Hawkins Killer

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"Excuse me, I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around." One of the officers said, walking up to her window. 

"My friend is at home alone and her parents asked me to check up on her." Y/n explained, tapping the steering wheel nervously. She hoped the cop would change his mind so she could enter the trailer park. After a few seconds of contemplating, he nodded his head, taking a step back so she could keep driving. She thanked him, continuing into the park. 

There was lots of police cars parked all around the area, people being questioned and one of the dogs barking. In the distance she saw one of the policeman leaving Max's house, writing down notes. They then left giving her a chance to talk to her. Pulling up to her driveway, Y/n got out the car, running up to Max. She seemed a bit shaken up but otherwise fine. This wasn't the first time someone had died so it was nothing new. 

"Max! Are you ok?" She asked, pulling her into a hug. 

"Yeah, honestly I'm used to it by now." It had been a seven years since the last murders. Four teens were killed and now there was the second one in less then two weeks. "They found her over there, further into the woods."

Max pointed at the dirt path across from her house, it led right into the woods. As Y/n could remember, if you walked far enough you'd end up near Hawkins high school. It was terrifying to walk alone and was definitely the perfect place to kill someone. Just the thought of it made her shiver. This town had always been a strange place but most people chose to ignore it. Until things like this happened. 

"Thanks, I'm gonna ask around for more answers." Y/n waved goodbye, reaching into her pocket for her notebook as she walked off to the next trailer. For a while she knocked on peoples door, trying to ask them some questions. Sadly for her, most of them either slammed the door in her face or yelled at her to piss off. Seemed everyone already had enough with journalists and cops. They preferred to not think about the dangers of this town, instead pretend that it wasn't true. As people would say, ignorance is bliss. But it's also dangerous.

She was close to giving up since she'd never be allowed at the crime scene. It was blocked off by police and tape so the only way she'd get answers for now was from others living here. But that was right they didn't give her any.

That's when she saw someone sitting on a table, under one of the gazebos, smoking a cigarette. She immediately recognised their long, almost black, curly hair. Maybe he would have some answers for her. The only thing is, that's if she would even be able to actually ask him any questions. 

His name was Eddie, and truth is, Y/n had this massive crush on him, since third grade. Every time she tried to talk to him, she'd barely get a proper sentence out. So how was she supposed to 'interrogate' him without stuttering or messing up. Screw it. Solving this crime was worth a shot. 

Tucking a strand of hair that was blowing in her face, behind her ear, she walked over to the boy. He had noticed her coming his way so he pressed the lit end of the cigarette on the table, throwing it away onto the ground. 

"Fancy seeing you here, can I help you sweetheart?" 

"I just need to ask you a few questions." Y/n remained professional, a great detective never let their emotions affect their judgment. They could prevent one from seeing the truth, and thinking outside of the box. That was probably one of the many reasons why she would have a better chance of finding the murderer then any old police officer. "You're Chrissy's drug dealer or was, right?"


"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Yesterday at school." 

"Ok, do you know anyone that would, maybe want to hurt her, kill her even?" 

"No." He answered again vaguely, not much help but it was still something. "Wait, you don't think I killed her?"

"What, no, I don't know, I've just gotta ask eve-"

"I was only joking." He cut her off, smirking at her reaction. "You're adorable when you get flustered." 

Y/n had no idea what to say or how to hide the blush crawling up her neck. God he was so hot, if he was the murderer she wouldn't even be mad. What, no. She couldn't say that. What was she thinking. A murderer is a murderer, a bad person and deserves to be locked away. Even if they were hot. And she would make sure of that. 

"So, are you like a self proclaimed detective, or something?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow. Y/n nodded in response, writing down some stuff on her note pad. Eddie tried to read what it said, but she moved it out of sight and glared at him. "Sorry, just wanted to know what you've found out so far."

"Not much, they won't let me near the crime scene."

"Well I overheard what some of the officers were saying." 

"Mind telling me?" He shook his head, shuffling over so she could take a seat. Once she did, he began to explain what he knew. Apparently she had been stabbed seven times in the chest, her eyes were missing and some sort of symbol was carved on her stomach. The cops had no idea who would do such a thing. 

"So the murderer is insane."

"Aren't they all? They are murderers." He remarked, turning his head to face her. 

"Yeah but like, they usually just shoot someone or stab them." She explained, tapping her notepad with her pen. "Why would they go through all that trouble."

"Maybe ask them that." When she found the murderer, maybe she would. It was very interesting, which is what drew her more to this investigation. The only thing certain was the killer was dangerous and still roamed this town. 

"Well I should get going." She hopped up, shoving her pen and paper into her pocket. "Thanks for your help."

"Anytime, good luck on your investigation." He replied, waving goodbye to her as she hurried off. That went better than expected, she thought to herself. At least she had some information that could help. Now all she had to do was let Nancy know so they could get a start on this case. Hopefully not die in the process. Anything was possible in this town.

So, I'm probably gonna post a second part to this story on here, but if you like the plot and idea I'm gonna make this into its own book. I have plenty of ideas for this so yeah. Just let me know.

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