All Because of You

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The rooms were all crowded with people, drinking, chatting and laughing. Music was being blasted, Y/n couldn't even hear herself think. Her best friend Sophie had planned this massive party. It was funny because she didn't plan it at her own house, instead held it at Y/n's house because her parents were out of town for the weekend. So if anything was destroyed it would apparently not be Sophie's fault. Most of the time Y/n was stressed, running through the different rooms to ensure everything was under control. It was difficult because pretty much everyone was completely drunk and stoned. 

"Cmon Y/n have some fun!" Sophie whined, grabbing her hand as she swayed to the music.

"If this was at your house maybe I would. But it's not and I'm going to have a fucking breakdown if someone vomits on my moms white carpet again." She cried, eyeing Tommy who seemed like he would spill at any second. "CARL AND AVA ARE IN MY PARENTS BEDROOM SOPHIE. You know what that means!" She just kept dancing to the music like she didn't have a care in the world.

"Are you even listening to me?!"

One of the songs came to an end, just in time for Y/n to hear the sound of something shattering in the hallway. Without hesitation, she escaped Sophie's grip, rushing towards the noise. There she saw Eddie on the floor scooping up pieces of something. She looked up at the shelf next to him and realised the ceramic horse her mom bought and loved was missing. Which meant only one thing, that what he was picking up was the remains of it. Could this night get any worse?

"What happened!"

"I'm sorry, I bumped into it and couldn't save it in time." He explained, looking up at her with a frown on his face. She ran to the closet that had the cleaning things and grabbed a dustpan. Then she swept up the mess so no one would cut themselves or get hurt because of it. "I'm really sorry Y/n! Please don't break up with me! Dustin would beat my ass. That kids scary!" 

"I'm not going to, but right now you are drunk so I'm taking you upstairs!" She grabbed his hand, yanking him up before shoving through people as she walked towards the stairs. He lazily followed, tripping over his own feet and running into people every now and then. As they got close to the stairs, he interlocked their fingers so he knew she wouldn't let go. There were a couple people sitting on the steps but she just navigated through them. Finally they made it to her room where the door was closed. 

She opened it and saw a couple making out on her bed. "God! Get out of my room." They immediately stopped, glancing at her before struggling to their feet.

"You two have fun." The boy teased, winking at her, following his girlfriend.

"Ugh, gross." Y/n whispered, closing the door behind them. "You need to rest." Pulling down the blanket, she helped him into the bed and tucked him in like a baby. She had to admit he looked adorable when he was drunk and with his messy long hair. Giving him a kiss on the forehead, she spun around to walk back out but was pulled back by her arm.

"Please don't leave me." He begged, looking at her with puppy eyes. 

"I'll be back, I promise." He groaned while letting go, allowing her to leave. She left the room, closing the door. Nancy was just outside her room talking to Jonathan. "Hey, can you guys makes sure he doesn't leave and that no one goes in please?"

"Of course!" Nancy happily accepted. Now she had to make sure that nothing else would get broken or destroyed. When she found Sophie again they danced for a little so she could relax a bit since this party was for her. She didn't even know why, it wasn't her birthday. Later on Y/n remembered to check on Eddie so she went back upstairs but ran into someone else instead.

"I went to the bathroom for a second and he was gone. But don't worry Jonathan is looking for him." Nancy blabbered on, running up to her. 

"Shit! It's fine." They both hurried down the stairs, pushing through the crowd as they searched for him. Where could he have gone? Y/n asked around if anyone had seen him at any point but most of them were too busy dancing or drinking to pay any mind to what was happening around them. That's when the music stopped and she heard someone yelling outside.

"Look! On the roof!" Without hesitation, Y/n ran outside to the pool where a crowd was forming and people were pointing at the roof. What the hell was going on? "Holy shit!" 

Her heart stopped when she recognised the person, standing dangerously close to the edge of the roof. "Eddie what the hell are you doing! Get down from there you're gonna kill your self!" He slowly made his way to the edge of the roof which was above the ledge of the pool. He almost slipped on a loose tile on the roof, nearly giving Y/n a heart attack. 

"This is for you Y/n!" He screamed, jumping off the roof and landing in the pool. It splashed everywhere, including Y/n and a bunch of other people. When he resurfaced, everyone started cheering except Y/n. She was furious. "Shit, that was fun." 

"Are you insane!?" Dragging him out the pool, she shooed people away. "Alright everyone, the parties over! Get the hell out of my house." Everyone booed her, ignoring her request at first.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck off!" Sophie added, pushing people back into the house and eventually out the house. Y/n grabbed him a towel and led him upstairs to the bathroom with a pair of clean clothes. Once he dried off, she took him to the guest room and demanded he go to bed. He asked her to stay with him again but she refused.

"I'm mad at you." She then left him there alone with his thoughts. Did he seriously jump off her roof. That was impressive. It didn't take him long to fall asleep though, which was good for Y/n so he wouldn't get into anymore trouble. 

The next morning Eddie awoke with a terrible hangover, including the throbbing headache. He couldn't remember much, but he definitely remembered jumping off the roof. Did he regret it? Not so much, it was fun. But he knew Y/n was pissed at him and that's what he hated. 

Slowly, he got out of the bed, putting his hand against the wall as he left the room. He then grabbed onto the railing of the staircase so he didn't trip and fall down. Y/n was already awake, cleaning up the rest of the mess people had made yesterday. She was struggling to get out a stain from the carpet and she had no idea what it was. 

"Good morning sweetheart." 

"There's leftover pizza in the fridge." She replied, not saying morning back or getting up to give him a kiss like she normally would when seeing him for the first time for the day. She was definitely pissed at him. He frowned, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. Grabbing a box of pizza, he warmed up a couple slices, taking a seat at the bar stool. In the mean time Y/n continued scrubbing the carpet in silence. It was eating him alive, the painful silence.

"Y/n I'm really sorry. I know it was stupid."

"Stupid is an understatement." She scoffed, jumping up and storming into the kitchen to wash her hands. "This just proved how insane you are!" Afterwards she left him alone in the room to go clean the living room properly. Not long after he got up, heading into the room as well. She was startled when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. 

"You're so cute when you're mad." He joked, causing Y/n to roll her eyes. He kissed her all down her neck, whispering sorry every single time. Eventually she gave up on being mad at him. He was good at getting her to forgive him. 

"But I stand by what I said." She stated sternly. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"You may be right. I may be crazy." She cocked her head to the side in confusion. Did he just agree with her? 

"But it's all because of you."

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