Please Come Home

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Y/n was busy putting up the rest of the ornaments and decorations onto the Christmas tree that was set up inside the living room. She was concentrated, making sure none of the same colours or type were hung up near each other. That would make it look ugly and she couldn't have that. Usually they'd decorate and set up the tree much earlier than this but they had been busy. 

As Y/n was putting up a snowflake ornament, the doorbell rang. She quickly glanced behind her to see her mom rushing towards the door. When they entered the house she would greet them but right now she was focused on getting this done. She could hear her mom talking to the guests behind her, still she continued on with the tree. At least they kept the tree up for an extra month usually.

Standing on her tippy toes, she attempted to hang up something at the top until she was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind. They then lifted one hand up to help her out, gently taking the ornament from her before putting it up.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." He spoke into her hair, placing his hands on her waist again. 

"Merry Christmas Eddie." She replied, leaning her head backwards so it was against his chest, allowing her to look up at his eyes. He then leaned down placing a quick kiss onto her lips. 

"Do you need any help?"

"Yes please." 

He stepped aside, grabbing some decorations from the box that sat by the tree. Grabbing out a handful, he started helping her, occasionally singing along with the music as a joke. Not long after they were done, just in time for dinner. 

Kicking the box away, Y/n reached for Eddie's hand, interlocking their fingers before dragging him to the kitchen table. There they joined her parents and Wayne who were all engaged in a conversation. They both sat down at the one end next to each other. Eddie handed her a plate, waiting to grab whatever she wanted so he could give it to her. Only once Y/n had got everything she wanted, did he start dishing out his own food. 

"You're such a gentleman." She teased, giving him a peck on the cheek.  

"Are we going to have to deal with this every year?" Wayne joked, rolling his eyes. 

Every year they had all spent Christmas together, but this was the first one where Eddie and Y/n were officially together. All the adults approved of them since they knew that both teens would treat each other right. Although, now they were stuck with their lovey dovey shit all the time, including Christmas Day.

"Yes every Christmas."

"We'll toast to that!" Wayne cheered sarcastically, lifting his beer in the air. Eddie glared at his uncle, already embarrassed enough. "Let's eat, I'm starving."

After eating dinner, everyone moved to the living room by the tree. Y/n's mom was handing out dessert while Gremlins played on the TV. Wayne and her dad were the only ones partly watching.

"Here you go you two lovebirds." She handed them slices of cake each before returning to the kitchen. 

They were both laying on the couch, Y/n resting her head on his chest. Eddie carefully placed the plates onto the coffee table in front of them so they didn't mess anything. He then repeatedly kissed her hair whispering sweet nothings into her ear ever so often.

"Shh, I'm trying to watch the movie." Wayne complained, Y/n's dad agreeing with him. "For the love of God, get a room you two!"

"Fine." Y/n huffed, blush crawling up her neck, covering her cheeks. She got up, grabbing Eddie's hand, yanking him up off the couch. "Oh and I'll be taking these."

They snickered at her sudden saltiness as she picked up the slices of cake. Then without wasting another second, she pulled Eddie out the room towards the staircase, finally leaving the adults in peace. 

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to those two."


Getting out of the car, she locked it before walking over to the front door. Once she got there, she knocked on it loudly, hoping someone would hear it to open up for her. A few seconds later someone did, revealing Karen. Immediately her face lit up as she stepped out of the way to allow Y/n to enter.

"Merry Christmas Ms Wheeler." 

"Merry Christmas Y/n! No Wayne?" She asked, as disappointment washed over her face realising that she was all alone.

"I'm afraid not, he isn't really in the Christmas spirit, I don't blame him." Y/n answered, giving Karen a sad smile before handing her some chocolates wrapped up. 

"Maybe next year."

Y/n nodded, walking down the hallway towards the sound of people talking. When she entered the living room, everyone was sitting or standing, talking with each other. Her dad was having a beer with all of the dads, while the kids were debating over something. On the other hand, her mom was now helping Karen take something out of the oven.

"Y/n you made it!" Dustin yelled, hopping up from the couch while throwing his hands up in the air.

"Of course, I couldn't miss this." She tried to put on a fake smile, acting like nothing was wrong. He glanced over her shoulder noticing Wayne wasn't with her. "Yeah, he didn't wanna come, I tried though."

"It's fine, Lucas and Erica aren't coming either." Dustin explained, a frown covering his face. "He won't leave Max's side."

The others quickly said hi to her, giving her hugs before going back to what they were previously doing. At the same time Ted was now complaining to Karen why they had to host the party with so many people, earning an elbow from her.

Y/n scanned the room again. Mike and Eleven were by the tree laughing over something while Dustin was talking to Steve and Robin. Then by the backyard door Jonathan and Nancy were looking at his camera. 

Everyone seemed so unbothered and happy, while Y/n stood there alone watching. It was Christmas Day, yet it felt nothing like Christmas. If she had the choice and her parents didn't force her to come, she probably would have done the same as Wayne. Stay at home and do nothing but drown in sorrow.

This was nothing compared to last Christmas. There were much more people around, sharing this day with her but she felt more alone than ever before. Maybe it was because when she looked around, the one person she wanted to find was no where to be seen. Why was she even trying? Of course she wouldn't find him. He was gone. And now this would the first Christmas out of many, without him. 

She couldn't take it anymore. Anything she looked at would bring back memories. The trees and decorations reminded her of the times when they would hang up lights together. The way Mike and Eleven or Nancy and Jonathan looked at each other reminded her of how he once looked at her. Everything reminded her of Eddie, no matter how hard she tried to forget him.

It was too much so Y/n went out onto the porch, slumping down onto the chair. Now it was much quieter. Her mind was taken back to that day when she had lost him. Then back to last Christmas when she had no clue she'd be loosing him. God she wished she could go back to when he was still here. 

Deep in her thoughts, she was oblivious of the tears gathering in her eyes. All she wanted was to hear his voice again, to feel his warm embrace again. This wasn't Christmas? How could such a day be filled with so much pain? What was even worse, was that everyone else could enjoy this day, but not her. There was no way she could without Eddie.

"You should be here with me." Wiping away a tear that was falling down her face, she looked down at her neck where Eddie's necklace was. She needed him back if it was to ever feel like Christmas again.

"Please come home."

It's Christmas Eve everyone 🥳🥳

Tomorrow I will be posting a surprise as my Christmas present to you all!

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