Better than Him

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"Psst Y/n! Oi Y/n!" Someone called from behind her desk. The teacher hushed them but that didn't stop the person. After they called her name a couple more times Y/n finally heard. When the teacher turned around again to face the board she took the chance to find whoever was trying to get her attention. She wasn't surprised who it was, James a friend of her boyfriend.


"Your boyfriend wants you to wait outside the room when class ends." James answered a little too loudly, wiggling his eyebrows. The teacher had caught James talking to her, scolding them both as chuckles washed through the class. Y/n ended up being swapped with another student further towards the back of the classroom where James couldn't annoy her. She picked up her things, heading over to her new assigned seat, then slumping down on her chair. Now she was moved away from her friend and next to the one and only, infamous Eddie Munson.

It's not that she didn't like him, he was no where near as bad as people made him out to be. It was more that he would talk and flirt with her around the school, and her boyfriend wasn't very fond of Y/n hanging out with other guys he didn't know very well. Even just other guys in general. She was too focused on writing notes down that she hadn't noticed Eddie's victorious grin and little celebration. For the remainder of the lesson, the room was silent until the bell went for the end of the day. Poor Eddie had spent the whole time contemplating what to say to her and hadn't got any work done. 

The minute she stepped out the classroom, her boyfriend was there leaning against one of the lockers. His smile grew when they made eye-contact, he then met her halfway, resting his arm around her shoulder and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"I was thinking, you and me over at my place now?"

"I don't know Billy, I've got a lot of homework to do." Y/n explained, sadly looking up at him. He sighed, stuffing his hand in the pocket of his jeans. 

"C'mon, it'll be fun, I mean I can help you with homework later." Eventually he changed her mind, hiding his satisfied smirk. Eddie was not far behind them, listening in on their conversation, he never liked Billy. He also knew what his intentions were, but decided to keep his mouth shut. Billy would beat his ass, plus he had no idea what their relationship was like and if she maybe felt the same way.

"Eddie wait up!" A friend of his yelled, causing Y/n to look over her shoulder. She gave him a friendly wave and smile in which he returned. Billy saw as well and gave him a deadly glare, walking faster pulling her along with him.

"Don't talk to that freak!" He demanded giving her a stern look. "And if he ever talks to you, tell me!"


It was sometime after five o'clock, already getting dark outside when Eddie had to take the trash out. Lifting the bin lid, a Chevrolet pulled up to Y/n's driveway across the road. He then saw Y/n getting out the car, slamming the door shut but soon being stopped by a very angry Billy.

"Don't walk away from me Y/n!" He growled, grabbing her wrist and harshly yanking her back.

"Billy let go! You're hurting me." She begged, attempting to loosen his grip with her other hand but he wouldn't budge. Instead, tightening it so much that there was definitely going to be red marks. Eddie really wanted to interfere, but he knew that it would only make matters worse. Luckily for him and Y/n, one of her parents opened the door immediately making Billy let go. Without saying another word she walked inside, her mother closing the door behind them. Frightened Billy would see him, Eddie crouched down behind the bin, slightly peaking his head over it. After quickly scanning the area, Billy got back into the car speeding off into the distance. When he made sure the coast was clear, Eddie went back into his trailer not being able to forget about the event that just occurred.

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