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Y/n was messing around with the record player, different bands being blasted throughout the trailer. Her and Eddie were supposed to go out today but he had been taking an awfully long time in the shower. That's why she was occupying herself with whatever was laying around. 

Except his guitar obviously. She knew how much he loved that thing and that he wouldn't hesitate to murder her if she damaged it. Not that she blamed him, it was a beautiful instrument which she wouldn't want destroyed either. 

Just as she was about to place another record on, someone behind her cleared their throat, startling her at first. When she realised it was Eddie, she spun around holding the disc behind her back. 

"I-I was um just." Y/n struggled to explain herself, mainly because he was standing in front of her with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets were dripping down from his hair strands and his toned stomach was the only thing she could focus on.

"You were just what?" He teased, looking down at her with a smirk on his face. "And when did you get here?"

"A while ago, I let myself in because you were taking too long." Her gaze remained directly on the floor so she wouldn't slip up and keep gawking at him. God knows Eddie loved that. "Well um, hurry up and get finished."

"Yes ma'am." He gave her a two finger salute before heading back into the bathroom. Again she started to play the music to fill her boredom. There was no doubt he would take ages to do his hair until it was 'perfect'.

For about another ten minutes Y/n listened to the music waiting patiently for Eddie to finish up. Finally he did, with his usual outfit that consisted of his vest and a band t-shirt. She didn't expect him to wear anything else because he rarely did. 

"Look who's finally ready!" 

"I didn't take that long." He argued defensively, quickly fixing his hair as he approached Y/n standing in the kitchen with her arms crossed. Regardless of whether she was just joking, he hated when she looked even remotely mad, so he walked over to her cupping her cheeks. "Don't be mad at me."

"If you come to a party with me tomorrow night I won't." She knew his first answer would most likely be no, but she also knew that he'd have a hard time following through that decision. He hated parties with a burning passion. There were always so many people there that he had never liked so what was the point, other than the food of course. "Please?"

"Fine. Only for you sweetheart." 

"Thank you." Wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/n thanked him, pulling him in for a quick kiss but he connected their lips again wanting more. Before things got too heated, she pushed him off her which then he started pouting, missing the feeling of her touch. "We have a date remember! We can continue this later Eddie."

"Happily." She winked at him before heading over to the door so that they could finally leave. "Wait for me!"


The party wasn't as bad as Eddie expected, he was also surprised that he didn't get told to fuck off when he showed up to the door. It was probably because he had showed up with Y/n and she was 'popular'. 

Most of the time he stuck by Y/n's side, afraid that if he lost sight of her, some jocks might jump him or something. It always used to happen before they got together, now not as much but there have been a couple times. At least those jocks got what they deserved when she found out.

If he wasn't with her, he was hanging around with Gareth or Jeff who also snuck in. They almost got kicked out at one point but luckily Y/n came to the rescue, demanding that they stayed. Sometimes her being popular with the jocks and cheerleaders came in handy, otherwise he would've been long gone tonight.

Eddie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now