Marry Him

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Y/n was finally back in Hawkins after years. She hadn't seen most of her friends in a while and she missed them greatly.

Of course she loved experiencing new things. Beautiful, busy cities, sandy beaches. Everything really. It was all completely different to Hawkins where she pretty much knew everyone. Out there in the world she knew no one, except for one amazing person she met during her adventure. But other than that she was thrilled to be back. Hopefully everyone would be happy to see her after so long. 

Yes, she was there to catch up with her friends. Although there was also another reason why and she couldn't wait to tell everyone. Especially one of her old friends in particular. 

"Hey James, I'm just going out to catch up with an old friend." Y/n said, walking into the guest bedroom where he was sitting on the edge, slipping his shoes off. He nodded his head, quickly getting up from his spot to pull her in for a quick kiss. "I'll be back later, take care of my parents ok?"

"Of course, have fun!" 

Both Y/n, James and his parents were staying at Y/n's parents house for the week. It was quite cramped and always busy but nothing she wasn't used to. 

"Thanks!" She grabbed her purse and keys before saying goodbye to all of their parents. Once she got into her car she drove off towards the trailer park. After all these years she still managed to remember the way there without directions like it had been just yesterday since she last visited.

Driving around brought back plenty of memories that she had forgotten about whilst away, she was too busy making new ones. She hadn't realised how much she missed everyone, her family and friends.

It only took less than ten minutes to arrive at her destination. Getting out, she locked her car, leaning against it for a few seconds. What was she supposed to say? Would he even remember her? Of course he would, it had only been four years, not forty. Still, how was she supposed to start a conversation. 

Pushing all the negative thoughts to the back of her mind, she rushed over to the trailer door. What was the worst that could happen? 

Taking a few deep breaths in, she hesitated to try and calm her nerves before knocking on the door. At first there was no answer, causing her to start overthinking. Did he even still live here? His uncles car was parked in front but that didn't mean he was still here. 

She was just about the leave until the door swung open, revealing a very familiar person. Their face lit up while they tried to find the words to say something.


"Eddie, hi." She breathed out, fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously. 

"Wow, um how are you? Do you wanna come in? Sorry I didn't know you were back in town." He blabbered on, finally stopping when he realised how he was embarrassing himself enough already. "Can I say you look great."

She looked down at the ground when entering, blush was crawling up her neck, washing over her cheeks. He hadn't changed one bit. Still the same flirty, handsome Eddie she remembered. It was good to know some things never changed.

"Actually I was planning on going to the bar. I've got something important to tell you" 

"Well, I can never say no to an opportunity to go to a bar, or hangout with you." He joked, shoving his one hand in his pocket. "Let me grab my jacket real quick." 

Shortly after he returned with the same jacket on that he always wore in high school causing her to chuckle. His eyebrows furrowed wondering what she found so funny until she pointed to what he was wearing.

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