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"Snap out of it." Gareth demanded, waving his hand in front of Eddie's face to release him from his daze. "She's hot, I'll give you that, but she'll only hurt you."

"I know." He spat back harshly, glancing at his friend before his attention was drawn back to the girl they were talking about. She sat down beside a couple of her friends laughing about something. 

"Good, she uses people."

"How?" Eddie replied already knowing what he meant. Although it angered him that people talked about her that way. They weren't all that wrong but there was more to her. There had to be.

"You know how, you don't wanna be her boy toy."

What if he did. What if he didn't care how she took an interest in him, as long as she acknowledged his existence he didn't care. He had dealt her drugs once or twice, but they didn't talk that much, he wanted more. 

It was wrong obviously, him willing to give up his dignity to even get two seconds with her, but he would. And as much as he didn't want to feel that way, he did and there was no guarantee he would be able contain himself if given the chance. He had an insatiable, unhealthy hunger and she might have been just the right solution.

"Cool." Eddie answered vaguely, too busy fantasising about her. 

"Just trynna help you out man."


Getting off his bed, Eddie ran into the kitchen, opening the fridge. His eyes scanned every rack, searching for anything edible that wasn't expired or mouldy. There was barely anything other than beer so he decided to just grab one. 

Grabbing the bottle cap opener, he flicked the cap into the bin before downing half the bottle. He sighed in contempt, walking back towards his room until he heard a knock on the door. Retracing his steps, he backed up till he got there. Opening it, he lifted his head, freezing when he realised who it was. 


"Is your uncle home?"

"Uh, um, n-no, why is something wrong?" She was the last person he expected to be knocking at his front door. They didn't have plans to deal drugs anytime soon, so he had no idea why she would show up at his trailer. Since other than their deals she would pretend he was a complete stranger at school. It hurt his ego, but he didn't expect much else. She had a long line of guys who wanted her and he was most likely not even an option. "He won't be home for hours."

"Good, can I come in?"

Afraid he would make a fool of himself, Eddie remained silent, just nodded in response as he stepped aside. She was all dressed up but he didn't question her even though he was curious as to her last second appearance. He locked the door behind her, following her into the kitchen as she looked around his trailer.

"Sorry, it's messy, I wasn't expecting company." He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"That's fine." She dropped her purse on the coffee table, slumping down on the couch. There were a few CD's next to her purse so she picked them up, reading all the writing. "You like metal huh?"

"You want anything to drink?"

"Do you have any alcohol?" 

Eddie grabbed out another bottle of beer, removing the cap, then joining her on the couch. He handed her the extra bottle, taking another sip of his own before lifting his feet onto the table in front of him. She took a sip, fixing her skirt. 

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here?" Eddie asked, leaning back so he was looking up at the roof. 

"Had enough of Richard."

"Had enough of your boyfriend? That's something new." He replied sarcastically, earning a side eye from her causing him to throw his hands up in surrender. 

"We went on another date, then afterwards we were in his car and I tried to take things further, then he hit me with the 'wait until marriage' bullshit." She complained, reaching for her purse, zipping it open before digging through it. "He's so hot, and don't get me started about his perfect jock body, yet I still can't touch it, what a waste."

"Wow, that sucks." He remarked, still confused as to why she was here out of all places. "Well why are you here?"

"Well you know, to drink, get high, have sex." 

The second she said that without stuttering, Eddie's head jolted to the side. She was lighting a cigarette as he watched her. He tried to see if she was bluffing through her facial expressions but she seemed dead serious. 

She took took a puff, slowly releasing the smoke as she handed him the cigarette. He gladly accepted it, doing exactly the same. They both leaned their heads back, passing the cigarette between each other till they felt relaxed while slowly drinking their beer at the same time. After a while, they both felt a little buzzed.

"Let's go to your room." Y/n finally spoke, breaking the silence. She got up off the couch, heading to his room with him following behind. Once she entered, she immediately went over to the bed, falling back onto it with her legs hanging off the edge. 

Staring at the roof for a couple minutes, Y/n propped herself back up with her elbows, watching Eddie put away some of his clothes and belongings that were laying around the room. He clapped his hands together, satisfied with how his quick clean up went. 

"You don't get enough attention from girls." She said, dramatically frowning before getting off the bed, approaching him. Suddenly he was speechless. He looked down at where she held onto the neckline of his shirt. Her lips were dangerously close to his, but he wasn't going to give in.

"Y/n, Richard."


"Him and his friends already hate me, if they find ou-"

"Well then, let's make sure they don't." She cut him off, her gaze dropping from his eyes down to his lips then back up again. 

He thought about what Gareth told him earlier that day, but that wasn't helping considering the situation he was in. She was standing right in front of him, her lips barely an inch away from his. If he let things go any further, he'd be vulnerable, allowing himself to get hurt. What were the chances this would be more than a hookup? 

Although he was ashamed someone could have such an affect on him, he wouldn't want it any other way. He wanted her, more than anything. 

Her hand traveled down to his belt causing his reflexes to kick in. He grabbed her hand which seemed to irritate her as she groaned in annoyance. Stopping what she was doing, Y/n looked up at his face.

"Am I bothering you Eddie?" She snapped, taking a step back from him so she could explore his room. The sudden lack of her touch and warm, embrace sent shivers down his spine. "If so I'll leave."

"N-no, no, it's not that that." He stuttered, playing with his ring nervously. 

Y/n smirked at his response, spinning around to face him. She then walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies closer. 

"Well then, kiss me."

He wanted to, there was no doubt about that. But he knew the second he did there would be no turning back. She would have already placed her spell on him, making him her slave. Which didn't sound so bad knowing he'd been crushing on her for years. 

Ignoring all his senses telling him not to touch her, to stop, he gently placed his hand on her cheek, glancing down at her lips. Everything about this was wrong, but he couldn't help it. She was venomous poison.

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