Number 1

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The cafeteria was full of chatter and gossip as everyone found their seats. Y/n sat down at a table with a few of her other friends. A few tables behind her was where the most popular seniors and the new 'King of Hawkins' Billy sat. The minute he arrived at school, Steve Harrington 'The Hair' who used to be what everyone called them 'The King' was kicked out of the role. Both of them still shared a table, but they sat on opposite ends with their own friend groups. Everyday the two would compete, whether it was for the ladies, basketball and even their cars. Lots of the girls seemed to love the drama and tension between the two. Y/n didn't care though, she was head over heels for someone else.

Repeatedly, she stabbed her fork into the meatloaf paying no attention to her friends around her. She then looked up, scanning the area for a certain somebody. When her eyes finally landed on them, she couldn't stop the massive grin that spread across her face. The mysterious person from across the room had then caught her staring. He returned a bright smile and raised his hand, wiggling his fingers to wave at her. Mouthing the words 'I miss you', he frowned dramatically, grabbing a lock of his curly, dark brown hair, holding it by his mouth. Y/n began to giggle at his adorableness which gained her friends attention.

"What are you laughing at?" One of them questioned, trying to find the source. That's when her friend Jessica better known as Jess realised someone else was walking over to their table. "There's no way Billy's coming over here right now!" They all whispered to each other, tapping Y/n's shoulder so that she would stop daydreaming or whatever it was. After numerous taps, she finally came back to reality. Then to her surprise the King of Hawkins was standing right in front of her, one arm leaning on the table so they were somewhat the same height.

"Hey ladies. Are you guys coming to the party tomorrow?" They nodded their heads, while Jess continued to flirt with him, but he paid no attention to her. "What about you sweetheart?" In the corner of her eyes, the person she was initially flirting with was tense, clenching his fists, glaring straight at the back of Billy's head. Billy noticed she was distracted and shuffled to the side slightly, in hopes of blocking whatever she was glancing at.

"I um, I'm not sure. I'll think about it."

"Well I hope that I'll see you there." He winked then walked off with a smug smile plastered on his face. They all gazed at him as he walked away, commenting on how his jeans fit him so well. Not long after, the bell went for next class and the halls flooded with everyone.

Entering the sports hall, Y/n didn't have anytime to take a seat as all the girls were already running laps around the court. A few laps later, she had to take a break to drink some water.

"Hey! Y/n, hey!" A familiar voice called, jogging up to her. He was sweating quite a bit after doing lots of basketball drills. Steve kept on talking as she drank from her bottle. "I was wondering if you were going to the party tomorrow?" She was about to answer him until a head popped out from the doors behind them.

"I-maybe." Y/n didn't let him say anything else as she was checking the teacher was busy while making her way over to them. Steve spun around, annoyed at the rude interruption and headed back onto the court. 

"Eddie what are you doing here!" She asked, pushing him outside the hall and closing the door slightly so they couldn't be seen by the teacher. "You could get into trouble." 

"I wanted to see my favourite person." Y/n's cheeks turned red as she rolled her eyes. If he got caught again he'd be in a lot of trouble. This wasn't the only time he'd snuck out of class to find her. The fact Eddie was willing to get into trouble if it meant getting a few extra minutes of seeing her everyday, made her feel amazing. Like she was special. No other boy had ever made her feel that way so she wasn't interested in Billy or Steve. "Let me guess, Steve and Billy both asked you about the party?"Y/n nodded her head, then asked if he would go with her because other friends were but he rejected.

"You know I don't like those kind of parties." He sadly stated. "You can still go with your friends, just be careful around other boys." She loved how he was protective, but still let her have freedom when she wanted. That was just one of the many things she loved about him.

"If you don't go I'm not either." She replied, placing both her hands on his shoulders while giving him a loving smile. He assured her that it was fine but she had already made up her mind. 

"Well then, I'll plan something for us." 

"Can't wait! But I gotta get back to class, and you better too." Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she went back inside when the teacher wasn't looking again. Eddie blew her one last kiss before he left.


It was the end of the next day and Y/n was walking out of class with a couple of her friends. They were complaining about the fact she was missing the party that night and her chance with Steve or Billy. Nothing that they could say would change her mind though, yes they were good looking guys but she wouldn't trade Eddie for anyone else. Her friends weren't giving up, begging her to come with them and either of the guys a chance. 

"Steve's probably trying to find a rebound after Nancy, while I'm just on a long list of girls for Billy, I doubt he even knows my name." She argued, increasing her pace towards the entrance of the school. "So sorry but I'm not going." Outside in the distance she could see Eddie's van pulling up. After saying her farewells she hurried out the school to his car. He got out, opening the door for her but was startled by a hoot beside them.

"Oi Y/n! You coming to the party?" Billy yelled out his window, death staring Eddie. 

"Sorry I've got plans maybe another time." She answered, hopping in the car which then Eddie shut the door running to the drivers side. "I'm surprised he even knows my name." She could see Eddie tensing his hands on the steering wheel. Y/n placed her hand on his, gently rubbing it. After calming down, he turned the keys in the ignition and drove out of the school taking her somewhere. 

They had been driving for a little while, but Y/n didn't mind. It was fun, singing along to the music with Eddie and looking at the view. The countryside was beautiful and it was a shame she barely had any time to drive around it more often. 

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see sweetheart." He turned off onto another pathway that seemed to follow to a lookout point. Eventually they got to the end of the road, driving a few meters further, he parked the car on the grass. They both got out, walking over close to the edge. There was a wonderful view, it overlooked a few houses and some acreages, while Hawkins was far at the back in the distance. "What do you think?"

"It's amazing Eddie, I'm glad I skipped the party for this." After admiring the view for a bit, Eddie helped her onto the roof of his van, ready for the sunset that would occur shortly. Once the sunset was over he grabbed his electric guitar to play some things he'd learnt which she found mesmerising. Later when the stars appeared in the sky they cuddled closely underneath a blanket he packed, as Y/n named a couple constellations she knew while Eddie listened, taking note of everything. She turned to Eddie to find him already looking at her. 


"I'm so glad you're here and not with Billy or Steve, or any other guy." 

"Why would I?" He lifted his hand, placing it on her cheek, leaning in for a kiss which she retuned, wrapping her arms around his neck. After a few seconds they pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes.

 "You're my number one Eddie."

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