Real Life

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She was right, she was right about everything and he was ashamed to admit it. Y/n was right. But what exactly was she right about? 

Well about eight years ago, two years after he had graduated high school, he was finally able to fulfil his dreams as a rockstar. Finally able to leave Hawkins behind with his band. So that's what he was going to do. 

Y/n being the great, amazing girl she always was, meant she was proud of him, excited even for him and his future career. She saw the potential and talent in him and knew that everything would work out, that he would become famous like he'd always dreamt of. Anyone would've been lucky to have a girl like her by their side, but obviously Eddie was too stupid to realise that.

Even though she was incredibly supportive of him, he still broke her heart and ruined everything between them. He wanted to live the rockstar life, that's what he told her. 

That meant not only the concerts but also the constant partying, the getting high before shows, the picking up random girls from those shows. Of course he didn't say that part to her, she just knew that's what he meant and a great loving girlfriend can only go so far, therefore she wasn't as supportive about that part. 

Not only could tons of drugs ruin his life, they could kill him, she'd seen it happen to other rockstars even just ordinary people she knew. That was the last thing she wanted happening to him because she did love him more than anything. They were going to be high school sweethearts, spending the rest of their lives together. She wanted to grow old with him. 

But he was young and naive, eager for a taste of the partying life. In the end, she couldn't convince him to stay, as much as it destroyed her in the inside, she wasn't good enough. She wasn't fun enough so he left her, to get high and have fun with party girls. 

They didn't end on good terms either, the last thing she said to him before he left with his things being 'you'll grow up and then you'll get bored and when you're stuck with a girl who only wants to party, get high and have sex with you, you'll realise how you fucked up.'

It was a pretty long last words that she had said to him and at first he brushed it aside. He thought it was stupid, cause how could you get bored of partying with hot girls? Well looks like he was once again proven wrong. 

After a few years of partying nearly everyday, it got tiring, always the same as the others. Getting drunk, getting high, bringing girls home. Then the next day, either they were gone or he woke up first, leaving them. It wasn't like with Y/n where he would wake up with her in his warm embrace.

He had been with other girls but they never worked out or lasted very long. The previous relationship he was in ended after he found out she was sleeping with another guy in some other band. They weren't even that good of a band anyways.

That's when he knew one hundred percent that he had officially 'fucked up'. If only eight years ago he knew where he'd be now, at a payphone, his hand hovering over the numbers, with only one person in mind that he wanted to call. But his overthinking kept getting in the way. 

What would he say? What if she doesn't even live there anymore, or what if she does but someone else picks it up. That somebody else being her new boyfriend. Or what if she hangs up straight away, or doesn't ever want to talk to him again. Honestly, he wouldn't even blame her. Although he would never know if he didn't try so he dialled the last number he remembered and waited nervously.

That's when he heard it, the sound of her beautiful voice. If he wasn't outside of a bar with a bunch of people passing by every second, he probably would've broken down into tears. It had been so long since he had last heard her voice and there had been times in the past few years when all he needed was to listen to her tell him that everything was going to be fine. But then reality would hit him when he remembered what he had done.

For a few second he remained silent, not knowing how to start a conversation or say something. Plus he wasn't sure if she'd immediately hang up once she realised it was him and he really needed to hear her voice more than anything. 

"Hello?" She repeated once again, a frustrated sigh leaving her mouth not long after. "Ok, I'm going to hang up now, bye!"

"W-wait!" Eddie blurted out, pulling out his other hand from his pocket so he could hold onto the telephone with both hands. "It's me, Eddie."

"Eddie, hey! How are you?"

"I'm great, it's so nice to hear your voice." He immediately cringed after saying that, he was already making it awkward. "How are things with you?"

A smile spread onto his face as he listened to her speak. She hadn't hung up on him so things were already better than he had expected. Hopefully there was a chance for him to make up for everything he did. He had grown up and now he knew what was important in life. Y/n was important. 

So now all he had to do was ask her to meet up. It worked out well in his imagination, hopefully it would be the same in real life.

"I was actually watching one of your interviews the other morning when it popped up." Y/n, watching him on tv? He'd have thought she would never want to see his face again, even on tv. "You guys are doing so great, even my husband is a big fan of Corroded Coffin."

Eddie almost choked on nothing when she had said that. He must have heard it wrong, husband? Yes, he definitely mistook it for something else. That's not how it was supposed to go. She needed to miss him just as much as he missed her in order for this to work. This was all wrong.

"Me and the boys are coming back to Hawkins for a little bit, I think Uncle Wayne misses me," he joked, his heart fluttering when he heard her laugh. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet up, catch up?"

"I'd love that! When are you thinking of coming back?"

"We've got flights booked for next week actually."

"Eddie? Are you still there?" Y/n said, sounding a bit worried to his sudden silence.

"Yeah, sorry I think Gareth's calling me." He lied, rubbing his forehead while trying his hardest not to cry. The last thing he needed her to find out was that he wasn't doing great, in fact he was completely lost now. He needed her back, but now he found out it was impossible for that to happen. "It was good talking to you again Y/n."

"Well Eddie, you take care and keep doing what you're doing."

And with that she hung up, leaving him feeling even emptier than he did before dialling her number. He then stepped away from the payphone, and went back to the motel where everyone was staying at. Without saying anything to the rest of the band, he went straight to his room. Once he was safely inside and alone he immediately broke down into tears. 

What was he thinking anyways, this was what he got for leaving her all those years ago. At least she was happy now, with someone who treated her better then he ever did. Whoever her husband was, Eddie hoped that he wouldn't make the same mistakes. 

He deserved this, he deserved to be alone. Never should he have ever left her. If he could go back in time, he would've gotten down onto one knee, proposed to her and then taken her with him. He would've made sure she was backstage after every concert, then at the end of the day, he would've taken her out to dinner to celebrate and spent the entire night with her so that he could wake up with her in his arms. But that was just a fantasy, that wasn't real life.

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