Clingy Fucker

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Enjoy 🫶🏼

He unlocked the door, stepping into the house that he called home. Y/n's car was parked in the driveway, meaning she was already at home waiting for him probably. God he was so excited to take a quick shower and then slump down into bed with her in his arms. 

The whole day he had been practicing with his band, and now he was finally done. Carefully placing his guitar by the front door, he removed his jacket and went straight to their bedroom. It was pretty late so Y/n was sleeping unless she decided to stay up for whatever reason. 

He tiptoed past their bed into the bathroom to have his shower. Afterwards he put on some sweatpants and a tank top before heading back into their room. Y/n was stirring in her sleep which at first made him think he woke her up. Luckily he hadn't, so he quietly got in beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her in closer. 

"I love you." He whispered before his eyes closed, fluttering open a second later. His perfect dream was ended, instead he had to deal with a pounding in his head from all the drinking last night. He sat up, patting the bedsheets beside him while looking around. 

As expected, his bed was empty, no Y/n asleep or cuddled up next to him. Just an empty bed with a bottle of whiskey on the bedside table. She was hundreds of miles away from him, back at home while he was on tour without her. 

He had been having that same recurring dream. The kind that he didn't want to wake up from, one that he wished was real. There was just one more week left till it would become real. Although it would be the longest week of his life. Hell, the past two months he'd been on tour felt like two years without her. Y/n was right, he was a clingy fucker, but that was just because he loved her so much. 

Rubbing his forehead, he got out of bed and reached for his shirt before struggling to put it on. He then grabbed the whiskey bottle, downing the last little bit so he could throw it away. 

His last concert was in a couple of days, then he would get to see his favourite person again. He couldn't take it anymore, being away from her. It was slowly eating him from the inside out. Of course he wasn't alone. Whenever they didn't have a concert, the band would hangout and go out for drinks and lunch. But that didn't stop the fact that he felt so lonely.

"Get your lazy ass ready!" Gareth yelled, barging into the room. "Lemme guess, nasty hangover?"

"How'd you know." Eddie answered sarcastically, holding onto the wall for stability. Right now he wanted to go back to bed but the band planned to go out.

"Well hurry up, we're all waiting for you."

"Ok give me a minute." 

Gareth nodded, leaving him alone once again. Immediately he went over to his bag grabbing out some aspirin and water to help with his massive headache. He would most likely get wasted again later, but it would help for now while he went out with the them. 

Once he was ready, he locked the door behind him, joining the band outside. They all sighed in relief upon seeing him. Some of them didn't actually expect him to join, knowing that he wasn't in the best mood. Especially the past week. They all figured he was homesick for Y/n and it had mostly hit him now. 

"Good of you to join us!" Jeff joked, only getting an eye roll in return from the guitarist. "So, where we off to?"


Here he was sitting by himself at an almost empty bar. Just like practically every other night, drinking to get drunk. At this point he couldn't remember how much he had drunk. He was just jotting down random lines down on the paper in front of him, not knowing if any of them actually made sense. Who knows, maybe it would end up being a great song.

He had already tried to dial her telephone number at the nearest pay phone. Well actually, he had dialled it about five times. Every time it just kept ringing with no answer so he eventually gave up, deciding to use the money on some drinks to help him forget for a bit.  

Whenever he looked up from the piece of paper, he'd catch the barkeeper eying him from afar. She even attempted flirting with him a couple times, but each time he engaged in a conversation with her, he remembered how much he missed Y/n. Resulting in him sulking about it while downing his beer or whatever he was drinking. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you home?" She questioned once more, hoping this time his answer would change but he shook his head. "Well what if I give you my number, I'll check up on you tomorrow?"

"No thanks." He rummaged through his pocket, pulling out some money before dropping it down on the counter. Before she could say anything else he grabbed his beer bottle, paper, pen and then slid of the barstool. 

He whistled a tune as he stumbled along the pavement that led to motel nearby. When he arrived, Gareth was sitting down on the curb smoking. The drummer just shook his head at the sight of his friend completely wasted. 

"C'mon, let's get you to bed."

"Can you get Y/n please." Eddie begged, ruffling Gareth's hair.

"One more week, just one more week buddy."


It was a miracle. He had managed to survive the last week of tour and now he was rushing up the steps to his house. The second he took a step inside he sighed in content. Home Sweet Home.

He closed the door as quietly as possible, slipping his shoes off before walking down the hallway. Hopefully she hadn't heard him yet so he could surprise her. As he got closer to the living room, he could hear music playing. 

He instantly froze when he saw her sitting on the couch reading a book. Her back was facing him so she was still clueless. At this point he was trying his hardest not to cry. He had missed her more than anything. 

"Eddie!" She hollered, tossing her book aside before throwing herself off the couch. 

He dropped his bag down on the floor, opening his arms for her as she ran at him. Eddie almost fell back when she jumped onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Luckily he steadied himself, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. 

"I missed you sweetheart."

"I know, you're a clingy fucker." She teased, lifting her head to look at him. Eddie fake gasped, helping her back onto the ground. He then kissed her on the forehead, the biggest smile on his face. "But don't worry, you're my clingy fucker."

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