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I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I've either been to busy or had no motivation to write. But here we are and it's also quite long to make up for it. I kind of rushed it too so I could finally post something so, enjoy? 😅

Also forgot to mention thank you Bellamia_rose for the idea. I'll try to get part 2 out as soon as I can.

"So, how's things with Eddie?" Steve asked, leaning against the kitchen counter with his drink in one hand. He had only gotten about halfway through his first beer but that was only because the party had just begun fifteen minutes ago. "You guys are still going strong!"

"Yeah, it's great!" Y/n answered, smiling to herself at the thought of her boyfriend. "What about you and, uh what's her name again, Jess? Sorry I keep losing track of which girl it is now."

"Funny, really funny Y/n." Steve did not find her 'joke' amusing, especially because he knew that it wasn't far from the truth. Ever since Nancy and his relationship was done for good he had to move on while still being in love. She found someone else; he didn't. 

Well actually he found multiple someone else's, but none of them were her, none of them even remotely came close to how amazing she was, therefore they meant minimal to him. That made it easy for him to disregard them and move on to the next. Sadly, none of it worked with healing his broken heart. So no wonder why Y/n had a hard time remembering which girl it was that month. 

"Sorry, I did-" just before she could finish apologising, someone bumped into her causing the drink she was holding to spill all over her shirt. 

"Hey! Watch where you're going asshole!" Steve yelled, sending a dirty look to the guy who carelessly shoved through the crowd. "C'mon, we'll find something else to wear."

Y/n nodded in agreement, glancing down at her now soaking wet clothes. The last thing she wanted was to walk around with the uncomfortable feeling of stickiness from the alcohol. 

Steve quickly grabbed her hand and made his way through the crowd with her following right behind him. They finally made it to the bottom of the staircase before beginning to go up towards his bedroom. Luckily the party was at his house.

Although the two rushing up the stairs together in a hurry would look bad to anyone who knew nothing about the events that happened before. Mainly because Y/n had a boyfriend and Steve wasn't him.

Therefore her real boyfriend was curious as to what was going on when he spotted the two heading upstairs. He had just came back inside from having a quick smoke and immediately went to search for Y/n. 

Of course he trusted her, he knew that Steve was just a good friend and there was nothing to worry about. It was just natural for him to wonder what had happened, so he began to make his way towards the stairs. 

"Hey Eddie! I just saw Y/n and Steve go upstairs." Someone said, coming up behind him while putting their hand on his shoulder. He then turned around to see one of his friends, Jess with a concerned look on her face. 

"I'm sure it's nothing." 

"I don't know, they've seemed really close and touchy tonight." She added, giving him a sympathetic smile, one that instead of comforting him, made him more unsure of whether something was going on. He knew Jess only meant well considering Steve was also her boyfriend. "It's like they're inseparable, he's barely paid any attention to me tonight, too busy clinging to her like a lost puppy."

"Alright, well I'm gonna go to the bathroom." 

Making his way up the stairs, he is gaze traveled between all the couples and guests standing along the hallway talking, hoping two of them would be them. Although as he made his way further down, his hope kept going down the drain. 

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