Halfway There

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It was only a few days away till Y/n and Eddie's plan. Their plan was to meet up around 7pm by their special spot at Lovers Lake. There they would take his van and leave Hawkins. Hopefully they'd find another affordable car so no one could track them down. Then they would drive further up into Michigan to live somewhere by the docks. Both of them had been saving up as much money to support them when they left. Because once they exited Hawkins, they would be on their own completely. 

No one knew about this plan. If anyone did they would probably try and stop them. Especially Y/n's parents. Her dad would lock her up in her room and forbid her from ever leaving. He wasn't very fond of Eddie at all. In fact that's one of the reasons why they were running away. Her dad didn't want Y/n to see Eddie anymore because he was apparently a trouble making, delinquent who would only be a bad influence on her. Which was completely untrue. He was the best thing ever, she loved him and if it meant running away to keep him, then that's what she'd do. But until that Friday, Y/n had to act normal so her parents wouldn't suspect. 

"Eddie, I'm scared we won't make it, I just wanna leave already." She begged, trying to fight back the tears in her eyes.

"We will, it's okay sweetheart, I have one more deal on Friday ok." He explained, cupping her cheeks to calm her down. "It's my biggest one yet and they're paying me a lot of money, it'll really help us."

She nodded, leaning into his touch. Things were getting tight and they could've been caught any second. It was a shock that they hadn't yet. Giving her one last kiss on the forehead, he hesitantly removed his hands, rushing over to her window. Sliding the window up, he climbed out leaving her alone in her room. Or as she thought.

"That boy!" Someone yelled angrily. "I thought I told you no seeing him anymore!"

She quickly spun around to be met with her dad who was red in the face. Shit, this was the last thing she needed right now. He was going to ruin everything like he always did. 

"I'm seventeen for god sakes!" She argued back, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Exactly." He stormed over to the window, shutting it harshly before walking back over to the door. "You are not to leave your room until I allow you to!"

He couldn't do that, she had a right to leave if she wanted. God he was the worst father ever, trying to take away the one thing good in her life. Before she could say anything in return he slammed the door behind him. His footsteps then faded before getting louder again and suddenly she heard the sound of the door locking.

She couldn't hold back the tears anymore. How was she supposed to follow on with the plan now if she was stuck in her room, her dad on her tail the entire time. What if Eddie thought she didn't want to go through with the plan anymore. That she got scared and decided not to show. What if he left without her and she lost him for good. No, no she shouldn't think like that. She still had three days to figure something out. They were so close, nothing was getting in the way and if it did she'd find a way to push through. Anything for love.


It was now Friday, and Eddie was a nervous wreck when making the deal. Y/n hadn't shown up to school the past few days and it was too risky to go to her house. Chances were something happened with her dad and he'd only make things worse getting caught. So he had to go through with the deal and hope she had everything under control.

Y/n was sitting at the dinner table, stabbing her steak with the fork in boredom. It was 6:30 on the clock behind her, she had half an hour to escape and meet up with Eddie. Luckily she didn't live too far from Lovers Lake it was about a ten minute walk and five minute sprint. She had packed most her things before dinner, all she needed to do was find the money she was saving up and stashing. Her dad confiscated it when he 'grounded' her.

"I'm gonna go to bed." She said, breaking the awkward silence. The tension in the room was too much.

"But you've barely touched your dinner." Her dad complained, looking up from his plate.

"Yeah well I'm not hungry." Pushing her chair back, she stood up, walking into the kitchen and leaving the plate on the counter. She then walked off to the stairs while her parents bickered still at the table. Turning her head, she looked at her mother once more, a sad smile spreading across her face. Of course it was a hard decision to leave her mother behind. She'd miss her greatly but maybe one day she would come back to this town, when she was old enough so her dad couldn't tell her what to do. 

Running up the stairs she hurried to her parents bedroom. Double checking no one was coming up. When it was safe, she began digging through the drawers hoping to find her box of money. Finally she found it hiding under the bed. Not the smartest hiding spot.

Grabbing it, she rushed back to her room, shoving the box in her bag. She then packed a couple more clothes and a framed photo of her and her parents, carefully putting it in. Before she forgot, Y/n found the letter she had wrote to her parents and placed it on her bedside table. Scanning her room once more, she sighed heading over to the window. This was really it, she was leaving. Goodbye old life.

She climbed out, closing the window behind her. Making sure she didn't fall, Y/n navigated her way down. How did Eddie make it look so easy? Once she was on the ground, she quietly ran down the driveway so she didn't attract any attention. When it was far enough that her parents couldn't hear anything, she started sprinting to their spot. It was probably late so there was no time to waste. 

Running along the road beside Lovers Lake, she finally reached the opening that would take her down to Eddie. The whole reason she was doing this. In the distance she saw his van parked. Good he was still here. Further down the dirt path she saw Eddie pacing around nervously, checking his watch every couple seconds. 

"Eddie! Over here!" She called, immediately causing him to turn to her. His eyes lit up as he ran to her, giving her a hug. "I'm so sorry I'm late, my dad grounded me and wouldn't let me leave!"

"Hey, hey as long as you're ok." He assured her, kissing the top of her head. "Do you have the money."

Y/n opened her bag and held it up proudly, bringing a smile to his face. He then gently grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers before running to his van. Opening the door for her, she got in putting her bag down by her feet while he climbed in on the other side. 

"It's not too late if you want to turn around." Eddie said, glancing at her. He didn't want to go back but he would if that's what Y/n wanted. 

"No, I'll miss everyone but this is what I want." She placed her hand on his, rubbing it with her thumb, smiling lovingly at him. They had worked too hard for this. They saved their money, packed everything, met up and now they were here. Now all they had to do was drive. Why turn back now? "It's okay."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" He cheered, turning the keys in the ignition. "We're halfway there!"

If you like kind of forbidden love story like this where Y/n's parents don't them to be together I have a full story on my page called two different worlds. Plus I'll probably be doing a part two for this one shot. 

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