Secret Relationship

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Eddie and his band were currently spending their evening in a bar that they planned to play at tomorrow. Gareth was with him at the back, leaning against the counter as they watched the current band onstage play. The others were no where to be seen, probably doing their own thing. 

Although Eddie couldn't care less, all his attention was on the guitarist of the band. She was beyond beautiful and god was she amazing at the guitar. Not as amazing as he was, but a close second. 

The entire time he hadn't been able to focus his gaze anywhere else then on her. It didn't go unnoticed, as Gareth had seen his friend drooling over the girl. She was extraordinary to say the least but also way out of Eddie's league.

"You don't stand a chance." Gareth whispered, glancing at Eddie who was barely paying any attention to him. He was caught in a trance, most likely staring at his 'dream girl', 'the one for him'. Eddie said that about a lot of girls but none of them really were. They were nothing more than a fling or a one night stand. It was the sad truth. "She's way out of your league."

"Is that so?" Even though it was a joke, Eddie couldn't help but seethe when Gareth's words replayed in his mind. 'She's way out of your league'

"You don't believe me Eddie? What you gonna try your luck?"

"Yeah so piss off." He spat, walking away from Gareth since the the girls band had finally finished playing. Once they packed away everything, the guitarist made her way over to the bar to get a drink and Eddie found himself making his way over towards her. 

Fortunately, he didn't leave the drummer all alone since Gareth had found Andrew amongst the crowd talking to a couple girls. He was either going to interrupt something or get lucky enough to be set up with some chick.

The girl Eddie had been gawking at for an hour straight was currently sitting on one of the barstools by herself. This was his chance to talk to her, if some other desperate guy didn't swoop in first and take his chance. That would be unlikely since she would probably just ignore them or tell them to get lost. She seemed like the feisty type, well more that she was the feisty type. 

"Can I buy the beautiful lady a drink?" Eddie asked, taking a seat on the empty chair beside her before placing his hands onto the counter. She chuckled a bit at his offer, turning her head to face him. He had a smirk plastered on his face as he looked her up and down.

"No, you cannot, because she already has a boyfriend." She joked back, waving over one of the bartenders so she could ask for a drink. 

"And who is this lucky guy may I ask?"

"No one special." Stopping for a couple seconds, she pretended as though she was trying to remember something. "Oh, but he does have really cool hair."

Eddie leaned over closer to her, a smirk still playing in his lips. She could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on him, not too strong but just the perfect amount to intoxicate her. He kept on moving closer till his mouth was right by her ear, close enough that she could feel his breath.

"I hate having to fucking pretend Y/n."

"Me too." She replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before paying for her drink and walking off. Eddie sighed in frustration because of her constant teasing when they were in public. 

Eddie may have forgotten to mention to Gareth that he actually stood a chance with the girl Y/n. In fact they had been together for just over two months after meeting each other at a Metallica concert. They even knew about each other's bands and immediately hit it off since they had so much in common.

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