Fooling Around

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Eddie woke up alone in his bed, only wearing his boxers. His memory was hazy and he barely remembered the previous night except for the fact he had a gig at the hideout. Sliding on some baggy sweatpants, Eddie stretched as he left his room. The minute he stepped into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filled his nostrils. Silently, he snuck behind Y/n who was making them. Eddie looked over her shoulder and leaned in close to her face.

"Good morning sweetheart." He whispered, sneakily reaching for one of the pancakes that were ready. Y/n saw and smacked his hand, asking him to put a shirt on before he could have some. Finally he listened and walked back to his room.

Y/n's dad and Eddie's uncle had always been good friends, so the two knew each other quite well. Although for a while, they didn't get along. She thought he was a lazy asshole and to him, she was a 'no fun' perfectionist. About a year ago, Eddie had moved in with her when his trailer burnt down, too this day she still believed it was him attempting to cook. It took a long time, but they eventually were able to tolerate each other.

Now they were pretty close, though there was still times where he would get on her nerves. Like leaving his boxers everywhere, or bringing girls home when she needed to study. The rule was, if she had an important exam the next day, no girls, but sometimes he broke that. Eventually she would forgive him, after multiple apology gifts and takeout. 

"Shirt is on! Where's my pancakes?" Eddie teased, pointing at his shirt before taking a seat on the bar stool, waiting for breakfast. Y/n placed them down, taking a seat beside him. "How was your sleep sweetheart?"

"Well considering you brought another girl home, not too bad." His face instantly turned pale, looking down at his pancakes, the kitchen was now silent. Eddie hadn't told Y/n, but for a while he had been trying not to bring random girls home anymore. There was someone else on his mind, but to win them over, he had to show her that he was serious and was done with one night stands.

"I must've been drunk and completely stoned." She gave him a pat on the back, grabbing their dishes to wash.

"Don't sweat it, at least I didn't need to study." That wasn't the problem though, he had a streak going and ruined it. "Also, a friend is coming over soon, clean up." She yelled, finishing the washing up, then going back to her room.

"What friend?" He questioned.

"Off limits." Y/n answered sternly, popping her head out from the door, closing it afterwards.

Knocking on the door startled Eddie, so he turned off the TV to answer it. A blonde girl stood outside when he opened it. "Y/n! Your friend is here." He shut the door behind her and retreated back towards his room. She came rushing through the hallway, telling him that he had the apartment to himself for a bit.

"Don't burn the place down!"

It was a couple days later and Y/n had been hanging out with some guy but it wasn't anything serious, until now. He had asked her out and they were going to get dinner in a couple hours. Eddie had always been a bit protective, but she always brushed it off, thinking it was him being a brother figure. Making sure she didn't get hurt and was safe, nothing more. Plus it was her choice anyways. 

Y/n was pacing back and forth in her room after getting changed.

"You okay sweetheart?" Eddie asked, leaning on the door frame while observing her unusual behaviour. "You're all dressed up." She took a deep breath, standing still in front of him. Again, he didn't have a shirt on, even though she was used too it, sometimes it distracted her from doing daily tasks and, talking.

"So um, I've been seeing this guy, and he's really nice, we're going out tonight, I'll probably only get home around 9 or-" she was then interrupted by him.

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