The Fair

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Thanks for the idea iamlacy86

Here's the long awaited update, hope you enjoy it was a bit rushed.

"If you don't hurry up, I'm going without you!" Eddie yelled as he leaned against the bathroom door. Immediately after he heard the sound of clattering and shuffling on the other side and before he knew it, Y/n had yanked the door open. "Took you long enough."

"Took you long enough." She said in a mocking tone before Eddie wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her back. There was no point in struggling as he had her securely against his chest. 

"What was that?" He questioned as if he didn't hear her mimic him. Just getting her all flustered was the reaction he always hoped for, and that's exactly the reaction he got. Once he was satisfied, Eddie let go of her, but not until he made sure to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "So you finally ready?"

"Yes, so move your ass!" 

Eddie seemed so offended since she had been taking ages to get ready and now he was the one being hurried. Nevertheless, he followed closely behind her as they left her house and got into his van. Then without wasting another second Eddie drove off heading straight to the fair that Hawkins held once every couple months.

He had planned this date for a while now and this would be their third offical date since they started dating. The first two dates were perfect in Y/n's words so he had to make sure that this one would be just as great. She deserved the very best and that's what she was going to get. The very best.

"You excited?"

"Very." Y/n answered with no hesitation, placing her hand onto his arm before leaning her head onto his shoulder. It didn't have to be a fancy place that they went to eat at, or a planned out date, just spending time with him was exciting, and fun, and perfect. "So where we going?"

"That's a secret." Eddie replied causing Y/n to groan in annoyance while playfully rolling her eyes. He always had a tendency to surprise her when it came to everything. It was cute at times but also frustrating at others. "Don't worry, we're nearly there."

She leaned back in her seat, staring out the window to watch the sun slowly begin to set. Luckily for her, it managed to be her distraction till they neared their destination. In the distance there were plenty of cars all parked on the grass and dirt path and people heading over to the entrance of the Hawkins fair.

The place was completely busy, considering the best time to come was around sunset. Then you could see all the pretty lights the place had used to decorate, and the fireworks that went off around 7:30. 

Y/n hadn't been to one of the fairs in ages since she was always too busy or had no one to go with. But now she had Eddie, so here they were getting out of his van before making their way over to where the fun began. 

For a while they went around playing any of the games that they passed as they explored the fair. Most of the stalls were packed with people ordering food or competing for prizes even though lots of the games were very much rigged.

So far neither of them had any luck which meant they were closer to leaving empty handed. Although Eddie wasn't going to give up, at least not yet. He needed to win Y/n something, then she would have something to remember this night by. Even if it was just a cute little stuffed animal.

"Let's try my luck here!" Eddie suggested, grabbing ahold of Y/n's hand before leading her over to the closest stall. 

There were a bunch of balloons pinned against the wall and three darts lined neatly on the counter before them. Eddie stood excitedly waiting to pick the darts up while Y/n cheered him on. His aim was 50/50, some days he had great coordination, like when it came to throwing paper balls at people he didn't like during class. 

But then he had his bad days, like when he was forced to participate to play sports. Unless it was dodgeball and he was expected to peg a ball at someone he hated, his aim wasn't the best. Hopefully this was one of those good days.

"You've got this!" 

"Here goes nothing." Eddie mumbled, picking up the first dart before aiming it at a blue balloon that was directly in front of him. Then when he was ready, he released it, jumping up with his fist high up in the air when it popped. Sadly the celebration was short lived when no paper feel out. "Dammit!"

He tried again but unlike the first one, the second attempt wasn't as precise, therefore the dart bounced off the ballon falling down onto the ground. One more shot, he only had one more shot to win her a prize.

Once he was ready, he threw the dart at another blue ballon and as he hoped, a small white piece of paper floated down onto the ground. Eddie ducked down to pick it up and read what the prize was.

"Pick out a stuffed animal sweetheart."

"That one please." She eagerly answered, pointing at a large giraffe hiding amongst the other animals. The man running the game immediately picked it up before handing it to a very happy Y/n. "Thank you."

"I'm hungry, what about you two?" Eddie joked, grabbing Y/n's hand once again to take her over to the food stalls. When they reached his destination he stopped, looking around to take a look at their options. "I feel like a corn dog, you?"


"Alright, wait there!" 

Y/n admired the stuffed animal for a bit while she waited for Eddie to return with their food. It was definitely going to be placed onto her bed with some of her other animals, then it would be a constant reminder of this night. 

"Here you go." He said, handing her one of the corn dogs that she had been dying to eat. After a while of walking around she needed to finally eat something. "The Ferris wheel will have a good view of the fireworks."

"Let's hurry then." 

They rushed over to the line that was slowly growing longer, most likely because everyone else had the same idea as them. It was a smart one though, getting the best view of the town and the fireworks. Fortunately they got there before most of the other people so they didn't have to wait as long. 

"Ladies first." Eddie gestured when it was their turn to get on. She thanked him, taking a seat with her giraffe in one hand. He then sat down beside her, interlocking their fingers and lifting it up so he could place a kiss on her hand. 

Y/n glanced up at him, a smile spreading onto her face before she let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around herself. Now that they were going higher up into the sky it was beginning to get cold. 

"I told you to bring your jumper." 

"Yeah, well I forgot." Eddie let out a low chuckle, pulling of his jacket so that he could put it around Y/n. He made sure it was on her properly, even though it was a little big. Once it was, he placed a kiss to her temple, embracing her in a hug afterwards to keep them both warm. "See isn't this better?"

"Ok, fine. Yes it is." He huffed, looking down at his watch and then up at the sky. "Any second now."

"What?" Her question was soon answered when the sound of sizzling and crackling were created. That's when she saw what Eddie was looking at. Different colours filled the sky and the bright lights outlined shapes in the clouds above. "Woah, it's beautiful."

"I concur." He only saw a glimpse of the fireworks as he had been too busy admiring the gorgeous girl sitting right beside him. The scene was incredible yet he was still unsure which was more beautiful. Definitely Y/n. 

"Thank you for tonight Eddie. It was perfect."

"Well then I've gotta try and make the next date even better." They both knew that it would be difficult to plan something even better, but who knows maybe he would.

"Pfft, better than the fair?"

Eddie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now