Summer of 86

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It was a Friday night around seven and Y/n had just finished dinner. Usually after it she'd sit in her room or outside and read a bit, so this time she decided to sit outside. Quickly rushing up the stairs, she grabbed one of her books and went back down. She opened the front door and took a seat on the porch, beginning to read her book. It was probably thirty minutes later when she heard the sound of a skateboard or something rolling against the road. Then it came to a stop causing her to lift her head. She couldn't see clearly but it looked like a boy around her age with long, dark, curly hair holding a skateboard in his arm now.

This wasn't the first time she had seen him, sometimes when she was outside he'd ride past her. It was interesting that he was out skating so late at night in the dark. Her curiosity took over when she cleared her throat, getting ready to say something. 

"It's pretty dark for someone to be walking alone." She suddenly said, giving him a fright at first. "There could me murderers on the loose, unless, you are one?" 

He stopped in his place near the stairs to her porch. Looking up at her with a smile on his face. "Well my shift just ended but yes, I was searching for my next victim." 

"You gotta at least let me finish my book." Her reply made him break out into laughter until her mom called for her from inside. "Maybe next time."

"I'll be waiting." He joked, waving goodbye before he dropped his skateboard on the floor, getting on it and skating away. 

For the next few months, Y/n always sat outside with her book, secretly waiting for the boy to ride past again. And for him he'd always be excited for his shift to end so he could leave and ride past the girl who sat on her porch every night. Over time they'd got to know things about each other. Like his name was Eddie and he was amazing at guitar and actually was a leader of a band, Corroded Coffin with his friends. 

It was another normal night meaning Y/n was sitting on her porch reading, except it was pouring down. She didn't expect him to be riding past her home this time. The wind was beginning to blow the rain towards her so she was about to go back inside until she heard something behind her on the road. When she turned around there he was walking with his skateboard.

"Eddie?!" Y/n gasped, why on earth was he walking in this weather. He could get hurt or sick and she didn't want that. "What are you doing? It's pouring!"

"Going home?" He answered, stopping to talk to her. 

"No! You're not, you could get sick!" 

"It's fine Y/n, don't worry about me." He answered, getting ready to start walking again until she told him to wait by her porch. Quickly, she rushed back inside to go talk to her mom and grab an umbrella. Afterwards, she came back out, taking the umbrella out while walking up to him. At first he thought she was going to give it to him to walk home with but she moved it away from his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 

"I'm not that cruel to just give you an umbrella and let you go off. Come inside!"

He refused, not wanting to impose on any plans her family had. Although she wasn't going to give up, continuing to beg him to come inside. Eventually he accepted her offer, not really wanting to walk in this weather anyways. Of course he wasn't going to say anything since he wanted to remain humble and respectful. 

Y/n grabbed his hand, immediately causing his stomach to erupt with butterflies. Her hand felt so soft and smooth, he never wanted to let go. There was no doubt he had feelings for her, she was just so interesting, funny and kind. He was so happy she offered for him to stay over, he'd been meaning to ask her to hangout sometime. Not that he didn't like walking past her house but he wanted to spend more time with her for longer. 

"There's some leftover dinner if you're hungry?" 

"I'm not really, but thanks for asking sweetheart." Y/n left the umbrella by the front door with their soaking wet shoes. After shaking off they both walked into the kitchen where her mom was busy cleaning up. 

"So this is the boy you've been talking about?" She said, causing Y/n to yell at her to shush. Of course her mom had to embarrass her the minute she properly met him. Eddie couldn't help but chuckle at the bickering between them. Did that mean maybe she felt the same way as he did? Hopefully it did. 

Eddie ended up getting hungry so he shared the leftovers with Y/n. Lucky for the two blind love birds, the rain was no where near coming to an end. It was too dangerous to drive now so he'd probably have to stay the night. Not that Y/n cared, it meant she got to spend more time with him. To fill their time they mostly talked, watched movies or listened to music, it was great. He ended up going home in the morning when it stopped raining, but he didn't forget the previous night. He definitely wanted to that more often with her, but nothing could last forever.


"Wait! Stop the car." Eddie yelled, so that's what Gareth did. He then got out the car, walking around it to the house they stopped at. It wasn't just any house though, it was Y/n's or at least her old one. He wanted to knock on it so badly and hope that she'd answer it, but she moved away long ago. So did he, this was just a visit with Gareth to see his old friends and Uncle who still lived in Hawkins. High school was over years ago and because of that so was pretty much everything else. Like the band and him and Y/n. After that night they did end up dating and everything seemed perfect until it wasn't, but god did he miss her. He'd do anything for everything to go back to the way it was that summer when they first met. 

"What even happened between you two?" Gareth asked as Eddie got back into the car. 

"I don't know, I wish I did." It was true. If he had the choice he'd want to be with her right now, since those were the best days of his life. Back in the Summer of 86.

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