It Was Always You

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"Soo, when are you gonna make a move on him?" Amelia asked waving her hand in front of Y/n's face in hopes of ending her daydream. She had been staring at the same guy the entire break, barely touching her food. This is how every break pretty much went, she'd be in another world while Amelia would be having one sided conversations about her day.

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

"C'mon you've had a crush on Eddie for how long?"

"2 years." Y/n whispered in response, dropping her head in shame. Amelia groaned in frustration, obviously getting annoyed at her friends lack of confidence just to tell someone she liked them. "I'm not gonna humiliate myself in front of the hottest guy at our school."

"He's cute but that's pushing it." Her comment earned a punch on the shoulder from Y/n which caused them both to burst into laughter. For the rest of lunch, Y/n went on about how perfect Eddie was. His smile, his rings, his hair, everything really and that he was no where near a freak like everybody said he was. At this point Amelia was used to it so she sat there nodding every time.

School had ended about fifteen minutes ago and Amelia was now carefully walking along a thin dirt path behind the school, which finally led her to an opening where a table was. She hurried over, sitting down on one of the benches where she waited for a few minutes. Eventually the person she was supposed meet showed up, carrying a black lunchbox.

"Sorry I'm late." They apologised, making their way over to her before sitting down across from her. "Hey! You're Y/n's friend right, uhhh."


"Amelia, well I'm Eddie but you obviously already know that." He dropped the box onto the wooden table, opening it up before tossing her a clear packet. Afterwards she dug through her bag until she found the money she had stashed away, handing it to him.

She thanked him, grabbing the weed and shoving it into her pocket. The usual blue sky was now replaced with dark stormy clouds which looked like they would burst at any second. If she wanted to get home safely the best thing to do was leave, now.

"You uh, need a ride home?"

"Actually, that would be great, thanks." She replied, grabbing her bag before following him out the woods and back into the parking lot. Y/n was right, he wasn't anything like what people said about him.


After struggling to fit all her books neatly into her locker, Y/n slammed it shut. Immediately getting a fright when she realised someone was leaning against another locker beside her. It didn't take long for her to relax though since it was none other than Eddie. 

"Hey Eddie, how's your day been?" She attempted to make small talk to hide the fact her stomach was doing flips because of how close he was to her. 

"Better now thanks to you." 

This was it, this was her chance. There was enough of just the constant flirting between them, she wanted more. She had built up enough confidence to make a move and if she didn't do it now, what was the chance she'd ever be ready to again.

"Do you uh, maybe wan-"

"Y/n. Eddie." Amelia said, interrupting her and ruining their moment. The one moment where Y/n wasn't cowering at the thought of making a move on her crush. Perfect timing she thought, leaning back onto the locker, huffing in annoyance. "We still on for tonight Eddie?"

Y/n's head shot up faster than ever and her gaze fell onto Eddie who was already looking at her. There was something in his eyes that she couldn't quite figure out, pity or disappointment maybe. Although she brushed that thought away because why would he be feeling that way? 

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