Prom Night pt 2

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Eddie sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the black blazer that was hung up on the wall. He remained in that position for a few minutes while playing with the many rings on his fingers. After shoving away any doubts in his mind, he took a deep breath in before springing up. Running his hands over the fabric, he slipped it off the coat hanger to put it on.

He then spun around to face his mirror, checking how it looked with everything else. Surprisingly, it all came together giving him a rockstar kind of look which is what he wanted. Underneath his blazer was a plain black shirt along with his guitar pick necklace around his neck and some knee rip jeans. 

Once he had enough of staring at himself, he walked over to his drawers where he had stashed Y/n's bracelet. He had to keep it, but he couldn't bare seeing it everyday which is why it was hidden away. All the guilt would just come flooding back and then he'd fall back into the same cycle that he was stuck in right after her disappearance. It wasn't healthy to say the least.

His thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud knock on the door. Snatching the bracelet from the drawer, he put it onto his wrist and pulled his sleeve over to cover it. Then he grabbed his keys before heading over to the source of the knocking. 

The second he swung open the door there Gareth stood wearing a simple tuxedo and a smile upon his face. They both agreed they would only go if the other went as well. Plus, the only real reason Eddie was going was for Y/n. If she didn't get to go, the least he could do for her was, show up and try to have some fun. 

"That looks really metal." 

"Thanks." Eddie replied, locking the door behind him before they walked over to his van. Immediately Gareth knew that his friend was thinking about Y/n. He didn't blame Eddie knowing how much she meant to him and how much this night meant to her. 

The best thing he could do was try to take Eddie's mind off of her and help him have some fun. He didn't really plan on how he'd achieve that considering that Eddie didn't have a date and Prom was far from his idea of 'fun'. Oh well, what was the worst that could happen?

Eventually they made it to the school after a long ride filled with an awkward silence. Everyone was entering the school with their friends and dates, all dressed up fancy with suits and dresses. Eddie wanted nothing more than to get back into his van and drive the hell out of there, but the sympathetic look on Gareth's face and the constant reminder that Y/n was gone stopped him. 

This was for her. Is what he told himself as he straightened his suit and fixed his hair. Then when he built up enough confidence, he started walking towards the crowd with Gareth following closely behind him. Once they entered the hallway it got even more louder with everyone engaged in their own conversations. 

"Here goes nothing." Gareth placed his hand on Eddie's shoulder, patting it before his attention was drawn up ahead. It was his date Liz, calling for him as she tried her best to navigate her way through the crowd. After a bit of a struggle she finally reached them, pulling both boys in for a hug and giving Gareth a kiss on his cheek. 

"You boys look great!" 

"Shall we go in?" Gareth questioned, glancing over at Eddie who seemed to have zoned out again. Liz gave him an apologetic smile once he snapped back to reality. 

"Right sorry, yeah." Is all he managed to say before leading them into the beautifully decorated hall. A bunch of couple were already in the middle dancing with each other whilst others occupied some of the tables. Then in the distance was a nice large table full of different snacks and a massive punch bowl. Eddie knew exactly where he was going. "You guys dance or whatever, I'll be over there."

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