Second Chance

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TW: implied abuse?

Eddie had his book in hand while he walked out of class excited for lunch. Instead of paying attention during the lesson, he had been brainstorming new ideas for the campaign. Hopefully the rest of the club would be intrigued to hear about them.

When he turned one of the corners that led to his locker, he happened to run into someone else. All of the sheets of paper tucked into his book scattered in front of him. He hurriedly gathered them all before anyone else noticed. 

"Watch where you're going freak." Someone spat at him as he grabbed the last sheet of paper. It didn't take a genius to recognise who it was. He tried to refrain from eye rolling since it would only make matters worse. 

Luckily for him not many people had witnessed the incident since they were all busy engaged in their own conversations along the hallway. The only people who were paying attention was the person he had run into and her little posse. He wasted no more time lingering around them and rushed off as they all snickered to themselves.

There were some people at Hawkins High who definitely needed an ego check. They thought that they ran the school and that everyone loved them. Well newsflash, no one did. Especially that very group that had just called him a freak. Y/n's group. 

He wanted so hard to look past they're constant bullying and teasing. He wanted to believe that they only acted this way because maybe something was wrong at home or that maybe they had a good reason for being assholes. But all he knew was that he couldn't wait to graduate and leave them behind. 


It was late at night, around eleven according to Eddie's watch. He had been staying up to work more on the campaign. 

The last thing he expected was someone to be knocking on his door. It couldn't have been Wayne since he was working very late tonight. Who knows, it was possible that he had gotten off early.

Dropping his pencil onto the countertop, he went over to the front door. The second he opened it he attempted to shut it but the person who had been knocking pushed the door back open with their hand.

"Please don't close it on me." They begged, still keeping their hand firmly in its position so Eddie couldn't close it. "I really need a smoke or some weed, I've got money."

It took a minute for Eddie to reply, he was just surprised to see the Y/n standing in front of him at this time of night. He was also a little reluctant to let her in since it wouldn't be a surprise if this was a prank. But then again it would just be a deal right?

After making up his mind, he stepped aside allowing her to enter which she immediately did. They went straight to his room, where he flicked the light on before heading to his drawers to search for what she needed. Once he found it he hopped up, heading back over to her.

"Here you go." As he held it out for her, he noticed a couple bruises and cuts on her face. He was contemplating whether or not to mention it but decided against. She was probably here to forget about whatever happened for a little while. "It's fine, this one's on the house."

"Are you sure?" 

He nodded in response, digging through his pocket until he found his pack of cigarettes. Handing one to her and grabbing one for himself, he picked up his lighter on the bedside table. Lighting his own cigarette, he followed Y/n to his front door.

"Do you mind if I just stay out here for a bit, I don't really wanna go home." She admit, suddenly finding the ground interesting. Ashamed is what she felt, being so vulnerable around someone she had bullied for years. At this point she wouldn't even be mad or surprised if the next day he told the entire school how she had shown up at his trailer all beat up and desperate for drugs. 

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