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Y/n was in her room, busy getting ready for her date. After picking out one of her nicest outfits, she combed her hair making sure there were no knots. It wasn't her first date with her boyfriend, but she just felt like she needed to look as nice as possible for where she was going. She sprayed some perfume on before leaving her room. Daren would be here soon, to pick her up, so she wouldn't have to wait that long.

A few minutes later and she heard the sound of a car pulling up the driveway. Quickly, she got up from the couch opened the door to be greeted by her boyfriend.

"Why are you so dressed up?" He asked jokingly. "We're only getting lunch."

"Why not?" They both walked out to the car. Daren opening the door for her before getting in himself. "Is Eddie going to be there?"

"Depends who's asking, maybe." He answered sharply, causing her to go silent as he was obviously annoyed at the mention of his friend. She probably shouldn't have asked that, it was so random and suspicious if she thought about it now. It was only because Eddie worked at the place they were going to eat, so they saw him sometimes. For the rest of the ride there, it was quiet and awkward. Finally they arrived after what seemed like an awfully long drive. Daren didn't open the door for her this time so she had to get out herself, not that she minded. She didn't want to make anything worse.

Walking up towards the restaurant, Eddie was cleaning one of the tables, his tongue sticking out as he was concentrated on getting a stain of the table. Whatever it was. He lifted his head for a second to quickly wipe some sweat that was dripping down his face, which is when he saw them. His good friend and the one and only, Y/n. Wow she looked good, well it wasn't a surprise. She didn't need to dress up to look amazing, she just did. At least he thought that, from what he would see, Daren never really told her that. It pissed Eddie off because Y/n was such a great girl and even though they were friends, doesn't mean he thought Daren deserved her. Deep in his thoughts, he completely forgot that he looked the complete opposite of her, terrible, his hair in a messy bun, his clothes all creased and the stupid apron he had to wear.

Making sure he got rid of all the sweat on his forehead, he dropped the clothe and went to the entrance of the restaurant to greet them. Hopefully he didn't look too bad. 

"What a small world?" Eddie joked. The sound of his voice brought a smile to Y/n's face. He hugged them both, him and Daren chatting some more. At the same time he kept glancing at her, he couldn't help it, even if it was really obvious. Without thinking he complimented her, saying she looked lovely like usual. It was just a habit, speaking his mind sometimes. 

"Oh, thank you Eddie." She replied, her cheeks going red. "At least someone thinks that." Eddie let out a small chuckle which filled Y/n's stomach with butterflies. Daren had enough of his girlfriend and friend flirting so he changed the topic, asking if there were any free booths for the two of them. Annoyed that his conversation was interrupted, Eddie led them over somewhere near the back, by the window. He then gave them menus before heading over to some other people to get their orders. 

"What was that?" Daren suddenly questioned, glaring at her.

"What?" She nervously laughed, fiddling with her fingers under the table. She knew exactly what but was too scared to say anything. He sighed, getting more frustrated with her.

"Don't act st-" 

"Have you guys decided yet?" Eddie cut in, his hands gripping onto the paper tightly. He had watched them from afar, stepping in when things started to seem tense. Seeing someone speak to her like that upset him and he couldn't let it continue. While Daren spoke, saying his order, Eddie stared at her, not a creepy stare it was a more loving one. He hadn't noticed, he was too busy day dreaming about her. Sometimes she was all he'd ever think about, who could blame him though. 

"Eddie." Daren snapped, he wasn't oblivious to his friends feelings. He could see it every time Y/n walked into the room or even just the mention of her name lit his eyes up. His only hope was that she didn't feel the same way, but sometimes he wasn't sure about it. Deep down he felt betrayed by his dear friend, but there was nothing he could do about it. Eddie was a good friend and he didn't want to ruin anything by confronting him, so he had to hope for the best.

"Right sorry, I zone out a lot."

"I can see that." Y/n lightly kicked his shoe, telling him to cut it out. He obliged, telling Eddie what she wanted as well. They were both left alone again while waiting for their orders. Around fifteen minutes later he came out with their lunch, placing it on the table making sure they didn't need anything else before resuming on cleaning the tables. 

It was so unfair, he was here scrubbing food and spilt drinks off the table, while they went on with their date. Right now she was laughing at something he said, him holding her hand that was resting on the table. How much he wished that he was the one with her, was this not cruel. Making him work, having to watch the girl he loved on a date with his friend. Probably never being able to feel her touch, no matter how bad he wanted it. 

Finally, it had come to an end, Daren got up to quickly go to the toilet. Eddie had to grab their plates but it would also give him a chance to talk to her even for a minute. 

"I'll take these." He spoke, placing them on top of one another.

"Thanks Eddie." Once he grabbed the cup he immediately stopped, looking up at her. Hundreds of thoughts flooding through his mind. Sadly, before he could do anything to stop himself, he said something he instantly regretted. Not because he didn't mean it or anything like that, but more because he had just ruined everything. 

"Kiss me." His eyes traveled down to her lips, then back up meeting hers.

"I'm sorry, Eddie are you okay?" She asked genuinely concerned something was wrong. He had already messed up and he couldn't possibly explain why he said that other than because of his feelings. So he may as well come clean to her. He didn't have anything to lose. That was a complete lie, he pretty much had everything to lose. But hey, you only live once.

"I wanna tell you how beautiful you look everyday, I wanna hold you late at night and I wanna kiss you, as much as embarrassing and crazy this is, it's true." He babbled on, running his hand through his hair. Daren had joined them just in time to witness it but the other two hadn't realised it yet. He remained silent wanting to see how it went.

"What are you trying to say Eddie?"

"All I want is you."

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