Accidentally In Love

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"You're two minutes late." 

"Missed me too much?" Eddie teased as he entered her house, taking his shoes off. Y/n slapped his shoulder playfully causing him to snicker. 

"Head up to my room, I'll be there in a sec." 

He nodded, walking down the hall towards the staircase. Y/n quickly entered the kitchen grabbing them water and some snacks. After she went upstairs to her room where Eddie was laying on her bed. 

"Sit up!" She snapped, placing the snacks on the bedside table before pulling out some textbooks. Eddie sighed upon seeing them. He hated doing work, especially when it wasn't at school. "What page were we on last time?"


"Good you remembered." She replied, smiling as she turned to the page. At least some things were sticking in his brain. Hopefully that wasn't the only thing he remembered. Eddie leaned over her, reaching for the chips. She immediately slapped his hand away making him sit back up properly. "Not yet."

"She's feisty."

"And you're not graduating." She retorted, crossing her legs. 


"Luckily I'm here to help with that." She reassured him, patting his shoulders. Taking her hand off she started on what they previously talked about last time. The entire time Eddie stared at the side of her face instead of the book. Eventually she noticed his distracted gaze.

"What?" Y/n questioned, stopping mid way through explaining something. Eddie had completely forgotten everything she said. Whatever came out of her mouth went through one ear and straight out the other. It was too difficult to concentrate when something else caught his attention. And he really needed too so he could pass the exams. All this hard work and tutoring would be useless if he didn't. 

"Just thinking." He answered, trying to hide his smirk. For a second he got lost in her eyes before looking back down at the paper. Y/n brushed his odd behaviour aside, explaining what he seemed to ignore once again. This time he actually listened, copying down some notes. 

"Can we watch a movie or something."

"No, you need to study for your exam." 

Eddie pouted dramatically, leaning back on his chair. They had been studying for an hour and half straight and it was already hard enough to focus. He needed a break. Usually he dreaded these afternoons full of work but now they weren't as bad. Part of him was excited to drive over to Y/n's house, knock on the door and see her face light up when he finally arrived. Now he dreaded the part when the two ours came to an end meaning their time was over. It was the only time when they properly hung out and talked, even if it was mostly about history or physics.

Of course he couldn't say anything about it. He didn't want her to think she had been having affect on him. To her, he was still the too cool for school guy who didn't think any of this was important. When in all truth he did want to pass, so that he could finally leave this hell hole. Although, maybe there was more to it, another reason he kept turning up to these studying sessions. For her maybe?

"I think I'm going to cut today short." Y/n said frustratedly, ending his train of thoughts. "Seems you've got something else on your mind."

He didn't know what to say, or what excuse to use. He couldn't say it was because all he was thinking about was her. How her eyes glistened and how she looked so cute when concentrated on explaining something. 

"We can try again on Wednesday." She closed the text books and piled them up for him, dropping them into his hands. Struggling to hold them, he followed Y/n to the door his smile fading away. He hated making her angry. It meant he couldn't see her beautiful smile. "Goodbye Eddie." 

Stepping out of the house, he turned to her just as she slammed the door on his face. He made his way to his van, balancing the books on his one arm whilst unlocking the door with his other. Then he dumped them onto the passenger seat before getting into the other side after. He wanted to knock on her door and apologise but that would be too risky, considering these new feelings he had. Hopefully she would forgive him tomorrow.


It was the next day and as expected he didn't get to talk to her at school. She was always with her friends who didn't really like him. The distance was killing him, he wanted to see her again, to talk to her. He didn't know why. Why he couldn't get her off his mind, that he hated being apart from her. It was something he'd never felt before so he had no idea how to control it. He couldn't control it, so much that he drove all the way to her house. It was probably a bad idea, showing up there unannounced. Plus he didn't know what he was going to say or do. He would just make a fool of himself. 

Before he could overthink and change his mind, Eddie stopped his car by her house, hopping out. He ran up the steps, hesitating for a second before knocking on the door. A few seconds later the door unlocked and Y/n's mom was standing there. 

"Eddie, good afternoon, do you want Y/n?"

"Uh yes please, if she's not busy."

"Y/n, honey!" Her mom called for her, looking back at Eddie with a smile. When she saw Y/n coming down the stairs she left, heading back to the kitchen. 

"Eddie, we only have studying tomorrow?" Y/n said confused as to why he was at her front door. 

"Can I come in?" He asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Uh, sure." She stepped aside, allowing him to walk through. "Let's go to my room." 

He nodded, following her up the stairs into her bedroom. She started cleaning up a few things apologising for the mess. After he sat down on the edge of the bed, contemplating what to say. Not long after Y/n sat down next to him, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She could tell something was up by the way he was acting. Usually he was confident, not afraid to speak his mind. But now he was quiet, almost shy.

"Soo, what's the problem?"

"I don't know." He answered, looking down at the ground. "Maybe I'm in love." 

"Oh, ok." Out of everything he could've said, she was definitely not expecting that. He didn't seem like the type of guy to feel that kind of way. "Why do you think that?"

"Well I can't stop thinking about it." The past few months with Y/n had grown to be more than just tutoring to him. He had gotten to know her, she was more then just smart. But he knew he didn't just have a crush on her, that it was much more. 

"Who are you in love with, may I ask?" Eddie didn't answer, instead just looked up at into her eyes, hoping she'd understand. After a few seconds she caught on. "Oh." 

"Yeah." He didn't mean for this to happen. Somehow he just fell accidentally in love.

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