Bad Timing

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Eddie was busy practicing one of Corroded's songs for when they played at the hideout next week. He was focused on get the riff right, his tongue sticking out slightly. Y/n smiled at how adorable it looked when he was concentrated. She kept on admiring him until he noticed, sending her a wink which caused her to look back down at her book.

For a while he continued to play his guitar while Y/n finished her homework. Most of the time this is what their afternoon consisted of. They didn't always have to be doing things together. Sometimes just being in each other's company was enough, it was simple and easy. That's what Y/n wanted. 

"You finally done?" Eddie questioned, flopping down beside her on his bed. 

"Hm, nearly." Scribbling down a few more answers onto the book, she shut it before tossing it to the side. They then both sat cross legged, facing each other. As he was working up the courage to tell her something he fiddled with the rings on his fingers. 

There had been something eating at him for a couple months now. Rather a set of words, three to be exact, that she needed to hear. But his overthinking always got in the way. Before they had started dating, it took months for her to finally say yes to go out with him. 

She told him that it wasn't because she didn't like him, but because she'd never been in a relationship. All of it was new to her. The cuddling, the kissing, the public affection. It was something she never expected to have.

Her parents didn't have the best relationship as she grew up. They argued a lot until they finally divorced, so she didn't have an example of what a good and healthy relationship was. Luckily, Eddie was a great understanding guy, who took things slow if she wanted him to. And that's exactly what he did. He'd made sure that he didn't rush anything so she never felt overwhelmed. Now after nearly a year he thought he was ready to say those important words. 

"There's something I need to get off my chest." Eddie said, breaking the comfortable silence that they had fallen into. He waited a few seconds, clearing his throat when she nodded. "Ok, I-um, fuck it, I love you Y/n."

Y/n's smile instantly dropped and her face froze. She then opened and closed her mouth a couple times, struggling to say something, but nothing came out. Eddie waved his hand in front of her face, smiling nervously as to her sudden expression. So many different thoughts were running through his mind, only making things worse. Was it too soon? Did she not feel the same way? Now everything was ruined, wasn't it?

"I, um have to go, I forgot I needed to do some things at home, sorry." Y/n murmured, grabbing her things before shoving them into her bag. She then made a speedy exit out of his bedroom, saying goodbye to Wayne before rushing out the front door over to her car. 

Eddie wanted to run after her but decided against, remaining on the steps of his trailer in confusion. He ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the strands while mentally cursing at himself. Groaning in frustration, he went back inside and slammed the door shut which echoed throughout the trailer.

"What's wrong kid?" Wayne questioned worriedly, grabbing two beers out of the fridge since he knew that would calm him down.

"I think I just messed everything up." Eddie slumped down onto the couch defeatedly, holding his head in his hands. His uncle tried to comfort him by gently rubbing his shoulders while placing the beer down on the coffee table. "I love her so much and I just ruined it."

"Hey, hey calm down kid, give her some space, then talk to her." Wayne explained, taking a sip of his beer, smiling when Eddie grabbed the other bottle. "She'll come around."


It had been a couple days since the whole incident. Y/n had been avoiding him at school, taking different paths to her locker or sitting at the completely different end of the cafeteria. Anything to make sure she didn't have to talk to him or even look at him. Of course she felt terrible, but it was best for them both. She wanted to talk to him but felt too guilty. 

She was reading to keep herself busy while she thought about what to say. That was if he'd ever want to talk to her again. It was just like the universe had heard her when there was tapping on her window. 

At first she ignored, thinking it was the wind or some stupid bird but it kept on going. When it got louder she jumped up off her bed, dropping the book in her hand before making her way to the noise. Immediately she was met by Eddie's face. He pointed to the window which she reacted by sliding it up.

"Hey sweetheart, I thought we should talk, if that's fine with you?" He said, giving her a quick wave. She had no idea how hard he was trying not to seem bothered about the other day. 

"Yeah, you're right." Y/n agreed, taking a step to the side so he could enter her room. They both then moved towards her bed to sit down on the edge. "I'm sorry about how I just left."

"Did I do something wrong Y/n? Did I hurt you in anyway?" She shook her head, reassuring him that he hadn't done anything. "Was it because I said, I love you?"

He swallowed the lump in his throat, knowing that it was in fact the reason why she left in such a hurry. Although that didn't stop how much his heart broke when she hesitantly nodded. 

"I-I'm sorry Eddie." She reached for his hand, holding it tightly. "It's not you. You're amazing in every way, any girl would be lucky to have you and I wish that I could see that enough to love you back."

Y/n wiped a couple tears away as they trickled down her cheek. She didn't know what was worse. Loving someone with them not loving you the same way, or wanting to love someone who loved you so badly, but not being able to. 

More than anything she wanted to love him like he loved her. She wanted to be in love with him so much because he was everything anyone could ever want. But for some stupid reason she didn't and it sucked. So fucking badly.

"I just don't, and I hate myself for it, I really do." She confessed, looking down at her knees because she was too ashamed to look at him. "I'm just not ready."

"Y/n you're the best thing to ever happen to me." He cupped her chin, making her look at him. "I'll wait for you, if you just wanna be friends for now, that's fine, as much as it pains me it's worth it."

"Eddie, that's too much to ask, I can't expect you to do th-"

"If it's you, it's not too much." He cut her off, giving her a sad smile. Maybe it was stupid, maybe it would just hurt him even more but he was going to wait. What else was he supposed to do? He loved her too much to let her go.


A couple years passed after they decided to stay as friends. Over their break Y/n had realised that no one else had ever shown her as much love as Eddie had. She realised that he treated her like every girl deserved to be treated. She realised, that she loved him. 

But she would never tell him. It would be cruel and unfair, so she had to suck it up and deal with the pain herself. Plus, it was the least she could do after causing him just as much pain. 

He was happy now. He had moved on and found another great girl. One that realised his worth straight away, one that didn't take him for granted. Y/n would never take that away from him. If only she could've learned that she loved him sooner, things would be different. It was just bad timing.

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