Should I Stay or Should I go

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Y/n, went into the kitchen, grabbing a popcorn pack from the cupboard. She then threw it into the microwave, tapping buttons till it turned on and the packet began to spin. For a minute she crouched in front of it, watching it move in circles while listening to the kernels slowly start to pop. It was satisfying and calming to listen to. 

She was so intrigued that it took a few seconds to realise someone was knocking at her door. When she did, she ran over to the door, checking through the peephole before opening it. 

"So glad you could make it Eddie!" She cheered, letting him inside, locking the door behind him before rushing back into the kitchen. "Sorry it was such short notice, it's just our upcoming gig is stressing me out."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't miss it for the world sweetheart." He walked over to her, grabbing her one hand. "Not gonna lie, I think Jess is kinda pissed I took a rain check on our date."

"What, you told me you had no plans!" She started to panic. Jess already had mixed feeling about Y/n she could tell because she was always side-eying her when she was around Eddie. "You shouldn't have, dates with your girlfriend is important, and I don't want to get in the way of anything!"

"Relax Y/n, this is also important, I wanna be here, ok?" He cupped her cheeks, looking down into her eyes. They stood there in silence, until Y/n was brought back to reality. She quickly threw his hands off her cheeks, remembering the popcorn that was probably burnt now. 

Her and Eddie were good friends and played in a band with Jeff and Gareth. Although sometimes she questioned the friends part. They had their moments but she swore they were only friends. Whenever they did have those, 'moments', she'd tell herself. 'If Zack her boyfriend, was standing beside them, would he approve of their actions'. And he definitely wouldn't have approved of what just happened. It made her feel guilty. 

"Shit it's burnt!" She cursed, picking the packet up by its corners, walking it over to the bin and throwing it away. "Welp there goes that." 

"I'm sure I could order us something?" Eddie offered, shoving his hands into his pocket as he rocked backwards onto his heels. "Imma do that, I'm quite hungry thinking about it."

"Well obviously, weren't you supposed to go eat on your date? That you, skipped!" She spat, washing her hands by the tap. 

"Why do you care? I'm here so we can practice." 

"Yeah, right I'm sorry. Just, you know Jess already doesn't really like me so I just y-"

"Relax!" Eddie chuckled, putting his hands on her shoulders to calm her down again. "Don't worry about what Jess thinks, plus I told her it was the whole band."

Great! She didn't know whether she should've been relieved that Eddie lied to his own girlfriend or not. The last thing she wanted to do was be a home wrecker. She even tried to become friends with Jess and was even making progress. But this would definitely ruin it and make her have to start all over again. 

How was he so calm about everything? It was like he had it all sorted out and wasn't worried about what Jess might think if she found out. God, if only it was that easy. 

"Oh, and I brought some movies we can watch afterwards." 

"No, you need to spend time with your girlfriend." Y/n argued, shaking her head. 

"Cmon, I always do." He waited for her to say something again but she just kept shaking her head. "Let's play, I'm sure you'll change your mind after."

She scoffed at his persistence, but pushed that thought aside, grabbing her bass guitar from her room. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, she tuned it, strumming all the strings at the same time afterwards. Once they were all tuned, she hopped up, standing beside Eddie.

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