking, she pulled out her phone dialling his number. What harm would it do, he probably wouldn't answer anyways. Who would answer a call from their ex that said no after proposing?

She was about to put her phone back into her pocket until she heard a voice speaking. It took her a second to realise that he had actually answered. She didn't even know what to say. How do you strike up a conversation in the situation they were in.

"Y/n, is everything ok, it's one in the morning?"

"Eddie, heyyy." She said, taking another sip of her drink before speaking again. "Yeah, um everything's great, actually that's a lie."

"What do you mean?"

"I miss you." She blurted out, covering her mouth immediately after. Did she really just say that out loud. It wasn't fair, telling him that after what she did to him.

"Are you drunk? Y/n where are you?" He continued asking her questions worriedly, scared she was in trouble. The last thing he wanted was something bad to happen to her. He still loved her no matter what. That never changed. 

"Uh, just at the bar down the road." Once she answered, he knew exactly where she was. 

"Stay where you are, I'll be there as soon as I can." 

Hanging up, he grabbed his car keys and ran out the door. Once he got into his van, he drove off to the bar she was at. He needed to make sure she was safe. Who knows what could happen with a drunk, vulnerable woman. 

Not long after he arrived, jumping out and locking his car behind him. He then ran into the bar, searching for Y/n. Eventually he found her by one of the tables, with some random guy all up in her face, trying to flirt with her. It filled him with anger, seeing another guy with her. 

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah you can, by fucking off." Eddie replied sternly, grinning at him sarcastically. The guy rolled his eyes, getting up from his chair to leave. "He didn't hurt you or anything?"

She shook her head, downing the drink in her hand. He hadn't changed a bit, still as good looking as ever with his long, curly hair and chocolate button eyes. There was so many things she missed about him. 

"Let's get you home sweetheart."

Despite her objections, he managed to get her into the car and back to her apartment. He then slowly helped her to the door after she tripped over her own shoes multiple times. She fumbled with her keys, handing them to him since she was too drunk to even unlock her own door. 

"Can you stay?" Y/n said, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "Please?"

"Y/n, you're drunk." 

She groaned, grabbing his arms and giving them a tug. Even if she was drunk or not, she wanted him to stay. That was for sure. She was already in a fragile mood, causing her to suddenly burst into tears. Eddie wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead repeatedly to calm her down. 

"I'm so sorry Eddie, for everything, I love you and I don't know why I said no!" She cried, holding onto him tightly. 

"Hey, hey it's ok."

"No it's really not." Cupping his cheeks she smiled through her tears. "But now I know I need you."

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