Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

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Y/n drove into the Forest Hills trailer park residence. She had an excursion for the school journal team all day, so this would be the first time seeing Eddie today. Once she pulled up to his trailer the only car she saw was Wayne's. Well it was Friday and Eddie had booked a gig for his band. Sadly, she wasn't able to go with because of her excursion but was staying over the night to make up for it. Whenever she missed one he would give her a free mini concert. Parking her car next to Eddie's usual parking spot, she got out locking the door behind her.

"Eddie ain't home yet, but there's some leftovers if you're hungry." Wayne spoke as he walked out, startling her. "I'm just going out with a friend so I'll be back later." After saying goodbye to each other he set out, leaving her alone for a while. Placing her pair of keys down on the table, she walked to the fridge, scanning for any food. There was some pizza so she grabbed it and warmed it up before taking a seat on the couch. 

It was about thirty minutes later and Y/n was reading a newspaper when the sound of keys turning in the lock was heard. Then someone suddenly came barging in, dropping their stuff on the ground after closing the door. It was Eddie, but he should've only been back in an hour or so. He looked miserable, his guitar slung over his shoulder as he clumped over towards his room. At first Y/n thought he hadn't seen her until a few seconds later he came rushing back out to check if he was seeing things or if she was really sitting there. 

"Y/n!" His eyes lit up when they made eye contact, meeting her halfway for a hug he really needed. Resting his head in the crook of her neck, she rubbed his back knowing something was up. Maybe it had something to do with him getting home so early. For a couple minutes, they stood there silently enjoying one another's company. 

"What's wrong? Bad day?" She worriedly asked, moving back to look in his eyes. He took some deep breathes then sighed before beginning to explain what had happened. Firstly, the fact she wasn't at school for the day already upset him, because the best part was exchanging secret glances during class or him flirting with her by their lockers. Then the same people pissing him off like usual, but today he just couldn't put up with it. He just wished they would shut up sometimes. Lastly, he was supposed to play a gig around this time after practicing with the rest of his band beforehand. Although, when they got there, it turned out that they had made a mistake in the schedule and another jazzy band was supposed to be playing. People would've preferred metal on a Friday night more, he just knew it.

"You know what, want some pizza, then we can do whatever you want." Y/n offered, turning the microwave on since the rest of the pizza was inside. Eddie sat down on the chair, gazing at her lovingly. It was only less than a day but he still seemed to miss her a lot, imagine how it would be if they couldn't see each other for weeks. Not that he'd ever want that to happen. It would be impossible for him. His day dreaming ended when the microwave started to beep and she slumped down beside him. The smell of pepperoni pizza filling his nostrils. She held the plate up so he could lie down and rest his head on her lap. Giggling at how adorable he was, she handed him a slice. 

"How was your day sweetheart?" Eddie asked before taking a bite of his pizza. She answered, going on about how they got a good story for the journal and how overall it was a great success.

"The only thing is I really missed you." His smile grew even more knowing he wasn't the only one. He didn't want to seem too clingy or anything. The last thing he'd want was to chase her away. "Anyways what do you wanna do now? What about playing me some of your songs that you couldn't?" Eddie jumped up, all excited that she asked. Could there be a more perfect girl? One that loved to hear him play the electric guitar, one that would put up with his clinginess, how he would blast Metallica or iron maiden when he felt like it. Especially one that would be there for him when he needed it, even it was stupid. 

Y/n followed him into his room where he picked up his guitar that was laying on the bed. She took a seat on the bed, crossing her legs and getting comfortable. He had a couple songs that were planned to be played. Watching him play was fascinating, how he quickly he would learn a new song was incredible. Sometimes when she was over for dinner, she'd be helping Wayne in the kitchen while listening to him practicing in his room. Well, there was barely a time she wasn't over. The Munson's probably saw her more than her own parents. 

She watched in awe, smiling at how cute his face looked when he was concentrated on a riff or a difficult part. Once he finished, she made room on the bed so they could both lay down. "That was amazing like usual." Y/n complimented, turning on her side to face him. "They really missed out on a good performance."

"You think so?" She nodded her head, placing a hand on his cheek to pull him in for a kiss. They continued to kiss passionately, at one point Eddie climbed on top of her. Not long after his move, they were rudely interrupted by someone knocking on the door. 

"Yeah no, either turn the music up real high or wait till I ain't at home." Wayne demanded, sighing before walking back into the living room. They both fell back down on the bed, laughing about his uncles reaction. Sadly for him, this wasn't the first time he walked into some moments that were better kept in private, mostly make out sessions in between studying. 

"You're coming back on Monday right?"

"Mhm of course, you wouldn't be able to last another day without me."  He pretended to take offence to her reply, tickling her and planting kisses all over face and neck. After screaming and yelling at him, he finally stopped, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head on her chest. "I guess you're feeling much better now?"

"It's a miracle! When I'm with you, I've got sunshine on a cloudy day."

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