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"Mom! Wake up!" Someone yelled, pulling the sheets down, immediately allowing the cold air to hit her. "I'm going to be late!" 

"I'm up! I'm up!" Y/n repeated, rubbing her droopy eyes to try and properly wake herself up. It only half worked but it would have to do till she got her morning coffee. Once she sat up, Caleb gave her a hug before running out the room. 

Lifting her legs over to the side of bed, she moved them around till she found her pair of slippers. She then stretched, before getting ready herself. There was still a while before school so he over exaggerated being late. Once she was changed, she went downstairs into the kitchen to make some quick and easy breakfast for the both of them. 

"Hey mom." Caleb said, moving his spoon around in his cereal, the metal tapping against the bowl every time. Y/n looked up from her breakfast waiting for him to continue. "There's a bring your dad to school day next week and I'm the only one who won't bring one." 

Her heart sunk to the bottom of her chest. Times like this reminded her that being a single mom didn't always work out, or wasn't enough. Most of the time everything was ok, she didn't need any help, but now her own son had to go to class and sit there. Watching all the other kids bonding with their dads. 

Caleb's father wasn't completely out of the picture, but sometimes it felt like he was. While she was at home, working her ass off to provide her son the best possible life, he was far away, travelling, performing or whatever kind of shit. Y/n didn't care much for it so she never asked. 

Caleb was eight years old and Y/n was twenty seven so she was only a teenager when she had him. It was unexpected and not at all what was planned. Nevertheless Y/n decided to keep him and raise him. His father on the other hand, didn't want to give up on his plans. She understood why. They had their whole lives full of fun and adventure ahead of them and then it was pretty much ruined because they had to take care of a child. Therefore she wasn't surprised when he left. That's not to say it didn't hurt. Hurting was an understatement, he broke her heart.

But that wasn't the part that angered her the most. It was the fact that he had made his choice to leave and chase his dreams yet he couldn't stick to it. That he always had make an appearance again when everything for Y/n was going great. Just when she would think that life was really getting better, there he'd be. Ruining everything, causing her to start over again. 

Although last time he showed up out of the blue, Y/n had made it clear that if he wasn't going to stay she didn't want to see him again. So hopefully he listened and was going to stay away from now on. It wasn't an easy decision because she didn't want Caleb to not have a father around but it was what was best for him. 

"I'll come instead?" 

"But you're not a boy." 

"Well then we can just take a day off and spend some time together?" She offered, smiling at him before grabbing the dishes and putting them into the sink. Of course she didn't want to influence the idea of skipping school, but she didn't want him to be sad. He definitely liked the idea of skipping though. "Alright, well now you're going to be late if you don't hurry up, go put your shoes on!" 

He ran out into the hallway just as a knock on the door was heard. Y/n rushed to the door as Caleb put on his shoes and tied his laces behind her. She unlocked the door opening it to be met with a very familiar face. It was the last person she'd been expecting to see on a Friday morning and the last person she'd want it to be. The universe had heard their conversation and delivered it seemed. 

"E-Eddie, um what are you doing here?" She stumbled on her words, trying to breath since she wouldn't if she wasn't reminding herself to. "This isn't a good time, Caleb's late- and you know what. It's never a good time sorry." 

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