Staying pt 4 (Christmas Special)

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Since I wasn't going to turn this into a whole different book, I decided to write a cute little Christmas special for it. It is in fact Christmas, is it not. Enjoy! 

"Pick some snacks kid." Eddie said, pushing the trolley down the section with chocolates and lollies. He smiled as he watched Caleb's eyes scan the rows. There were so many different things to choose from he didn't know. After a minute he finally stuck with the safest option to get chocolate chip cookies and original chips.

"This one please dad." He asked politely, pointing at the exact brand he wanted. Eddie nodded before grabbing them off the shelf to put with the rest of the last minute groceries. 

"S-Santa can, have some." Olivia managed to say, clapping her hands together happily. She loved Santa and all the reindeers. A smile would immediately spread across her face at the mention of him or anything to do with Christmas. 

"Yes he can sweetheart." Eddie agreed, ruffling her hair as he continued to push the trolley. They got the rest of the groceries on the list before heading back home. Hopping out the car, he carefully picked Olivia up out of her car seat while Caleb carried a couple bags. 

By that time Y/n had heard them so she unlocked the door, walking out to take Olivia from Eddie's arm which allowed him to bring in the groceries. Once everything was packed away in their rightful places Caleb went straight to the TV, skipping through channels till it landed on a Christmas movie. At the same time Olivia played with some of her toys in front of the couch.

"Hope they didn't nag you too much for snacks." Y/n joked, putting the food into the oven. She then took of the oven mittens, placing it on the countertop.

"Surprisingly not."

"Great, also I got Caleb's gift from the store while you were gone."  

Eddie's smile grew even wider. This would definitely be one of Caleb's best gifts yet, or so he hoped. They spent quite a lot on it, but it was worth it. Same with Y/n's gift. This was one expensive Christmas. But he had to make up for all the lost time, to make up for all the birthdays and Christmas's he missed. 

Sometimes he still thought about when he wasn't always around. It wasn't as often as it used to be, but still enough for him to never forget it. He never realised how alone he was on those special days without them. At least he didn't have to go through that anymore. This was his forth Christmas with Y/n and Caleb and his second Christmas with Olivia since he decided to stay. 

They were one big, happy family, after getting pregnant with Liv. Although it was a bit scary at first because Eddie wasn't there to raise Caleb from such a young age. He didn't know some of the things about a toddler, he had to learn how to change her diaper. He had to learn the hard way on how to get through the early mornings when Olivia would cry. He had to get used to all of this, but he was getting there. It was all worth it, to make Y/n smile. 

"He'll love it." 

Y/n hummed in response, leaning in for a kiss which Eddie happily returned. Soon after she pulled away, pointing at the kids. He dramatically frowned, giving her one last kiss on the cheek before joining Caleb on the couch. For the rest of the night they watched some Christmas movies till it was the kids bedtime.

"Come on, you wanna sleep early so you can wake up and open your gifts!" Eddie yelled, which seemed to trigger something in the kids. They both jumped up in excitement, Caleb heading off to brush his teeth while Olivia slowly waddled her way over to her dad. "Hey there gorgeous, time for bed."

"S-Santa's cookie!" 

"Come on, we'll go get some." Eddie carried her into the kitchen, opening the cupboard so he could get the cookies. He then opened the pack, putting out a couple on the plate, after he poured some milk into the cup. "Done."

When they went back into the living room he carefully handed her the plate, bending down so she could place it down. She did the same with the milk, clapping her hands together afterwards. Y/n leaned against the wall in the hallway watching them. Just watching her family finally being together again was the best Christmas present she could wish for. 

Four years ago she wouldn't have expected her Christmas to be like this, since she'd spent so many just with Caleb. Now she had Eddie back and a new addition. What more could she need?

"I'll put Olivia to sleep sweetheart." Eddie offered, getting a thanks from Y/n. Once he put her into her crib and sang her a short Christmas tune he went over to Caleb and kissed him goodnight. Turning off the light he went back to the kitchen where Y/n was standing by the table. 

"One cookie each?"



Both Y/n and Eddie were woken up by the sound of shouting. Right by their door was Caleb holding Olivia in his arms ready to go open the presents. They were hurrying them out of bed which eventually worked. 

"Alright, cmon you two." Eddie shoed them off, getting up while Y/n was still stretching. Once she was properly awake they joined the kids by the Christmas tree. Olivia was bouncing around on the couch. "Ok let's not cause chaos here."

They took turns handing out the gifts. Olivia had gotten lots of dolls and building blocks to keep her busy which she was eager to already play with. 

Y/n pulled out a gift that was hiding behind the tree, handing it over to Caleb. It was quite large so he already had an idea of what it could be. That didn't make him any less excited though, if anything it made him even more. He carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a black case.

"There's no way!" He placed it down on the ground, unzipping it. Inside was a six-string, black and white electric guitar. It wasn't a fancy one since he was only eleven, but it was a start. "Thank you so much! I really wanted one!"

He got up giving Eddie and Y/n big hugs, tears threatening to spill down his face. He had always wanted to be a rockstar like his dad. It was the coolest things anyone possibly could've been. 

"Just remember kid, when you find the right girl, she's still more important than fame." Eddie explained sternly, glancing over at Y/n who knew what he meant. "Don't make the same mistakes as me."

"Got it dad." Caleb's response made Eddie proud. He was like a better version of himself and that was all he wanted.

"Talking about the right girl, let me get my final gift for you sweetheart." Eddie hopped up causing Y/n to furrow her eyebrows. She had already got enough things, she really didn't need anything else.

"Eddie, you really didn't have t-" She joked, looking over her shoulder to where he was getting something out of the draw, holding it behind him as he returned. 

"No, I think I really did." He cut her off, standing in front of the couch where she was sitting on. "I'm sorry it took so long, but I was just scared we wouldn't be ready, after everything we've been through."

After their complicated relationship during their twenties when he kept leaving, coming back then leaving again, he didn't know if things would ever be the same. If they would ever heal properly. But they had. Heck, they even had another child!

"Y/n, even after the shi-stupid, things I've done." He tried to refrain from swearing in front of the kids causing her to burst into laughter. "Will you, marry me?"

He got down on his one knee, opening the small black box in front of her. Immediately Y/n's eyes began to tear up. Was that even a question?

"And, it's fine if you do-don't want to, Bec-"

"Yes!" She blurted out, pulling him in for a kiss.

This Christmas was perfect. Everything about it was perfect. She had her house, her job, her kids and Eddie. The best decision he ever made was, staying. 

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoyed my little gift.

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